
Genshin Impact: I'll Subdue Raiden Shogun No Matter What

This is the story of a young man who wants to subdue Raiden Shogun at all costs. Even in a cunning way.

JuNn_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs

Ch. 35: Keqing's Favourite Foods

"Late, late, you're late. I've been waiting for you.

"Where have you been? Why are you late? Give me an excuse. I don't accept excuses that don't make sense. You arbitrarily came here late while I'm here waiting for you boredly."

Keqing's tone raised, she narrowed her eyes at me, occasionally pointing at me with her index finger, declaring that I was wrong.

No doubt Keqing was really angry that I was late.

Before Keqing asked me to continue training this morning, I interjected with an answer that I had thought of on the way here.

If I didn't hurry up and give an answer, she might inevitably ask me to practice immediately. This was not what I wanted.

"I apologise. I had some sudden business. I was called by Katheryne just now because of a request from someone... she asked me to look for her valuables.

"After I returned the item, I stopped by for a moment to buy some food. In return, I bought this as an apology. I want you to accept my forgiveness." Before Keqing could interject, I added, "Let's take a break first, while the food is still warm. Food is delicious when it's enjoyed while it's warm."

Keqing was about to opened her mouth to reply to my words.

Seeing me walk over and sit under the tree, she seemed to decide to keep her answer to herself.

She accepted my excuse and sat down beside me.

We were so close.

I could smell her scent, which smelled so good.

This aroused the passion in my body.

When I shook my head, it instantly dispelled my dirty thoughts.

I unwrapped and revealed the Golden Shrimp Ball.

This is a food that costs a insane amount of money... just watch out if it doesn't taste good, I'll curse.

Golden Shrimp Ball, as the name implies, is shrimp. It's a fried shrimp with a small and cute shape. There are eight shrimps in total.

From its outer appearance, I could tell that it was made with great care.

The aroma is also really sharp. It will entice anyone to come here when they smell this aroma.

This was undoubtedly a high-end item.

"Golden Shrimp Ball?" asked Keqing curiously.

There was no doubt that she was also enamoured of the Golden Shrimp Ball's outward appearance and scent.

Perhaps she would accept my apology.

I put on a smile and nodded.

"Isn't it expensive?" asked Keqing, blinking a few times.

I shook my head. "As I said earlier, it's an apology. Also, I'm actually very grateful to you for teaching me. Think of it as a form of gratitude in addition to an apology as well."

When I finished saying that, she paused for a moment and then turned her gaze to the Golden Shrimp Ball.

I looked at her face from the side with enthusiasm.

Picking it up with the small pointy-tipped bamboo stick provided, she took a slow bite of the Golden Shrimp Ball.

As if an overwhelming flavour instantly exploded in her mouth, her eyes twinkled like stars in the night sky, filled with happiness and excitement.

Keqing closed her eyes, savouring every moment of her bite. Her face was radiant with happiness, like a flower blooming in spring.

She continued to eat the Golden Shrimp Ball with gusto, one bite after another. Her hands moved quickly, endlessly picking up the delicious golden shrimp.

Ah... she was really enjoying it...

Realising that I was looking at her, Keqing hurriedly turned her face away.

At a glance, before she looked away, I saw that her cheeks were as red as a sunset sky dotted with orange tints. Also, her ears were as red as her cheeks. She was blushing.

Instantly, my heart was beating like a war drum being beaten vigorously.

I want to keep teasing her like this!

She's so cute and funny!

It's addictive to make her like this... maybe I should really learn to cook so I can keep teasing her.

I can give you Golden Shrimp Ball.

As a plan, I won't give her Golden Shrimp Ball every day. Otherwise, it will lose its special flavour.

I'll give food that tastes far above ordinary, but below the delicious flavour that the Golden Shrimp Ball brings. While the Golden Shrimp Ball is used as a dessert.

That would be a good plan!

"You should eat too... I won't eat anymore if you don't," Keqing said, her face still turned away, embarrassed to look at me.

As per her request, I also took one of the Golden Shrimp Balls using the small bamboo stick Keqing was using.

It was quite savoury and tasty.

It's better than anything I've tried before.

No wonder it was expensive.

"I wonder why Miss Keqing seemed to enjoy this food so much. It tastes really good."

"Just call me Keqing, no need to add miss."

This... I don't know if she has given me a chance to get to know her better.

I nodded in reply that I understood. "I also want you to just call me Charles."

Keqing fell silent for an instantly, her eyes looking at me. This was awkward. She probably didn't think I would ask her to call me by my first name only.

She turned her gaze forwards, her lips parting. "All right, Charles."

She covered her mouth with her fingers, her cheeks flushed red, appearing to blush.

This is adorable!

"Actually, this is my favourite food. So thank you for letting me eat it. I know it must be expensive, right?

"Or did you make it yourself?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm also happy to be able to eat this with you. Also the price of this food is not really a problem for me." I smiled when I said that.

At the same time I held my lips from twitching when I said 'the price is not a problem for me'

This was actually really problematic!

As Keqing continued eating, I thought about the topic I wanted to discuss with her.

This topic was related to the Lantern Rite festival when I took a stroll in Liyue Harbor.

"By the way, I wandered around Liyue Harbor just now, there were a lot of people passing by. In addition, there are decorations on every building that I haven't seen before.

"Some of the children there have also started making a lantern. Does Keqing know something?"

"Oh that... there's actually a Lantern Rite festival coming up in Liyue soon. It's held once every year.

" It seems like you're not from here." Keqing giggled softly, so cute and sweet. "You know, ummm... Charles doesn't know anything about this festival."

At the mention of 'my name', she looked away shyly.

"Lantern Rite Festival? What's that?"

I decided to pretend that I didn't know anything about this festival.

Actually, my smile stuck to my face due to the excitement of teasing Keqing.

Keqing accidentally coughed once. "Lantern Rite is an annual festival for the Liyue people held to honour the heroes of the past.

"At this festival, the Liyue people will light lanterns in the night sky, held under the light of the full moon.

"The festival is characterised by rituals such as prayers for peace, protection or warding off evil spirits, and the release of lanterns, including the majestic Mingxiao Lantern and the smaller Xiao Lantern.

"The festival symbolises the guiding light that leads fallen heroes back to Liyue.

"I guess that's my explanation. What about Charles, does anyone still not understand?"

I shook my head. "I've got it. This festival looks like it's going to be a lot of fun."

Keqing picked up the Golden Shrimp Ball again for the umpteenth time.

At this moment, Keqing suddenly fell silent.

She shifted her gaze to the front, then turned back to me.

Her lips were trembling. "I'm sorry. I actually ate your Golden Shrimp Ball.

"I didn't expect me to eat seven Golden Shrimp Balls, while you only ate one. I'm really sorry."

I curled my lip. "It's fine."

It wasn't for me in the first place but for you!


Please throw a power stone to keep me motivated!

hope you guys like it. support me with ko-fi so I can upload more :)
