

Sylas leapt from tree to tree, using his kunai as footholds.

It was seamless, the three silver kunai rushing through the air in weaving patterns. By the time Sylas had jumped from one tree, there were already two more footholds waiting for him ahead.

He skipped over all the beasts swiftly, and because of that, he traveled even faster than usual, closing in on the village in the distance in less than a minute and with hardly a sound other than the THWACKs of his kunai piercing into the trees. But beneath the howling and chilling winds of the night, this hardly left an imprint on the world.

Soon, he came to a stop, looming high in a tree that was just about 50 or so meters from the village. He wrapped an arm around the thinning bark of the tree, balancing on a single foot as two kunai hovered behind him. Both he and the tree swayed in the cool wind, stoic and unabashed.