

This was a positive for Sylas. At the very least, he didn't have to worry about having a perfect streak of dodges. He could slip up so long as the venom didn't get into his eyes, and to be on the safer side, he should just avoid all orifices in general.

'There's just one more thing I want to practice…'

[Spitting Cobra (F-)]

[Level: 1]

[Physical: 33]

[Mental: 47]

[Will: 22]


Sylas didn't immediately rush the snake, circling the grey-and-black-scaled creature.

Then it came. A spurt of green that moved with a swiftness that must have been at least 50 Speed.

Sylas didn't panic. Reacting to 50 Speed wasn't an issue for him. His Will swelled up and his Charisma pressed it down onto the world, and at that moment, the line of venom froze in the air.
