
Resort to Violence

Things have been lively at the Pokemon Studio ever since Qiqi and Nana arrived.

The two sisters have quickly become the best of friends. It was as if they were joined at the hips, they were together from morning till night. They even slept on the same bed so they were with each other 24 hours of the day.

A week quitely passed in this manner. Loki had been planning to head to Mondstadt. The situation in the nation of freedom had just calmed down and he intended to introduce Pokemon during this time of need.

However, something happened that skewed all of his plans.



A low growl emerged in the quite lounge and Dusk rose from the floor with a grim and cold demeanor. The ghost pokemon that never spoke, had spoken for the first time. This had alerted everyone.

"Dusk, what happened? Where are the girls?" Loki asked with a sense of urgency.

Dusk has been assigned as a bodyguard and he followed Qiqi and Nana as they went out to play with Yaoyao. But he had now returned alone, everyone had a premonition and it was not pleasant.

(The Fatui kidnapped them.)

As soon as these words fell, a murderous presence filled the entire place.

"What happened?"

Ark growled with a barely concealed rage and impatience. The senile old pokemon had instantly disappeared and he seemed to have return to his prime.

Loki was calm, or as calm as a father whose child had just been kidnapped. He tapped his finger on the table and a burst of ghost type energy radiated from him.

Frost and the three psychic type pokemon hurried into the lounge a moment later. They had been tending to the store when they felt the surge of energy and immediately felt an ominous sign.

In a few seconds, his energy had covered the entire Liyue Harbor and every life in this place.

"They are not in Liyue Harbor."

Loki finally spoke the obvious. Dusk looked down with shame as he began to explain what happened.


(A while ago)

Dusk had been assigned as a bodyguard for today so he hid inside the shadow and secretly followed Qiqi and Nana.

The two girls met up with Yaoyao and ventured into the outskirts of Liyue. They eventually arrived at the Luhua Pool and began to play near the water.

Dusk had been watching over them for nearly an hour before he noticed a disturbance in the direction of the Guili Plains. He heeded the cries of the dead and peered into the distance. It took a few seconds before he noticed a group of Fatui escorting a few caravans.

Dead souls wandered around the caravan, giving him some idea as to what happened. These Fatui had killed some pokemon trainers and stole their pokemon. And these pokemon were being imprisoned inside the caravans.

Dusk looked at the three girls and the caravan, and pondered about the correct choice. He eventually made a decision and turned to the group of Fatui.

It only took a few minutes for the ghost pokemon to reach the caravan and deal with the Fatui. He released the captured pokemon and motioned for them to head to Liyue Harbor and the Pokemon Studio.

Everything was going well until this point.

Dusk returned to the Luhua Pool, intending to resume his role as a bodyguard. But in the course of a few minutes he had been gone, something had already happened.

Qiqi and Nana had disappeared, and only Yaoyao was sprawled out in the shallow parts of the water. Dusk approached Yaoyao and noticed that she was fast asleep due to the effects of an Anesthetic.

He woke the little girl up and questioned her. She was groggy and disoriented but she was able to admit that she saw a white haired man before she passed out.

"That man was wearing a white coat and a black mask."

Yaoyao added in a worried voice. She could not see her friends around her. That was enough to remind her that they had been kidnapped.

"Please. You have to save them." She clung to his arms and pleaded.

Dusk did not respond to the little girl. He could indeed remain behind and search for Qiqi and Nana but he did not want to risk it. He had already made a mistake of chasing after a trap and leaving his wards alone. He could not waste any more time. He had to call for reinforcements.

In the end, despite the protest from the little girl, Dusk had carried her and rushed to Liyue Harbor.


After listening to everything Dusk had to share, Ark was already on the verge of exploding from rage. Most of the ghost pokemon shared the same feeling.

"They are understimating us too much." Loki could also no longer remain calm. 

The fact that the Fatui targeted his two daughters but left the disciple of an Adepti alone, told him a lot.

The Fatui didn't want to provoke the Adepti. However, they were willing to provoke the Pokemon Studio. Or did they thought he and his friends were not able to do anything to them.

Loki considered this kidnapping as his fault. He had been civil ever since he arrived in Tevyat and never showed any form of strength. It was mainly because he wanted to have a friendly relationship with the seven Archons but that clearly backfired.

"I found them."

Charge spoke from the TV and everyone turned to it. A map of Liyue was displayed on the screen and two green dots flickered near the Dunyu Ruins.

"Qiqi and Nana were moving towards the vicinity of the Dunyu Ruins 5 minutes ago before their location was cut off due to some form of jamming."

Loki usually looked carefree but he had always been cautious. He had put a microchip in Qiqi and Nana, in case of an unforseen circumstance like the present. Qiqi also had a pokenav with her. All of these gadgets were able to pinpoint their locations.


With his words as the signal, all of the ghost type pokemon dispersed. Loki turned to the four pokemon that remained behind.

"Voir, Rene and Chime. Close the store and guard this place."

Chime shook his bell in response while Voir and Rene bowed with a solemn expression.

[Yes, boss.]

[As you command.]

Loki nodded his head. He carried Mimi and left soon after. Loki had a calm expression as he rushed to the Dunyu Ruins but that was what made him even more scarier.

Ghost had always been vengeful. He and his friends had learned to control their desire because they have lived for a long time. However that didn't mean they had lost their innate desire.

If peace is not an option, resort to violence.

All of the ghost type pokemon have been idle for hundreds and thousands of years. And now, they have been released into the world. What followed after would obviously be a one sided massacre.


Streaks of black and white rushed through the skies and shadows of Liyue Harbor. Zhongli could sense them even though he was inside a building. He made a solemn expression as he took a sip from his osmanthus wine.

"A storm is brewing." He whispered.

"Eh. Did you say something, Mr. Zhongli?" Childe asked curiously.

This Fatui Harbinger had approached him for a contract. Zhongli had thought of it as a fair contract as he didn't really value the gnosis. However, that deal was doomed to fail now.

The disguised geo archon looked at the Fatui Harbinger with a look of sympathy. Childe was confused about the sudden change in attitude. He thought back to the momentary surge of ominous energy that seemed to lock onto them and wondered if Zhongli was concerned about that.

"Are you worried about those pokemon?"

He spoke casually, unaware of the fate awaiting for him.


After being left on the steets of Liyue, Yaoyao ran as fast as she could and met her master on Yujing Terrace.

"Master. Qiqi and Nana were kidnapped. Please help them."

The old woman laughed lightly and patted Yaoyao in a reassuring manner.

"Hohoho. Don't worry, my dear child. Someone else have already moved to find them."

Madame Ping looked at the Liyue Harbor from the high vintage point of Yujing Terrace. Yaoyao followed her gaze and also looked below.

It was then she saw streaks of black and white drawing a straight line from the eastern Harbor to the west.


Ganyu felt the numerous powerful presence leaving the Pokemon Studio at the same time. She and Lia had been nearby so they quickly came to check the situation.

When they arrived at the Pokemon Studio, they found the door locked. This was unusual as it was still midday. As they wondered if they should leave, the door opened and a solemn voice spoke in their mind.

[Come inside quickly.]

The two of them walked inside and the door immediately closed behind them. They immediately saw the stuffs scattered around the store. Voir and Rene were tending to the damages.

It was as if a storm had brewed in this place. All of the furnitures had been misplaced and damaged. The fruits and various products were squashed and spoiled. The books had flown from the shelves and scattered everywhere while the shelves themselves had toppled to the floor.

[What happened, mom?] Lia asked with a worried expression. She could not see any of the ghost residents so she became even more worried and confused.

Voir shook her head. Most of the damages were done by Ark, who could not hold his anger back and his ghost energy spilled out in an uncontrolled manner. The rest were made when everyone rushed out of the building at their fastest speed.

[The two young ladies were kidnapped. Everyone is pissed.] Voir summarized everything in this two sentences.

Ganyu and Lia widened their eyes. Rene looked at their shocked expression and added with a light remark.

[I pity those fools. They won't be able to escape even in death.]