
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

The Trip to Berlin

As Ethan arrived in Berlin, he was greeted by the warm smile of Frau Müller, the competition organizer. She welcomed him warmly and presented him with a certificate confirming his participation in the German Language Competition.

Over the next few days, Ethan immersed himself in the city, practicing his German language skills and getting familiar with the competition format. He was impressed by the city's rich history, cultural landmarks, and vibrant atmosphere.

On the day of the competition, Ethan took his place among the other participants from around the world. The competition was fierce, with many talented linguists vying for the top spot.

The first round consisted of a written exam, where Ethan had to translate a complex text from German to English. He felt confident about his language skills, but was surprised to find that the text was more challenging than he expected.

After submitting his translation, Ethan waited anxiously for the results. The judges announced that he had made a few minor mistakes, but overall, his translation was strong.

He moved on to the next round, a spoken presentation where he had to discuss a given topic in German. Ethan chose a topic he was passionate about - sustainability in urban planning - and delivered a confident and well-structured presentation.

The judges were impressed by his fluency and knowledge of the topic. He made it to the final round, where he would face off against two other competitors.

The final round was a debate on a current event, where Ethan had to argue for or against a given topic in German. He was nervous but focused, using his knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to make strong arguments.

The topic for the debate was a hotly contested issue in Germany: Should Germany phase out coal as an energy source by 2030? Ethan was assigned to argue in favor of phasing out coal, while his opponents would argue against it.

As he stood at the podium, Ethan took a deep breath and began his argument. He started by highlighting the environmental benefits of transitioning away from coal, citing the devastating impact it had on air and water quality. He also mentioned the economic benefits of investing in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power.

Ethan's opponents presented strong counterarguments, citing the economic costs of transitioning away from coal and the need for energy security. However, Ethan was well-prepared and effectively countered their points with statistics and examples.

The debate was intense, with all three competitors presenting their arguments with passion and conviction. In the end, the judges deliberated, weighing the merits of each argument.

After what seemed like an eternity, Frau Müller announced the winner: Ethan had taken first place!

Ethan was overwhelmed with emotion as he accepted the award and congratulations from his opponents. He had done it – he had won the German Language Competition!

As he left the stage, Ethan was approached by one of the judges, who congratulated him on his win and asked him to represent Germany at the International Language Competition in Paris.

Ethan was stunned. He had never imagined that winning this competition would lead to this opportunity. But he was thrilled at the chance to represent Germany and test his language skills against competitors from around the world.

Ethan was taken aback by the news that he would be representing Germany at the International Language Competition. He had never imagined that he would have this opportunity, and he was thrilled but also a bit overwhelmed.

Frau Müller reassured him that he shouldn't worry about the competition right now, as it would take place after he finished his high school studies. She told him to focus on his studies and come back to the competition when the time is right.

However, Ethan couldn't shake off the excitement and sense of responsibility that came with this new development. He felt like he had been given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to represent his country and showcase his language skills on the international stage.

As he walked back to his hotel, Ethan stumbled upon a mysterious scroll-like document on the streets of Berlin. The parchment had a strange symbol on it, and as he touched it, the symbol glowed, revealing a cryptic message:

"The Language of the Ancients awaits. Find the Key to unlock the secrets of the tongue."

Intrigued, Ethan decided to investigate further. He spent hours researching online and visiting local bookstores, trying to decipher the meaning of the message. Finally, after days of searching, he stumbled upon an ancient text that seemed to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the mysterious message.

The text spoke of an ancient language, forgotten for centuries, which held the power to communicate with beings from other realms. According to the text, this language was hidden in a series of puzzles and riddles, scattered throughout Berlin.

Ethan became obsessed with solving these puzzles, convinced that they would lead him to uncover the secrets of the ancient language. As he delved deeper into his quest, he began to notice strange occurrences around him – mysterious symbols appearing on buildings, whispers in alleys, and unexplained events that seemed connected to his quest.