
Gene System

Blake is a young man who has had to suffer through devastation over and over again losing more than just an arm. With no power of his own he could barely stand a chance against others or even be deemed useful by the military. All he can do is accept his sister's help bitterly knowing he can't return it to the same effect. After a series of events a meeting with near death shocks him to his very core changing his life forever. Awakening a hidden element buried deep within his genetic code. The Gene System, an advanced complex genetic technology used to expand and improve the overall potential and direction of evolution for the user's genetic code naturally mapping out and directing where the user should go with the growth they obtain. Not much else is known, only that few on every planet are given one through unknown means. The current state of the world is racked with unbridled chaos as the military fruitless attempts to stop the atrocities committed by the organisation known as the Gene hunters. Seeking to steal and splice any genetic data they can get their hands on by whatever psychotic means whether it be dissection, slow harvesting or cloning ethics are not a concern. Hundreds of thousands have been affected by the gene hunters including Blake's family. Some are never seen again, just used as cows for genetic harvesting over and over again until they dried up never to see their families again. Changes have begun to sprout in the background of earth leading to more and more mysterious events occurring, genetic powers becoming stronger, animals becoming mutated and evolving faster than normal generational lines. All the while in the background an unknown force beyond human comprehension lurks just beyond the veil waiting patiently for the time to run out and indulge in his planet level feast devouring all life in sight. Blake will give his all to overcome these brutal circumstances by whatever means. No matter the pain, suffering or loss he will continue to go forward no matter the cost. Failure isn't a devastation but a stepping stone in his larger goal. In his pursuit to build his strength he wont forget where he came from guarding the weak as someone who grew from that. Seeing the lack of care or acknowledgement to the majority viewed as weak in the military disdain makes him step up as the leader needed to change the structure of this world for the better. In the weak there is strength which Blake knows all too well. His reason to go forward is to become the man he wants to be. The only thing that truly terrifies is the idea of letting it all go, giving up and betraying himself and his potential.

NocturnOwl · Romance
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156 Chs

Return To The Mortal Coil

Just before the lightning fell, a familiar orange streak of hair could be seen peeking out from behind a tree.

"Should I go? He doesn't look like he wants people to know this". Fidgeting for what seems like forever on the decision now. Her mind's usual chaos is shattered into order, from the deafening roar of thunder.

A flash of green fills her view, flashbanging her in the process. The light is so overwhelming her mind struggles to stay focused. Until a familiar voice is heard, full of anguish and suffering.

Ears perking up, she tries to make out what's in the chaos of immense energy raining down. To her absolute horror, familiar black curls can be seen. The outline of the person becomes clearer.

"Blake". Panic seeps in watching the events unfold as her voice struggles to form. The lightning continued to spill out, engulfing Blakes whole being for what felt like minutes for Kiara.

The nauseating smell of burnt hair and charred flesh permeates throughout the whole forest. Sulphur-like puffs of smoke start to bellow out of him.

Her legs become numb, the magnitude of the situation comes crashing down on her. As she realizes it isn't stopping. Erratic tears pour down her face as the ensuing panic dominates her mind.

The previous order of her mind now falling apart at the hands of the ensuing panic, everything passes through her mind causing her breathing to become unstable, gasping from it all.

10 minutes of the deafening roars of energy and thunder, their symphony finally coming to a close, the lightning dissipating along with it. The first thing that fills her eyes is the sight of Blakes devastated body, emanating green static in bursts.

Hair fried to a crisp with burns covering his body from head to toe. Pustules dominated the surface of his skin, plasma poured out his body as if it was weeping.

The mangled remains sends her panic into overload, experiencing her first friend suffer something like this eats into her. The weight of her indecision starts to strangle her, a forming lump in her throat making it even harder to breathe.

Her body starts to move on its own and before she realizes it she is already by Blake, putting her ear on his chest not caring about getting zapped.

''I have to, I have to help''. Kiara's mind is shooting one thought throughout her synapses.

The panic subsides to an extent hearing the presence of Blakes heartbeat, however it's not stable. Beating erratically with no rhythm whatsoever, as if its sole mission was to send oxygen without caring how.

Being fully aware of the gravity of the situation, Kiara's body starts working on its own. Her mind empties as only one thought persists through.

"He'll die if I don't hurry". Hauling him over her shoulders his limp lifeless body starts to form worried chaos in Kiara's mind, her only beacon being the occasional heartbeat from Blake.

Without realizing it, her body activates its power. Gaining speed at a rapid rate now, the familiar blur of trees and greenery flash by her. The figure of her body starts to bleed into the background.

Blurring her way by the forest now, a breeze is followed by her as she leaves. Not holding anything back, her nickname holds firm, as orange blurs by the city of Boreal. Heading towards the nearest hospital her legs are burning but the worst has yet to set in.

Finally making her way on the street towards the hospital. Hope and elation fill her mind, the prospect of Blake being saved urges her forward. But as she makes her way to the entrance of the hospital, a sensation fills her body like a snap.

Blood starts to gush out of her nose, pouring without mercy. The exhaustion was already prevalent for her, however the added light-headnesses takes her over the edge as she passes out with Blake on her back.

Thankfully, a staff member was on a smoke break. Seeing the two unconscious on the floor, a normal sense of urgency washes over him alongside his usual calm.

Squatting down now he picks up the two and hauls them over his shoulders.Carrying them both into the hospital now he starts to address the staff.

"We're going to need urgent medical attention for these guys". His tone exuded order in his calm. Staff flocked to the two, emotions clear and the task at the forefront.

"Thank you Fay will take it from here, you're gonna need that break so go on ahead". One of the nurses chimes over to him. Inspections of the two are already being done as they say this.

"One of them has an irregular heartbeat as well as severe burns. He needs medical care urgently. I don't know if he can survive this".

The older nurse announces to the others now. "The girl has just lost a lot of blood, signs seem to point to power over usage. Will need to get her set up with an iv quickly". The order of the hospital is ever prominent subjugating any panic or chaos that might form.

Moving back to his smoke spot now Fay looks towards the stars. "I wonder what this generation will hold. Those two are gonna need to be tough to survive what's brewing". The flint is spun with accuracy as the flame licks his cigarette. The popular brand of utopian cigarettes finds its way dangling on his lips. Slowly drawing the smoke in.

1 week later

A doctor is trying to form an empathetic delivery on the condition of her brother. "I say this not to dishearten but to stop you from forming a false sense of hope. There is a very small chance your brother can survive from this, at most i can guarantee he'll be alive but not there. A vegetative state essentially".

The news crashes down on Raven like a torrential waterfall of grief and guilt. The pain she's experiencing overwhelms her ignoring the surrounding reality.

"Why"? Is all that she can conjure in her mind.

"Ms.? Ms.?" The doctor chimes his way into her reality before it can shut down.

"Like I said there is a small chance, a small one". The doctor says trying to remain as stoic as possible not letting emotions cloud his thoughts.

"Thank you, is….. Is it okay to see him"? Raven's sorrow filled expression sears into the doctor. Giving into his empathy despite his judgement he makes the decision. "Of course you can, just remember what I said, it's a small chance".

Making their way to Blake's room now. The anticipation follows her, clinging to her grief amplifying it even more. The doctor's kind expression leads her into Blake's intensive care ward. A medical bubble is surrounding him on his bed.

"Some of the best we could provide, thankfully he's a student. The medical bubble helps to reduce the mortality rate by 50%. So the original odds were much worse". Explaining what he needs to. The doctor takes his leave. Giving her the time needed to come to terms with the reality of things.

"Blake....Blake. How could you, how could you leave me after everything you've given. It's not far you deserved a fair chance" The rooms equipment starts to shudder, objects begin to hover and shake. Her agony expresses itself in her powers.

The tears don't stop falling. "Don't...Don't leave me all alone". A whimper escapes her as the anguish fills everything.

Buzz ba bump, Buzz ba bump, Buzz ba bump. An odd rhythmic beating starts to form, the vibrations felt even through the medical bubble. Her attention is drawn towards the beating, his vitals start to spring to life as bubbles leave the breathing tube.

The doctor's watch now starts beeping an alarm, indicating the change. "HES AWAKE, HE ACTUALLY MADE IT". A glow of joy is formed on the doctor at the thought of the poor girl's brother returning with her.

Rushing his way back to the ward his disbelief is cast away as the Holo-Screens depict signs of life returning. His brain waves start to go erratic, the waves going up and down sharply.

The beating starts to subside as it falls into natural rhythm once again. A green static discharges throughout his whole body causing the bubble to burst.