

***(mature content)***** ****(Adult audience only)**** John Arckerman, popularly known as junky John, is an average guy with low self-esteem and is often ridiculed for being a virgin, just because he didn't have a steady girlfriend. His life was forever changed when he spotted a bottle in a pile of dirt at the construction site where he works. Join John as he goes from a week-odd guy ridiculed by his friends to being the king of the Jinns. This is my first novel, I spell-checked it but there might still be some grammatical errors so please bear with me while I work on them. Thank you.

Cobb20 · Urbain
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9 Chs


"What am I to do with you Genie? is it ok to call you that?" John said.

"you can call me whatever you want master," she replied.

"Hmm well.... what name would you like, what were you called?" John asked hoping it made her feel better.

"Nothing master, I was never given a name." She replied matter of fact.

"God that sucks, I can't leave you without a name," Jake said deep in thought.

"Whatever you wish master." she said obediently."


Two days ago.

In the suburban area of CITY A, mild winds blew, giving a serene vibe. From the window of a shoddy-looking building, a well-lit tall tower could be seen far ahead within the heart of the city, extending straight into the skies above.

A man in a blue colored shirt and black specter jeans came out of a green-colored apartment complex at 8:30 In the morning, heading to work at the R-H Tower a construction firm in CITY A.

John Ackerman, is a man with no skill and ability, just living his life one day at a time hoping the day ends faster so he can go back to his cave to watch porn and drown himself in self-loathing and self-pity.

As an only child with no real friends, he's often the victim of teasing from his boss and co-workers at the work site for the new industrial building downtown of CITY A.

Climbing out of his truck, he could already hear them jeering at him as he stepped to the time clock. "Hey, junky John! get your ass on the line and start carrying those supplies up.

All this time thinking he was gay, thinking he was homely, just cause he was a virgin and didn"t have a steady girlfriend.

"One day," he thought "they'll regret

what they have said." Taking a relaxing deep breath he got off the supply elevator and went to sit alone as he did every day to eat his meager lunch, he reached for his sandwiches and started to chew as he watched the others slap each other's backs and joke around as they went for a break.

As his brown eyes roamed around the empty lot he noticed a shiny object mostly buried by a fresh pile of dirt that had been pushed up while the corner foundation was being worked on. "Shit, I better pick it up before the boss chews my ass some more" (not like he didn't enough now) as he stepped over to the pile the shining increased, "what the hell!?" stepping closer he thought it might be a small fire as it grew in its intensity of light.

Stooping down he saw it was a large bottle not unlike a large wine bottle "Hmm looks like the winos have been in here again" About to throw it away he stopped noticing the archaic writing on it, not unlike some form of Arabic that he had once seen at the library. "Damn this might be valuable," not trusting it to his locker (he was sure that the others had a way into it) he ran to his truck and hid it under his seat.

Arriving home sweat-stained and tired he grabbed the bottle and rushed inside, "Now to find out what this is." Grabbing the cap he pulled expecting it to pop open, no dice stuck almost as if it was super glued. "Damn, now what him?" He didn't want to break it just might be worth a hell of a lot, he started to wash it in the sink.

The symbols are clearer now, he again thought it was some type of middle eastern language, "crap more research" At least it was something better to do other than jacking off while porn or watching old movie reruns again.

Hi guys, this is my first story, pls comment and leave your thoughts.

pls give constructive criticism to help improve the novel and help me write better in the upcoming chapters

Cobb20creators' thoughts