

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urbain
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

"leaving so soon," He asks as I break from his embrace.

"Yea," I say while rubbing my mouth glaring at him.

"I have a girlfriend and yet you kiss me!"I scream

"But you kissed me back, I know you are also feeling what Im feeling Genora"

I shake my head in denial

"Look at me and tell me you didn't feel anything, "He says while holding me and looking at me dead in the eye.

"I don't feel anything" I break from his hold and head for the door.

"at least listen to my side of the story"He urges as my back is turned to him, my mind is in turmoil, part of me is saying to leave but another pushes for me to stay and listen.

"Fine, but no funny business" I warn and he nods, he gestures that I take a seat. He gives me a blank sealed envelope, I open it to see a letter- from what I read it seems to be lab results for pills.

"Genora, when you found out about this, you went to see your father but you returned without any memories with Lisa claiming to be your lover."He adds on.

"Claim? You must be lying about Lisa."

"No I'm not, look, " He says as he gives me his phone. I take a look to see the three of us Lisa, James and I. We seemed to be outside an ice-cream place as we were all smiling and posing for a picture.

"Lisa claimed that we were never friends, but clearly we were- this was taken the night before you left."

The letter drops from my hands in shock, I bury my face between my hands in distress...I could not believe what he was saying.

" I know your conflicted right now especially on the people you can trust, so I suggest when you go back to your dorm-act as if nothing is wrong"


"Because the last time you confronted, it didn't go so well..."

"Are you trying to say they did something to me?"

"Possibly, the wisest move right now would be to assess and-"Suddenly James is cut off by my groans of pain as I fall to the floor holding my head in pain, James crouches over me in worry.

A tightness on my left side of the head right around the jaw hinge reaching on the side of the neck and just below the temple. This unbearable pain felt as if it was spreading quite fast around my head.

My left eye twinge a little on and off as the pressure and ache grow outwards. The pain moves all the way until it reaches the base of the left side of the neck to the left side of my spine. My muscles begin to feel extremely tender, it reaches around my neck to about an inch from my throat. It goes until about two inches above my ear and to the side of my left eyebrow. The image of James panicked face begins to fade, his voice unwillingly tuned out as I blackout.

"What happened is she okay?"Is the first thing I hear as I am slowly coming back along with a beeping sound.

As I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the bright light in the room I notice three figures in the room. As my vision properly adjust, Lisa is who my eyes first land on, following with James and the doctor.

"Thank God your awake," she says as she moves closer to the hospital bed and places her hand on my forehead as if to check for my temperature. She sighs in relief and asks: "Why were you with, James?" Instantly I felt bad recalling the kiss I had with him before I could think of a reply, the doctor asks for some privacy with me as she explains to conduct a few tests.

Lisa hesitantly leaves with James but not before he sneaks a small glance of worry towards me.

Now, this is a little weirded and the doctor tells me it was normal. The main artery on the left side of my neck has a lot of pressure build and the throbbing begins. Every pulse it makes is like a hammer hitting my head. I am not light or noise-sensitive but talking is a no go for now and moving around for a while. I begin to feel queezy and get chills. I have to sway back and forth laying on my left side to distract from the pain. If I can not decrease the pain, take meds or knock out I begin to throw up. I have no desire to eat, drink and smells kill me.

The nurse gave me Demerol injections as an emergency aid after vomiting for too long and becoming dehydrated.

"Your father has already paid for the hospital bill, you would not need to worry about that and we will need to keep you in for observation."The doctor says, he conducts a few more tests and takes his leaves. For a while, I just lay on the bed-starring at the ceiling in the thought of what Im going to say to Lisa. I talk to my dad for a few minutes, easing his worries about my health and explaining the situation that happened. As we are saying our goodbyes Lisa walks in the room along with James.

"How are you feeling?"Lisa asks with concern.

"Better..." I croak

"What did the doctor say?" James asks which causes Lisa to have an annoyed look on her face.

"To stop or help the pain, first I try to relax, get fruits into my system and water. Next, I will choose Motrin and ice packs on my neck and head to slow the blood flow. I was forced to stay here till morning to fall asleep with my head in ice. The doctor thought it was best to keep me overnight for observation. Next, I go to my med Imatrex or Reaplex. But both are very bad for my heart and the side effects will last me a few days. I had also been given an anti-anxiety pill like Ativan to aid. "

"Did they say what the cause was?"James asks while Lisa snickers at him

"He said my migraines are more influence by my hormones. I cannot take BC that has hormones in them and like a lot of others I don't just get migraines but cluster headaches, tensions headaches."

Lisa looks at me with confusion, "Why did you start taking birth control?" she asks

"Well I wanted to regulate my period and for skincare."

"Okay...so why were you with James?" she asks as she folds her arms and looks at James with sass.

"James and I are doing a few common modules together and I couldn't grasp certain work content so I asked for help."I simply say.

She shakes her head in annoyance," well next time, just hire a tutor and you should leave!" she says while glaring at James. He sighs and moves closer to the bed, and gives me a peck on the forehead as he leans away he smirks at Lisa which makes her more enraged.

"Get out!" she shouts, as he leaves him nonchalantly and waves goodbye which makes me smile, she looks back at me and my smile turns to a frown.

"Genora you should really stay away from him, "Lisa says as she gives me a peck on the lips and takes a seat.

I don't say anything else, but turn to my right and pretend to sleep.

After around 40 minutes I take a small peek towards Lisa and see she was asleep. As silent as possible, I tiptoe to the small table close to her chair and carefully grab her phone. I enter the password and go through her contacts list for her chats, as I am scrolling I freeze as I notice my dad's contact was there but saved as Kade. My heart quickens as I hear Lisa groan and turn on her side, I let out a breath of relief realising she hasn't woken up.

It doesn't make sense to me, usually, you don't save your girlfriend parents name as their first name, it was not as if they were close...right? I click on the chat but to only see it blank...but it shows they last spoke an hour ago. She must erase it every day; as quietly as possible, I slowly place the phone back on the desk and tiptoe back to the bed.