
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · Fantaisie
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112 Chs


"Who are you?" Emily asked Astra, his hand resting on the symbol in his pocket.

Astra's eyes seemed to gleam with an otherworldly intensity. "I'm someone who knows more than I should," she said. "And I know that you two are connected to the Nexus."

And you have merged with the Nexus Ethan

Emily exchanged a wary glance. "What do you mean?" Emily asked.

Astra's gaze darted between them. "You're not just ordinary people. You're... tuned to the Nexus. You can feel its power, can't you?"

Ethan hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But something about Astra's words resonated with him. He nodded slowly. "Yes, I can feel it. But we don't understand what it means."

Astra's expression was cryptic. "You will soon enough. The Nexus is awakening, and you're at the center of it."

Ethan and Emily exchanged a look of alarm. "What do you mean?" Ethan asked again.

But Astra just smiled, her eyes glinting with an unsettling light. "You'll find out soon enough. For now, come with me."

Without another word, Astra turned and disappeared into the night, leaving Ethan and Emily staring after her in confusion.

"What do we do?" Emily asked, her voice low.

Ethan hesitated, torn between following Astra and returning to their quest for the other guardians. But something about Astra's words had shaken him. He felt a growing sense of unease, as if they were walking into a trap.

"Let's go," he said finally. "We need to know what she means by 'the Nexus is awakening'."

Emily nodded, her eyes wide with worry. Together, they followed Astra into the darkness, unsure of what lay ahead but certain that their lives would never be the same again...