
Strong Winds

City Lord Ditya stood with two guards by his side. They weren't nearly as large as Moose, but they had quite some heft to them nonetheless. 

His eyes gleamed as he looked down at a rush of white energy spiraling into the air. 

This was the Aether Stone Mine. 

However, he, much like the others, didn't dare to move. As for the reason… 

The charred remains of a bear demon lay scattered on the ground, the pickax it had been wielding likewise laying in a strewn-out pile of splintered wood and dented metal. 

By the side, there were other bear demons that had been in the vicinity that suffered from the impact as well. They were currently licking at their wounds. But some of said wounds were so ghastly and gaping that one could only wonder what kind of help licking at them would provide.