
Genshin Impact: I'll Subdue Raiden Shogun No Matter What

This is the story of a young man who wants to subdue Raiden Shogun at all costs. Even in a cunning way.

JuNn_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs

Ch. 59: Killer, or Should It Be Called Savior?

The murderous desire welled up within me. My gaze fixed upon Furina, frozen at the threshold with a face drained of color.

I growled. My body lowered, braced in a battle stance ready to strike.

Without warning, I sprang forward like a predator rending its prey!

My claws unsheathed, poised to rip and tear Furina's frail flesh.

She gasped, recoiling in an ungainly motion unbecoming of a noble or trained fighter.

Yet Furina managed to evade my initial assault. I snarled angrily, unleashing slash after slash with my blood-stained talons.

Furina dodged with unexpected movements, as if dancing to avoid my frenzied attacks.

Her body twisted, leaping here and there in desperate effort to elude my savage swipes.

I grew ever more frustrated as she, again and again, narrowly escaped my raking claws.

Until at last, in one fleeting moment, I saw an opening as Furina faltered!

With lightning speed, I lashed out a powerful kick, my foot thrusting towards her midsection!


Furina's body went hurtling, slamming hard against the wall.

She coughed, spitting up fresh blood from her lips.

Her eyes squinted in pain, regarding me with a terrified, horror-stricken gaze that darkened her pupils.

Seeing the pleading expression on her face, I merely unsheathed my claws further as I advanced upon her.

The murderous aura radiated from every inch of my being.

Slowly, I leaned my body towards her, ready to seize and rend her throat at any moment.

Furina wept in terror, her body shrinking back in a futile attempt to escape the final judgment awaiting her.

Until at last her back met the wall, with no avenue of escape remaining from me.

I grinned, opening my jaws to issue forth the battle cry that would herald the end of her existence.

But at that moment...


A deafening blast exploded from the side, startling me! I whipped my head around to find myself squarely shot from the flank!

The projectile lodged in the side of my skull, sending me crashing through the window glass which spiderwebbed from the impact of my body slamming against it!

I howled in agony, yet consciousness did not leave me.

Indeed, the attack had only fanned the flames of my already burning rage!

I whirled around, roaring savagely at the figure who had just fired upon me.

But moments later, they unleashed a second projectile hurtling towards me!

This time the shot struck my body squarely, blasting me backwards to smash completely through the already cracked windowpane!

Shards of glass exploded outwards as my body sailed from within the inn!

I let out an ear-piercing scream of anguish.

Before I could retaliate, my senses slowly ebbed until at last, my vision faded to black.


Groaning in pain. Slowly, I opened my eyes. My sight was blurred and a throbbing ache pounded in my head.

Damn, this really hurts!

Looking around, I found myself lying amidst the wreckage of the decimated inn.

Then my gaze fell upon Furina standing warily not far from me.

As soon as she realized I was conscious, she started and took a nervous step backwards.

"Why are you here?" I rasped, clutching my pounding head.

I struggled to recall what had previously occurred, but my mind was too foggy.

Furina snorted angrily. "What do you mean by that form of address? I am the Archon, address me with respect!"

I frowned at her haughty tone.

Slowly, my memories began to resurface. Yes, Furina was an Archon who ruled over Fontaine! But... she was actually human. Why so arrogant, damn it?

Well, it seemed she had saved me from a... less than sane state earlier. I should at least thank her.

I tried to sit up while still clutching my aching head.

"My apologies, Lady Furina... and thank you for saving me." I attempted to recollect further, then regarded her questioningly. "Who was it that shot me earlier?"

Furina waved her hand dismissively.

"I know not who it was, but they managed to bring you back from your madness. It was not I!"

That's right... I recalled being shot from the side, sent crashing through that window pane. The pain in my head must be from that gunshot.

But should I thank the one who tried to kill me?

How insane!

I pushed myself up to stand with great difficulty. Yet no sooner had I gotten my feet under me than I swayed, nearly collapsing again.

My injuries were severe... I looked down at my battered body. An absolute wreck.

Furina approached and helped steady me with a hint of pity.

"You had best remain still for now. You must be gravely wounded... see how your head is? It seems you took a shot clean to the temple," she lightly jested with a chuckle.

She dares to make jokes at a time like this?

"Not funny, you know."

Yet then her expression turned serious once more. "But how is it you did not perish?"

I furrowed my brow in confusion while still grasping her arm to keep from falling again. But suddenly Furina withdrew her support, causing me to sway and collapse back to the floor in a sitting position.

"Are you even trying to help me or not? So foolish!" I snapped, irritated by her hypocritical behavior.

Furina retreated to a safer distance, regarding me with a wary look.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she took in my severely injured state. Clearly she did not trust me after witnessing my monstrous condition earlier.

I let out a long sigh... but honestly, who would want me dead?

The Treasure Hoarders came to mind, like Boss and Alex. Hmm... maybe Wiliam? Amelia was a possibility too. She was highly suspect no matter how you looked at it.

If not among them then...

At that moment, the image of a young woman flashed through my thoughts.

This possibility I could accept if it were her... If she truly wished me dead, then so be it.

I would have no objection to perishing by her hand.



(Third Person POV)

A heavy silence hung in the air, as stifling as the chill mist that crept through every corner of the house.

The stillness felt louder than any footstep or creak of a door hinge.

The oppressive quiet resonated like a haunting melody of loneliness assaulting the ears.

Keqing lay motionless upon her bed, the dark circles ringing her panda-like eyes bearing witness to her aversion to slumber's embrace.

The windows were shuttered tight, thick curtains blocking the sun's rays from penetrating within. Yet nothing could bar the muffled sounds of the crowds outside from seeping through the cracks in the walls.

Every time her ears caught the deep timbre of a man's voice, her body tensed instinctively.

In a reflexive motion, she clutched the covers tighter, pulling them over her ears as if erecting a final barricade against the cruel outside world.

The bedsheets now damp with a ceaseless torrent of tears, a trail of heartache that flowed unchecked.

Her emotions raged like ocean waves crashing against the cliffs.

Swollen and reddened eyes told the tale of relentless weeping.

The rustle of sheets as she squeezed her eyes shut even tighter, seeking solace in a darkness more safe and controlled.

The trauma of the 'previous incident' had left scars etched deep into her very soul.


A/N: If you want to read the 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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By the way, don't forget to throw a power stone and leave a review to motivate me :)

Starting from now on, I will update on webnovel once a week.

A/N: If you want to read the 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


Replace "â" with "a" and search for it in your browser.

By the way, don't forget to throw a power stone and leave a review to motivate me :)

JuNn_creators' thoughts