
Genesis: Freed.

A world where magical, mythological and fantasy beings live in the human world in harmony after long years of war with their own world called Genesis. By breaking the gap that separated both worlds, some Genisians as humans are against creating serious problems. Seeing this situation, the government decides to create an organization that keeps both worlds in order, therefore humans and Genisians will receive the same rights as a sentence in case of committing an illegal act. Our group of apprentices and tutors will give their best as teachings to preserve a peace that is just beginning while they themselves deal with their personal problems.

NADM · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Chapter 9:

Classes had ended so the students planned to leave in groups before heading home, Winter opting to leave alone while it was still light of evening. The albino looked at the sidewalk with indifference, people from time to time turned to see him because his mysterious aura intrigued them, some even thought what his name was or what family he was from. Kacper only tensed his jaw slightly when listening to the interested questions of greedy people until he had to stop his step when he saw that there was a crowd, he did not know what was happening no matter how much he investigated when he suddenly ended up hearing that the subway lines were stopped until new notification.

Annoyed by this, he decided to take another route, it was a little longer but it led to the same location. Along the way he had passed a convivial store where some students passed and bought to spend the afternoon in the place eating what they had bought, Winter in that case had bought an energy drink to drink it calmly on the way, the streets were of a two lanes for cars going to or returning from work to home or vice versa. There were alleys with and without exit, the sidewalks were surrounded by buildings where families lived in peace. Winter realized that this place was very peaceful, what she did not count was that she would see the same boy from the day before. The boy with curly hair, porcelain skin, black eyes and a rabbit nose lay stained with blood and dirt on the floor, the first year boy would turn to see Winter frightened and he just looked at him with some tiredness because he knew who he was the one who had done this to him.

"Guess a call from the director didn't work out for those guys." He said as he reached down towards the curly little boy to pick him up.

—Run….Please, Run….they are not alone. The minor warned with fear in his voice and tears in his eyes.

The albino would turn to see the boy confused so when he looked at the alley he would see some adults being accompanied by the boys that he himself had beaten him up.

—Interesting, fleeing to the wings of his parents? I expected no less from you. What cowards. — Said the albino as he picked up the minor.

"So you're the guy who beat up my guys, wow, you do have the guts to take us on." Don't you know who you messed with? - A man with a wide face, a crooked nose and a ruthless gaze that showed pleasure in intimidating answered.

"Do you think I care to know what the hell I got myself into?" I would leave instead, I have a bad mood for having deviated, for my homework and for having teachers with a shitty character. - The albino replied with a belligerent attitude when he saw the older man.

The man, seeing that the boy was not intimidated, would end up sending his men to attack him, something that was wrong because Winter warned him that he would not hold back. In the previous fight he had repressed his forces since he was at school but this time it was different, they were in an alley in a quiet area with no sign that someone could come at that time, in a bad mood and with an ignored warning the albino he would throw the first blow by dodging the attack of his first attacker, the blow had been with the flat hand directly to the nose causing it to bleed and then throwing a side kick to the head knocking him down.

The second aggressor would be perplexed, without thinking twice he would hold his metal bat to fan him and direct his attack hard at the boy but he would stop him with his forearm and fisted hand causing his muscles to tense to make his attack more resistant. defending.

The albino would hold the bat in his gripped hand, then swing his right hand and right hook the batter in the cheek with a force that would render him unconscious. Now the albino had a metal bat, an aura of anger and a murderous look, if the leader of that group sent men again, the albino would surely send them to the hospital with several broken ribs, the hunter had become the prey and the prey the hunter The men chose to withdraw and leave the boys alone while the albino would drop the bat and go with the minor.

—It's over, you shouldn't worry about what's to come. Winter told him with a soft tone of voice as she helped him up.

The minor had been through so much that he ended up bursting into tears, it wasn't just out of fear, he was terrified at the thought that they were going to ambush him again and attack him with more intensity. His fear was so great that his body began to tremble and then he hugged the albino with force and desperation. Winter had been surprised by his action, he had counted on several scenes less with that one, he would look down at the minor, seeing his tremor in more detail, so he would raise his hand to the height of the little one, he doubted whether to give him a light caress on his head to calm him down or just let him vent. In the end, he only ended up letting the minor vent, he lowered his hand and observed that scene.

Winter had taken the minor home after the previous event, the little wooly looked at the albino's house with impression and sadness. The house was dark, cold, lonely, it was such a nostalgic and sad atmosphere in the eyes of visitors while in Winter's perspective it was cozy and calm.

—Have a seat, I'll go get the first aid kit and the emergency backpack. — Said the albino with a tone of serenity and closeness.

The little woolly one would listen, he would take a seat while the albino went up to the second floor, the evening light entered through the enormous window that was on his left, so he would turn to see that direction, being amazed, what he saw was beautiful, the buildings being illuminated by a beautiful sunset as if it were in the clouds. A city in the sky.

Winter had found what she needed, so she decides to go down while looking at the first-aid kit and the small red backpack, raising her gaze slightly, she would see how the little woolly began to shine with harmony, her curly hair danced like the waves of the sea, the albino could observe a wonderful being in a state of ataraxia, a state where they forgot their surroundings and entered into tranquility with themselves; The Blongers , were beings with features of sheep and rabbits, some called them woolly rabbits and others wool rats but due to the war years ago, their race decreased considerably, leaving their winter woolly counterparts. The Blongers had two divisions, the Summer Woolies and the Winter Woolies. Some fed on the cold and others on the heat, but they could not live in harmony because the existence of both in the same place would make them weaken, so it could be said that they were brothers at a distance.

"I have arrived. The albino warned as he came down the stairs.

Little Blongers had been scared because he had revealed his identity to a human but he calmed down when he saw that his savior would not ask him about what he did, Winter would turn on the light so that the Saturn ring lamp would illuminate the entire room.

"A-Aren't you afraid of having a Genisian with you?" The little boy asked shyly.

— Why would I be afraid of a peaceful being? I know that your race is not for fights, you are not violent. — The albino answered as he opened the medicine cabinet.

"But you don't know us..."

—All Genisians and Magians are peaceful by nature, what I should fear are humans, they are destructive by nature. One is peace and the other is war, they must learn to coexist in harmony but one does not accept what has power or what is unknown because they are afraid of it, that is how humans are. They distrust the new because they don't know what their intentions are. On the other hand, I know Genisians of all races, but since my books are not up to date, I don't have any new information about you, so why would I be afraid of a Blongers? that I had to save twice? —

The minor would lower his gaze sadly, he didn't know what to answer, it was the first time he had seen a human save him twice and still wanting to attend to his wounds. Winter would gently hold the child's chin after soaking the cotton in povidone-iodine.

—You shouldn't bow your head , let alone your eyes, you are a Genisian with a pure heart in a city that is adapting to a change. Come, come closer, I have to heal your wounds. — Advised the albino to the minor when he saw that he was depressed.

Winter was not one to go from one place to another, he was neutral, whoever wanted to support the albino was welcome but as long as he did not support one side, he was nothing more than a neutral being who helped only when needed.

Meanwhile, in the city of Claython the agonies could be heard intensifying, the half-breed Genisians seeking refuge as well as the impure humans. Some of the mestizos helped the incomplete humans in the midst of that massacre, the screams of horror ran through the streets and with it the sounds of tearing flesh. Wentworth had barely made it out of the rubble to return to Clemente, but in doing so he would see a gory scene from the dragon of the dead. A dragon splitting a half-breed's living body in two, the act had caused Draven to react and use his power against his partner who was being manipulated by a dark magician. The Major's hands would begin to light up a Prussian color with a sapphire glow. The older man's eyes would change to that color due to the anger he felt, although he was not affected by the magic of the magical being, he would be strong enough to face his partner.

—It will hurt me more than you, Clemente Amaury. — Said the eldest as he appeared out of nowhere in front of the dragon.

His fisted hand would hit the black-haired man's face moving him seven meters away between them. Clemente would look at the elder with an aggressiveness, his mouth began to light up in a purple color and then open it letting out a blaze of purple fire, the elder, seeing said flame, decides to dodge it by throwing himself to the ground and then fanning his hand slightly towards it doing create a concrete barrier between them.

The fire would cease and the wall would be pierced by the body of the dragon who would move his left hand with an open palm to launch the same blaze of fire towards the investigator.

The eldest would create a shield for himself, protecting himself from that attack, what he did not see coming was that Clemente wanted to corner him, the dragon's right hand would go through the eldest's defense to hold him by the neck, but given the height of the tallest he could not raise it like a simple doll thus taking off black wings to start rising into the air where the eldest couldn't even conjure the earth to get out of it, Wentworth held Clemente's hand as he looked at him with a set jaw. Clemente's eyes showed that he was determined to kill him and the Wentworths to get him back.

— I know it's useless to convince a damn hard-headed lizard like you but I know you Clemente, we've lived so long that I understand your hatred, now I know you've kept so much in yourself that you haven't let me see it but I repeat your reactions, that you are not aware of what you are doing. Draven was trying to make him understand.

The investigator tried to calm the internal hatred of the minister. At each word of the elder, the minister would change his temper in a slight way and that made Wentworth think that he had achieved it until he felt how his partner wounded him in the side with his claws, he felt how the flesh was torn, the blood began to flow. sprout from the eldest's mouth as he looked down and saw the bloodied hand of his ally.

—C- Cle ….. men …. - It was the little the man said before being thrown hard to the ground.

A crater had formed in the middle of a cathedral that was a little close to the location of the dark magicians, Wenthworth was on the ground looking at the sky where his partner was looking at him from above soon his view would be covered by a light, it was The Magian who had started all this and was watching the elder.

"Guess it's not your lucky day, half-breed." — Said the dark one as he passed his hand over the older's wounded face. —Or should I tell you magicians necronix . —