

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urbain
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

"So, this is awkward..."Scott says.

"But, its fine-we are not actually together after all"Genora says while looking James straight in the eye.

"Can we talk in private?", James asks but Genora turns him down."Well It was a real pleasure meeting you Scott, but Im afraid I have to go be with my girlfriend" Genora says as she gets up.

" Genora wai-"James says following right behind her but Genora puts her hand up telling him to stop.

"James, Im not mad-we are not together after all. I'll text you later okay" she says, she winks at him and walks out. As she heads for the elevator she mumbles to herself," Poor little me."

Later, Genora arrives at the res and barges into Lisa's dorm room making her wakeup up startled.

"Genora?" she asks as she looks at her surprised. She smiled and twirls around while asking, "Like it?"

"I love it!" Lisa says excitedly while abruptly getting up to assess her more, "You unrecognisable G" she adds.

"You didn't go to campus?" Genora asks.

"No, I decided to just skip today; how was your test baby?"

"My test was good" she lies

"So I got us to tickets to a movie tonight, do you w-"

"Yes!" Lisa answers excitedly as Genora smirks.

"Good be ready by 7, I got a few things to do before then... I'll see you then." She says and kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

Later that day it was 6:30 am and Genora knocks on Lisa's door.

"Im almost ready," she says and after a few minutes she comes out. Lisa is dressed in tight black pants, a tank top with a plunging neckline, and leather or black denim jacket.

"I didn't have enough time to finish doing my makeup," she says

"It's alright, you still look stunning, I love the outfit," Genora says while assessing her.

"Thanks, I see you didn't change"

"I felt that I was already dressed for the occasion."

Genora and Lisa make their way to the theatre, Genora buys the popcorn and some snack while Lisa covers the drinks. They debate for w while for which movie to go for but eventually decide on Life in Paris- a two-hour rom-com movie. After two hours, they both decide to call it a night and head back to res. As they exit the theatre they run into Dr Hougwarts who is with another woman who looked similar to her.

"Genora?" she calls out and she sighs in annoyance as she was hoping she wouldn't recognise her.

"How are you doing?" she asks while the person with her simply observes.

"Im alright"she replies with a fake smile.

"I see you changed your look"


"This is my sister, Margret," she says referring to the women next to her two simply smiles in acknowledgement, "And this is my girlfriend, Lisa," she says and Lisa says hi to both.

"Well...we have to get going now, it getting kinda late"

"Y-yes, I will see you Tuesday?" she asks

"Yes," Genora confirms.

As the two pairs split off, Genora can't help but be bothered by how those two women looked at her, as if they knew something and wanted to say more but they didn't"

"You know I think it's about time you stop seeing that therapist,"Lisa says.


"Well its been a while since you have complained about any migraines or headaches..."

"It is not as if, that was the only reason I was seeing her," Genora says as they walk past the street.

"Then why else are you seeing her?" she asks as she halts and looks at her with a pout.

Genora simply remains silent and stares back at her.

"So your not going to say anything?"

"No, why must I be honest with you if your not honest with me?" she says as she now folds her hands and pouts, mimicking her actions.

Annoyed Lisa asks, "what do you mean?"

"You lock your phone while you easily access the mine, where is the trust in that?"

Lisa grabs her phone immediately to unlock it relieved that it was not what she thought it was confronting her for."My password is 5467, now there are no secrets between us" Genora smirks at this-her strategy worked.

"No secrets?" she asks, testing if she might tell him but instead she shakes her head and assures her.

"I started to see the therapist because I didn't know what to think or who to trust, I needed a third view to help me navigate, but now I know who to trust, "Genora says which makes Lisa nervous.

"W-who" she stutters.

"You, of course, you have been there for me since the first day, how can I not trust you" Genora reaches for her hand to entwine it with hers as they walk back. They decide to spend the night at Genora's room and as they slept, she only pretends to until she is sure Lisa was completely knocked out. She carefully moves to be mindful of Lisa and reaches to the bedside table for Lisa's phone. , and She unlocks it and lowers the brightness; searching through all her messaging apps she does not see her fathers name. Genora stops to suddenly think, If I was trying to hide a contact on my phone what would I do? She suddenly halts and goes to the phone app and enters his number. A name called Stephanie shows up and Genora smirks.

She goes back to the messaging app and starts to read the conversations, as she reads through it she can't help but wonder why would she do this, what is I it for her-unless...he is blackmailing her or something. Unfortunately, it seemed as if messages older than yesterday had been deleting and all that was there was just Lisa informing him about my life and what I've been doing today.

She exits the app and places her phone back on the table, for a while she just stares at the roof before drifting off to sleep.

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