
Genshin Impact: Rebirth of the unchain Berserker beast

Ambrose A warrior that was a part of the berserker's group were man and women partake they were all brothers and sisters Until the great betrayal happen his fellow brothers and sisters fall in the hands of a group of people that were against the berserkers who they call demons because of their ferocious and dark nature in battle Ambrose is kill at his last stand remembering the lost of brethren He is fuel with rage. Until a voice calls out to him to give him a chance to live in another world. But before that could happen he is leave with a task save it’s people from the incoming calamity. or will Ambrose not care at all. only doing as he pleases in the world he is sent. [images are not mine. All images are use as reference to what is going on the story. I repeat images are use respectfully.]

c_fanficsCSM · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

—Question for you the audience and ideas for the fic’s chapters—

You guys don't mind if I add the warhammer chaos spawns into the fic.

Since i want the MC to have a hard time dealing either with the chaos cultist from the four chaos gods, wether be from khorne, nurgel, tzeentch, and slanesh.

What you guys think, should i add some stuff from the total warhammer franchise as well as the warhammer series? (Basically a mixed between both.)

I want this fic to be something different, where it doesn't repeat itself likes some fics tend to do in most platforms.

I want this to be something new where you guys as the audience get to read something new, and fun Wether be from the genshin com as well as the warhammer com, as well as some of normal folks who read fics.


If there any ideas you guys have wether be for this present chapter or the incoming chapters, just comment your ideas down below.


(Author note: Am working on the next chapter so don't worry am not dropping the fic. Am trying my best as to make it interesting and fun for you guys to read.)