
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

The Application Process

Ethan spent the next few days pouring over the application form, making sure he had filled it out to perfection. He double-checked his answers, ensuring that every detail was accurate and complete. He carefully thought about each question, weighing his words carefully before writing them down.

As he worked on the application, Ethan couldn't help but think about the competition itself. He had heard so many stories about the language competition in Berlin, and he knew that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He felt a surge of excitement as he imagined himself competing against other talented students from around the world.

Finally, after what felt like hours of deliberation, Ethan submitted the application form to Professor Lee. He handed it over with a sense of pride and accomplishment, feeling confident that he had done his best.

"Professor Lee, I'm done with the application," Ethan said, handing over the form.

Professor Lee smiled, taking the form from Ethan's hand. "Excellent work, Ethan. I'll make sure to submit it on your behalf."

Ethan nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He couldn't believe he was actually being considered for this incredible opportunity.

The days ticked by slowly as Ethan waited for a response from the German Embassy. He tried to focus on his schoolwork, but his mind kept wandering back to the possibility of attending the language competition in Berlin. He would find himself daydreaming about the city's vibrant culture, its rich history, and its stunning architecture.

Finally, the day arrived when Professor Lee called him into his office.

"Ethan, congratulations!" Professor Lee exclaimed, beaming with a smile. "You've been selected to represent our school at the language competition in Berlin!"

Ethan's jaw dropped as he stared at Professor Lee in shock. "Really?!" he exclaimed.

Professor Lee nodded. "Yes, really! You're one of the top five students chosen from all over the country. You'll be representing our school and our country at this prestigious event."

Ethan's heart was racing as he processed the news. He had never imagined that he would be given this opportunity. He felt a surge of pride and gratitude towards Professor Lee for believing in him.

"I won't let you down," Ethan promised Professor Lee.

Professor Lee smiled. "I know you won't, Ethan. You're going to do great things."

Ethan left Professor Lee's office feeling elated and proud of himself. He couldn't wait to share the news with his friends at school.

As he walked out of the office building, he felt like he was walking on air.

The next few days were a blur as Ethan prepared for his trip to Berlin. He studied hard to brush up on his language skills, and made sure he had all the necessary documents ready for his trip. He was excited to experience new things and meet new people in Berlin...

As Ethan walked out of the office building, he felt a sense of excitement and accomplishment wash over him. He couldn't believe he had been selected to represent his school at the language competition in Berlin.

But as he made his way back home, his thoughts were interrupted by a group of rough-looking men. They surrounded him, their faces twisted into menacing grins.

"What do you have that's so valuable, kid?" one of them sneered.

Ethan's heart raced as he tried to process what was happening. He didn't have anything of value on him, and he certainly didn't want to get involved in any trouble.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ethan said, trying to sound calm.

The leader of the group, a burly man with a scar above his left eyebrow, stepped forward. "Don't play dumb with us, kid. We know all about your little trip to Berlin. You're going to be representing our school, and we can't let that happen."

Ethan's eyes widened in shock as he realized who was behind the attack. Klaus, the rival student from school, had sent his thugs after him.

"You're the ones who sent these guys?" Ethan demanded, trying to keep his voice steady.

Klaus's man just sneered. "You're going to pay for thinking you're better than us," he spat.

The thugs closed in on Ethan, their fists clenched and ready to strike. Ethan knew he had to think fast if he was going to get out of this situation alive...

As the thugs closed in on Ethan, he knew he had to think fast. He remembered the words of the system, which had told him that he could use his points to buy a martial skill.

Ethan quickly recalled the conversation and realized that he had earned enough points to unlock a new ability. He focused his mind and accessed the system, using the points to unlock a martial skill.

A burst of energy surged through his body as Ethan's senses heightened and his reflexes quickened. He could feel his body adapting to his surroundings, his muscles tensing and relaxing in a fluid motion.

The thugs, sensing Ethan's sudden change, hesitated for a moment before launching a full-on attack. But Ethan was ready for them.

With his new martial skill, Ethan dodged and weaved around the thugs' attacks with ease, using his quick reflexes to evade their blows. He countered with a series of swift and precise strikes, taking down the thugs one by one.

The leader of the group, Klaus's man, sneered at Ethan as he landed a particularly strong kick. "You think you're some kind of hero now, huh?" he taunted.

Ethan smiled grimly. "I'm just getting started," he said, landing another kick that sent the thug flying.

The fight was over in mere minutes, with Ethan emerging victorious. As he caught his breath, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had used his points wisely and gained a valuable skill that would serve him well in the future.

But as he stood there, basking in the glow of his newfound confidence, Ethan heard a voice behind him.

"Well done, Ethan," Klaus said, emerging from the shadows. "I didn't think you had it in you."

Ethan turned to face Klaus, his eyes narrowed. "What do you want?" he growled.

Klaus smiled. "Just wanted to see how you'd handle yourself in a tight spot. You're more resourceful than I gave you credit for."

Ethan's eyes flashed with anger. "That's it, Klaus. You've gone too far."

With a fierce cry, Ethan charged at Klaus, determined to settle their score once and for all...

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