
Gekai Gamer - Danmachi

Pre-warning. The chapters are long (like 4-5k) Hmm, It's a Danmachi Gamer fic with a smooth-talking MC who wasn't a socially inept or depressed loner in his previous life. He's also pretty good at killing stuff...

Fellbane · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Game On!

A/N: Hihi! Webnovel doesn't allow for formatting with Bold or Italics in the fanfic section. Why? I have no idea but you wouldn't think it would be hard to implement, considering the originals section has them, right? Probably because it's all free content, I suppose...

Here is a bit of a key

{this is The Game talking to the MC and also system messages}

"This is speaking out loud"

'This is thoughts'

This is a Danmachi Gamer fic that I have already posted a few chapters of on QQ. I would have already posted it on FF as well but the formatting there is equally as much of a bitch as here. So, if you wish to read it with all the Bold and Italics in the right places, you can go to Questionable Questing.

I will post the link below just remove the + signs and the spaces.

https://forum.questionable + questing.com/threads/ + gekai-gamer-danmachi-gamer-fic.17510/



When he first became aware, it was not of any particular sight, sound or smell. No, it was a single thought, a thought that so perfectly depicted the vast and unending expanse of darkness that surrounded and bore down upon every fibre of his being.


There was a subtle pressure to the encroaching darkness that seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on… '...finger? What a strange word...'.

Uncomfortable yet not harmful, stifling but not unbearable, wrapping tightly around him as it somehow loosely held together, the jumbled amalgamation of fragmented and sparse thoughts and memories he now consisted of.

For an unknown amount of time, he drifted along as those very same thoughts and memories steadily coalesced, becoming more and more distinct.

The more of them he experienced, the clearer they became, no longer fragmented, no longer vague. Colour returned as myriad images began to vividly replay themselves in a seemingly never-ending cycle, each one somehow empowering his consciousness further.

The kaleidoscope of shuttering images continued to play through, faster and faster as time went on, like a poorly put together motion picture, each scene seeming familiar yet distant, detailed yet indistinct.

Still, he was able to make sense of them.

They told a story, a story of a young man's life...

The familiar feeling continued to grow into a niggling sense of deja vu becoming more and more uncomfortable, the feeling provoking a response that changed everything.

'Could these be... my memories?' With that single and simple errant thought, everything clicked into place.

The swirling nebula of thoughts, feelings, information, images and experiences that once made up a young man suddenly took form and for the first time, a consciousness bloomed brightly in the darkness.

He remembered his life, his education, his training, his long-dead parents, his passion and even his hobbies, but why couldn't he remember his own name?

A flash of a particularly vivid memory, followed by a first-hand experience of a much more suffocating and uncomfortable darkness than the one that surrounded him and a tired sigh reverberated throughout the space.

"So, even after all that I died huh." The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, tinged with sadness, a slight amount of mirth and obscured by a crackling static yet he knew it was his own.

Crushed beneath the feet of the African Bull Elephant he had rescued from a group of poachers he had crushed beneath his own boots just minutes before. It was ironic, to say the least.

*Crackle, Boom*

With a deafening boom and a throaty rumble, the entire space shook as a bright blue lightning bolt as thick as a bucket and accompanied by the sound of millions of chirping birds rent the darkness asunder.

{Game Over, you have died. Start a New Game? Y/N}

What was this? Could this actually be happening or was he somehow lying comatose in a hospital bed, trapped within the darkness of his own delusional mind?

Only one way to find out.

"...Yes?" The voice, no, his voice, sounded fragile and unsure but the tone was even.

{Welcome Gamer! Due to the host's subconscious desire, the first world jump has been fixed.

World selected: Danmachi}

Try as he might, the mass of excitement welling up from within at that single word was unable to be held back and his surface thoughts resounded within the darkness.

"The world of Bestia! Don't get your hopes up, don't get your hopes up, these words are definitely your own delusions manifesting due to severe head trauma. … Who am I kidding? Please, for the love of God, let this be real!"

Danmachi, his favourite world…

The dungeon, monsters, fame, wealth, power, the incredible fantasy city, demihumans, racist elves, gods walking among the mortals and most importantly, the multiple top tier waifus.

Despite the very real danger lurking around almost every corner, it was a place where 'might made right', to go there with an overpowered ability like the Gamer system would be a dream come true.

After all, danger was something he was already very used to...

With his willingness to brave the threats and the resolve to do what needed to be done along with meta knowledge and the Gamer system, he could easily become a major player in Orario within a ludicrously short amount of time.

'Gamers don't play fair, they cheat!'


{Due to the host's subconscious desires, affection gains will be hidden for the duration of the world jump and affection crystals have subsequently been removed from all drop tables.

Consequently, CHA has increased.}

"Oof" Was he truly that desperate for genuine affection?


Maybe he had that coming. It hurt... a little to admit but from what he could remember, there indeed was no Juliet to his Romeo in any of his previous life's memories.

Now don't get him wrong, he was no virgin loner boy who shied away from women, there were also plenty of good drinking buddies and even a scant few life or death comrades who he could trust with his back, just no Belle or Beau to speak of.

It wasn't even as if all of those comrades were male but it also wasn't exactly easy to find a like-minded partner to settle down with when you spent most of your life living on the knife's edge in the plains and jungles of Africa.

As it turns out, poachers were a very real and very dangerous threat, not only to the animals they were hunting but also to anyone and everyone else who got in their way either intentionally or otherwise.

A decision, the twenty-something-year-old him, fresh out of the marines, rather lost, filled with sadness and looking for an out, hadn't exactly thought through all that well.

With an almost physical effort, he moved his consciousness away from the cliched route of the protagonist's tragic backstory and onto the next line of floating words.

{Due to Genkai's 'Lower World' laws, an automatic penalty has been added, causing the skill 'I.D Create' to be unavailable.}

Now, that he wasn't so enthusiastic about, sure Danmachi had THE dungeon but I.D Create provided a relatively safe and isolated space away from prying eyes 'looking at you Freya' for any new gamer to grow.

A small amount of panic began to take root, I.D was any self-certified Gamer worth his salt's bread and butter. The most frustrating thing was that it seemed as if the decision was already made for him...


{Calculating compensation…


Calculating compensation...


Calculating compensation…

Success: Trait acquisition attained.

Trait Acquired: [Son of Tyche]

You are the beloved child of the universal deity of wealth and luck (not really)

Effects: Will increase the quality and frequency of monster drops.}


"...Hacks! That is an absolute cheat for a dungeon world!" This wasn't good, he was getting excited and his surface thoughts were being voiced aloud again.

Apparently, consisting of a nebula of thoughts and memories both familiar and foreign, left one prone to emotional flip-flopping. Who would have thought? That and the trait was almost sweet enough to make him forget about his Gamer skills being locked right off the bat... almost.

He literally felt the moment the so-called 'trait' became a part of himself, fusing with every fibre of his very being.

In that same moment, it occurred to him that the multicoloured nebulous cloud of memories and thoughts he consisted of was probably a visual manifestation of his soul.

{Pretty slow on the uptake aren't you.}

"Quiet you!"


{Trait Acquired: [One of the guys]

Allows you to effortlessly traverse the multiverse while deceiving the very worlds themselves into supporting your existence.

Effects: Will not only allow you to take on the mantle of a world's intended protagonist, including their fate and destiny but will also provide a suitable backstory that can be altered within reason.}


Whatever errant thoughts of dissatisfaction he had, disappeared like a fart in the wind and his turbulent emotions were near-instantly calmed as he poured over the second trait's description.

'Other worlds? Just like those Gamer Fanfictions, I used to read?'


For a while, he went into some kind of soul shock and if he had eyes they would probably be rolled right back into his skull.

This all seemed so… far fetched but conversely, wasn't this everything he had ever dreamed of? Didn't that mean he could travel to ROTSH, DxD, Fate and many of his other favourite worlds in the future?

What were the conditions for world travel, the positives and the limitations?

So many unanswered questions but for now, it would be better to focus on the world he was apparently about to enter.

Time passed and the soul gears once again started turning together as he instead began to ruminate over the possible implications of the trait and what they could actually mean for him in this particular world.

Finally, the opinions coalesced as one and he intentionally voiced them out.

"'Within Reason' seems rather vague but overall, it's extremely useful. Considering that I intend to get my Goddess waifu and Bell would be a huge obstacle in that regard."

The formless voice took on a trace of irritation. "Plus, he's such an annoying little virgin, always blushing and stuttering. You would think someone raised by Zeus to actively desire a harem would at least be able to talk to girls properly. Was his old village filled with nothing but men?"

{The Game approves.}

Uncivilised and rather uncalled for, rant about the world's previously destined protagonist over, he conveniently ignored how strange it would sound if he ever told anyone that a soul nebula and a sarcastic sentient system talked smack about a boy that never existed and went to move on.

{Mortals cannot lie to Gods in Danmachi… err… usually, so imagine how entertaining it would be if you told one of them that story.}

Okay, that actually would be pretty funny wouldn't it?

Once more, he focused all of his attention on the floating black words that somehow managed to stand out against the oppressive darkness.


{Compensation. Skill Rewarded: [Presence Detection](passive/Toggle) - Level 1/100(0%)

Hostiles within a 5m radius of the host will have faint red outlines, even in pitch darkness. The skill will manifest as a 'map' within the host's mind's eye.}

{Due to host's near Hyperthymesia, Skill Acquired: [Semi-Perfect Memory](passive/active recall)

Guess that head of yours won't ever be empty, not that you have a head… yet

Is the skill really not self-explanatory enough?}


If he had a mouth, it would be wide open. Those two skills would be incredibly useful anywhere, let alone in a dungeon world wherein the depths, twisted labyrinth floors the size of a country are the norm and almost everything wants to kill you.

He couldn't remember specifically having any sort of photographic memory, but it would seem that his life experiences were all stored away, ready to be accessed at any time so it was plausible at least...

{Character Creation.

Replace the world's destined protagonist? Y/N

Warning. Their Destiny will become yours.}

"Is that even a question?"


"God yes!"

{Are you sure? Y/N}

"Absolu- ...Wait wait wait a second!"

"...I don't want to look like him or be fourteen and barely five feet tall though."


With that said, an extremely detailed character creation screen reminiscent of one of those Korean MMOs that focus more on appearance than game mechanics burst into life in the darkness.

Standing there in all his 5ft tall naked 'glory' was Bell Cranel…

"Poor kid. Well, I guess he's only fourteen, maybe it still has time to grow..."

After spending an exceedingly large amount of time understanding how all of the slider bars worked, he found himself wishing he could just easily make himself taller without having to change the proportions of everything and low and behold, he did grow taller.

{Keep it up. INT might become your lowest stat.}

"*sigh* ...I guess that's fair."

At least he was now back at his previous height of 190cm although it looked extremely strange with Bell's boyish face on top.

From there, he once again willed for his old looks to replace Bell's and found that much to his frustration, the two instead merged to form a much much more handsome face that still contained some of Bell's signature boyish charm while somehow still being rugged and masculine.

Try as he might, he couldn't change his hair or eye colour either with all of the options being there but greyed out as if they were premium options in a game…


He did manage to change the body to his specifications though and boy was it a work of art! Somewhere between a natural bodybuilder and a swimmer's muscle structure with definition for days and a lean build that would have no trouble with flexibility or movement in the dungeon.

With a mental hand wave, his new body rotated to reveal three long jagged scars present across the lower left side of his back where he had once helped to free an enraged Lioness from a hunter's trap and paid the price for her rage.

Obviously, they were touched up and kept for no other reason than the fact that they looked absolutely badass and would give his Goddess an excuse to fondle his back more when she updated his status in the future.

He also kept a more beautified version of both his half sleeve tattoos commemorating not only his parents but also his old Marine buddies and anti-poacher comrades who lost their lives in the field.

The two tattoos looked alive and blended in seamlessly with his, just slightly tanned, skin, further increasing his charm. After working on the top half, he focused on arguably the most important part of the whole process... his twig and berries.

At one point, the young man was a hair's breadth away from going full Bitch Breaker with his dick but after having second thoughts, mainly revolving around the 4ft 5inch tall Hestia and even shorter Lili, he relented and maintained his previously, more than adequate, size of 8 inches.

There were probably limits to how much the boundaries of an Ecchi harem world could be pushed and so it was better to be safe rather than sorry.

{True. It's not DxD or Naruto, no need to mind-break the waifus.}

The young man coughed awkwardly at his shameless system. "Well, in any case, it's not the tool itself but the hammer that drives it." You could be blessed with a huge dick but if you were terrible at using it, no girl would want to let you in bed with her.

He then continued to make minute changes to his new face, hair and body, one after another to ensure he had the biggest head start physically possible that could be provided by looks alone.

He even spent time meticulously resizing and realigning each separate tooth multiple times until his new smile was absolutely flawless.

One thing that was mostly left alone was the hair. How on Earth/Genkai Bell had managed to keep his hair so soft and fluffy yet still silky smooth while being a country bumpkin who probably bathed in the river once a week, was completely beyond the young man.

You certainly wouldn't find him looking such a welcome gift horse in the mouth, no sir. All the girls in the novels and manga loved Bell's hair. That was even including that emotionless fairy doll girl Ais.

By the time he was completely satisfied, it felt as if days could have passed, then again, it could have been hours, minutes or even mere seconds, not that time had any relevance in this place.

On the upside, his new looks would probably be able to charm most of the shy, blushing and suspiciously inexperienced women of Danmachi with a single, well-placed smile.

After all, Charm was absolutely a thing in this world.

"Right, I'm done! Let's get this show on the road!"


As hilarious as it would be to start now, you are required to select a backstory and an outfit to 'spawn' with. Astrea familia may be dead and gone but running around Orario naked will still get you arrested.}

Glossing over that small mistake…Clothes!

Unfortunately, no cheat-like magic armours or Royal, jewel-encrusted robes were available so he went full in for comfort and convenience.

A pair of simple, shin-high Steel capped combat boots, Good quality black cargo pants, A high collared, grey, long sleeve shirt and a leather jacket. All topped off with a set of dog tags around his neck, a silver hoop through his left earlobe and a cigarette in his mouth, it was perfection!

"Okay so… For my age, make me around 17 years old and hailing from the same area as Bell and Zeus in the original story. The starting point should be outside of Orario around 2 weeks before canon started, which is around the same time Bell joined the Hestia familia."

"As for backstory… My parents were adventurers that died in the dungeon when I was young and until a few years ago, when she also passed away, I lived with my Aunt on her farmstead near where Zeus was hiding out."

"Excuses for combat ability… Let's have it so I had been hunting and practising with a blade all my life after a friend of my aunt… Artemis 'wink wink', who stayed with us for a while, taught me the basics when I was a young boy."

"Recently, Zeus, who had always treated me like a grandson and had seen the same thing in me as whatever he saw in Bell, decided to move on and gave me some parting advice along the lines of pursuing my own dreams before he left."

"This eventually pushed me into action."

"I sold the farmstead to Demeter familia for a decent amount of Valis, let's say… 200,000, and decided to leave towards Orario in pursuit of wealth, power, fame, love and most importantly, a genuine family to call my own."

"That not only gives me a sob story to truthfully tell the Gods and girls but also sets me up with no baggage and a viable excuse for knowing some things about the other Gods and Goddesses in Orario… within reason."

"What do you think?" Wait… why was he asking the Game? Sure, some of the lines of text had been a little snarky but was it truly sentient?

{Kid, I like your style. The Valis are a bit more than I would usually allow but this should be interesting so why not!}

Well, at least that answered the question of whether it had sentience.

{Or am I just reacting that way because you willed it to be so? Perhaps all this is your own delusions made manifest.}

...And proved that it was just as much of an asshole as he was too.

{Choose Beginner Class:}


Now Ranger and Rogue were both out right off the bat. He had used a bow for hunting a few times but was mostly proficient in modern firearms and those were an absolute rarity in Danmachi. Of course, that was if they even existed here at all.

Who needed guns when the strongest magic swords could be compared to going nuclear?

Plus, guns were loud and loud wasn't what you wanted when you were in a vast underground cave system, surrounded by monsters with enhanced senses that wanted nothing more than to rip you apart and feast on your flesh… yeah no.

The Rogue class was good but it would provide no immediate benefits to his survivability in the dungeon, especially for groups of enemies. Besides, sneaking around in the shadows really wasn't his style.

Mage… Mage was extremely tempting. Who didn't dream of slinging magic around at some point in their lives? Anyone who denies that is absolutely full of shit!

However, in Danmachi, it would be extremely unusual for any human to have magic without Falna or even as a fresh new adventurer without reading a Grimoire and those were rare and expensive… unless you were Bell and then Syr/Freya would just hand you one in a pub and pretend it was bedtime stories.

A creeping sense of unease washed over him, sending shivers down his nonexistent spine. 'Wait… Bell is basically me and I'm basically Bell right now so doesn't that mean Freya will be fixated on... me…' The unease swiftly evolved into full-blown panic


"Nononono! Wait, from what I remember she was so obsessed with Bell because of his pure soul. My soul is definitely not pure, I've killed people on more than one occasion, I'm selfish, lustful and I don't have any of that naive hope of being a hero and saving everyone like that kid did."

"Safe…" Relief, pure unadulterated relief that lasted all of a single second before the word soul kept repeating over and over again in his mind.

"Double Shit! I doubt having the Gamer system and blessings from multiverse scale beings branded into my very soul as traits would make it any less unique."

"Surely though, she wouldn't be able to see my soul or the Game considering she is only a world level deity, reduced to inhabiting a mortal coil and the Game is... well a multiverse level existence right?"

{Of course she can't see me…}

"That's a relief, wait those dots aren't exactly allowing me to feel reassured buddy."

{Ordinarily, that would be. Freya is the driving force behind many of the events from the original plot. As a Gamer, you should know that there is no fun to be had in a game set on easy mode.}

"If I could give you a deadpan right now I would be doing it."

{Fine, fine... I thought it would be more entertaining if she could see your soul. Plus I want to scare the shit out of her when she inevitably attempts to gaze too deeply into the abyss and the abyss gazes back.}

"Still not convinced."

{*Sigh* To Freya, your soul probably looks much, much more attractive than Bell's. Maybe we can get her to go full-blown Yandere or even the legendary Goudere after some controlled and prolonged exposure to it.}

Yandere Freya… He would be lying if the thought didn't make the dick of his soul hard as fuck, whatever that meant. Plus, the Game was right, easy mode really was no fun.

He absolutely hated to admit it but the thought was extremely attractive...

{I'll take that as acquiescence.}

"...Fine… Back to the class selection… Mage, right… not Mage."

If he picked Mage, he would be unable to effectively grind enemies with magic due to the constraints of MP or 'Mind' as they called it on Genkai, in the early game. He could always pick Mage after reaching the required level for switching to another Class.

No, there was only really one choice to be made, Warrior. Some may say that Warrior was a boring choice and usually the young man would be inclined to agree with them...

If this were actually a game and not an even more dangerous version of real-life with a Game and anime tinted glass slapped over the top of it, of course.

Picking Warrior was simply the logical choice. It should give him stat gains in strength and Endurance or Vitality or whatever and hopefully some skills that would go along well with those.

He had wielded a long blade for years before now and was already relatively proficient in its use against both beasts and other humans. A sword shouldn't be much more difficult to get a grasp on.

"Pick Warrior."


{Beginner Class: [Warrior] Selected.}

{Skill Acquired: [Gamers Mind](Passive)

Emotions can be controlled to an extent by the host, allowing them to easily focus during combat or under stressful situations and take the right course of action without being affected by pesky things like morals. Immune to mental attacks.

Warning: Emotions are only temporarily controlled and suppressed, not erased, emotional backlash and mental fatigue are still a thing.}

{Skill Acquired: [Gamers Body](Passive)

Gains the body of a Gamer with infinite potential for growth and the ability to live through any injury, provided HP is not reduced to zero. Sleeping in a bed will remove all mental fatigue and status effects.}

{Skill Acquired: [Observe](Active) - Level 1/100(0%) cost 5MP}

Use this skill to find out information about objects and people. Focus and think 'observe'

The amount of information displayed is directly proportional to the level of the skill and the level difference between the host and target}

{Warrior Skill Acquired: [Basic Blade Mastery](Passive) - Level 1/100(0%)

Calculating previous life experience…


{Warrior Skill: [Basic Blade Mastery](Passive) - Level 84/100(76%)

Displays handling ability of bladed weapons

When skill level reaches Level 100, rank can be increased and a promotion quest may be issued.}


When he finished reading over the new skills, two of which were expected and one that wasn't a surprise, an extremely bright flash of light pierced the darkness and caused his entire cloud-like to mentally reel back in shock.

The immaculate body he had spent days or seconds or some other, more obscure form of time sculpting to rival that of a Greek God was now standing in front of him.

Suddenly, the mouth opened and a strong suction, accompanied by a sound, not unlike that of a vacuum cleaner pulled his soul nebulous amalgamation thingy into it.

The experience wasn't exactly comfortable and if he had to describe it, it was like when you try to shove a sleeping bag back into its compression sack but it never wants to fit properly and in this case, he was both the sleeping bag and the compression sack.

At least it was over quickly, and so with a gasp, he finally opened his eyes and took his first real breath in this life.

Only to immediately wonder how there was even any oxygen to breathe in this terribly dark space. He suppressed a shudder, at least it was no longer pressing down upon every piece of himself at the same time.

{I was keeping your soul from dissipating. You're welcome.}

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you did that out of the kindness of your heart too." He waved it off while appreciating the rich and sonorous timbre of his new voice. He sounded sexy without even trying...

"Let's see my status." As soon as the intent was pushed forth, lines of floating text were displayed in front of his eyes that followed his vision wherever he turned. 'Convenient.'



{Name: Ramiel Gedeon (The Gamer)

Level: 1 (+5 freely assigned stat points per level)

Class: Warrior(1/100) - {Class Bonus - (+1 to CON/STR/DEX per level)}

EXP: (0/100)

Race: Human (Race Bonus - HP/MP/SP = CON/INT/STR x10)

HP: 70 {(0.1% regen p/s) (Every 25 points in DEX will give 0.05% extra regen p/s)}

MP: 80 {(0.1% regen p/s) (Every 25 points in WIZ will give 0.05% extra regen p/s)}

SP: 70 {(0.1% regen p/s) (Every 25 points in AGI will give 0.05% extra regen p/s)}

CON: 7

STR: 7

DEX: 6

AGI: 6

INT: 8

WIZ: 4

CHA: 29

LUK: 85

Unallocated Stat Points: 0}


"Ramiel… The thunder of God… Really?" At least this time, he was actually able to deadpan.

{Don't bitch. The name is cool.}

"Sure… it could be worse I guess. I won't even mention what the last name means." He said with a sigh.

"So, do I get the full Gamer experience? Class changes, Inventory, Shop…" Ramiel shivered, licked his somehow dry lips and audibly gulped while his eyes roved around shiftily in their sockets.

The next word came out with much hesitation, stuck halfway between a desperate plea and a terrified whisper. "...Gacha?"

{All of the above.

However, let's make it interesting, the shop will be locked for now and will use points earned by exchanging the magic stones of monsters as currency.

Also, magic stones will not be able to be stored inside the inventory and will instead be automatically converted into Gamer currency if you attempt to store them.

Gacha is a thing but you can't use the currency for it and must pick up tokens or complete Quests.}

"Oh thank God! At least I won't fall into P2W Gacha hell!"


"The inventory… What! Why!?"

"I demand a proper infinite Hammerspace like any self-respecting Gamer! You already took away I.D Create! This is Bullshit and you know it!"

{Would you ever think to get a supporter if you could store magic stones in your inventory?}

"Oh, oh... ohhh" realisation flashed in Ramiel's eyes as the implication of those words hit him harder than a runaway herd of Minotaurs and his lips slowly parted, arching upwards to form what could only be described as a shit-eating grin. "A little forced but still a fellow Man of Culture!"

{Did you expect anything less?}

"I guess not. Glad to know you got my back… when it comes to women at least…"

"So, I have a few questions about the stats, what does each one mean, what is average for a normal human and how do they integrate with the Danmachi system of Falna, also when can I change classes?" Ram began firing off questions like a machine gun, as quickly as they came to mind.

{Whoah whoah whoah. Slow down there little Ramiel.}

"Okay okay. Obviously, I know that CON is basically durability, health and ability to soak up damage. STR is Offensive physical power as well as physical strength and stamina. INT is also pretty self-explanatory, it correlates to how much MP I have and also the power of any spells."

"CHA and LUK are also self-explanatory, equating to how desirable I am to the opposite sex and the increased chance of beneficial events occurring (drop items, positive encounters etc,) respectively, but what does the WIZ stat do and what is the difference between DEX and AGI?"

{Damn, I hate this part. ...Okay, let's start from the top.}

As it turned out, the average Gamer stats for the equivalent of a 'normal, healthy, adult human was around 5 in most categories, putting him a cut above average right off the bat.

Although, if one were to consider what he had done for a 'job' in his previous life, it was justified.

Ramiel was also correct in his assumptions about the other stats, the difference between DEX and AGI was that DEX governed over technical prowess and bodily control while AGI leaned more towards raw speed and reaction times.

The WIZ stat was directly related to mana regen and the effectiveness of spells.

Where INT controlled the power output, its drain on his mana reserves would be proportional to the damage dealt, WIZ, however, focused on allowing his castings to gain more effects for fewer resources, making it an equally important stat to increase for any Mage class along with INT.

He would be able to change classes freely at level 50, although the ability to progress on to higher tier classes would not be unlocked until he fully maxed out the preceding class at level 100.

The EXP required to level up basic classes started at 100 and then progressively got higher with each level to 200 then 300 then 400 and so on.

With a higher tiered class, the required EXP would also be higher, but the stat gains per level would increase, as would the quality of skills unlocked at the milestone levels: 1, 25, 50, 75 and 100.

{The way your Gamer stats will integrate with Falna is actually quite simple.

The gamer Attributes will directly correlate to their Danmachi counterpart as shown below.

WIZ CHA and LUK do not technically exist in Danmachi but they will still affect your powers in various ways.}

{CON = Endurance

STR = Strength

DEX = Dexterity

AGI = Agility

INT = Magic}

{Next is the conversion ratio between Gamer Stat points and the basic ability points of Danmachi}

{At Level 1, the number of Danmachi, basic ability points gainer per Gamer Stat Point is 21. For example, a single point in CON will equate to 21 points in the Danmachi stat Endurance. This conversion will get lower each time your Adventurer Level increases. At Level 2 the number is 15.5 and at Level 3 it's 11.}

{Beyond Level 3, you will need to Level a higher tiered class to even gain anything from Stat increases.}

{Note: Unique classes and freely spent Attribute points will always give full conversion to Basic Ability points regardless of other limitations.}

Ramiel already knew this but the Game also explained to him how Danmachi's stats worked off of a numerical and alphabetical system.

Every hundred points gained in a specific stat would increase the alphabetical rank, starting from I0 and going all the way up to S999 for most people but some could go as far as SSS1100+ if you had a bullshit skill or a cheating system like the Game that is.



I = 0-99

H = 100-199

G = 200-299

F = 300-399

E = 300-499

D = 500-599

C = 600-699

B = 700-799

A = 800-899

S = 900-999

SS = 1000-1099

SSS = 1100+}


After reading over the explanations and answers to every question he could think of, for now at least, Ram did some mental calculations and worked out that if he were to convert his Gamer stat points into Falna stats right now, his status would look something like this…


{Ramiel Gedeon}

{Level: 1

CON: 7 (x 21) = Endurance H147

STR: 7 (x 21) = Strength H147

DEX: 6 (x 21) = Dexterity H126

AGI: 6 (x 21) = Agility H126

INT: 8 (x 21) = Magic H168}


Ironically that made Magic his highest stat despite possessing no magic whatsoever and being a Warrior class.

{Those are your base stats, which will not be carried over to the Falna when you join a familia as the true concept of Falna is to gain strength beyond your original body's limits.}

The young man sighed. "Of course it wouldn't be that simple… but it also makes sense." He begrudgingly accepted, it would surely scare the shit out of his hyperactive Goddess to be if he started with over 700 points in stats, the first time she fingered his back.

"Will I be able to choose how many of the excess stat points I gain to convert to Falna stats so that I can at least somewhat normalise the way my growth looks to the guild and the nosy Gods?"

{To a certain extent you can but holding back your stat points is neither smart nor intuitive as the gap between the different power systems will leave you disorientated.

Look, kid, being vigilant and meticulous are good traits to have but if you don't want abnormal stat gains then don't level up and if you don't want to stop levelling up then you WILL have to deal with whatever accompanies it.

Basically, you can't hide like a bitch while secretly growing powerful.

It's boring for you and boring for me.}

That was… fair. He was the gamer now and it wasn't like he couldn't bum rush the dungeon for a few days solid and level up like mad if there were any pressing matters.

"Do I require sleep now, I wonder?"

{Technically, No.}

He hummed to himself 'Perfect.'

So, to put it simply, every time Ramiel gained a level with his beginner class of Warrior, he would gain a single stat point each in CON, STR and DEX and 5 freely assigned stat points for adding a level to his overall tally like so…



{Name: Ramiel Gedeon (The Gamer)

Level: 2

Class: Warrior {(2/100)(0/200exp)}

Race: Human

HP: 70 (0.1% regen p/s)

MP: 80 (0.1% regen p/s)

SP: 70 (0.1% regen p/s)

CON: 7 (+1)

STR: 7 (+1)

DEX: 6 (+1)

AGI: 6

INT: 8

WIZ: 4

CHA: 29

LUK: 85

Unallocated Stat Points: 5}


At Danmachi Level 1, those stat points would equal 21 basic ability points each in Endurance, Strength and Dexterity, which would cause a Falna status sheet to look like so…


{Ramiel Gedeon}

Level: 1

Endurance = I21

Strength = I21

Dexterity = I21

Agility = I0

Magic = I0}


Thinking of problems that could be directly caused by growing too quickly, earning too big or getting shouted at by a loudmouth half-elf for going too deeply into the dungeon…

Soma Familia...

The junkies and bandits of Orario. So jacked up on the unbelievable highs or wretchedly suffering from the withdrawal effects caused by mortals drinking the real Divine Soma wine, that they would do anything to be able to afford another sip.

That included robbing and effectively or even directly killing off other adventurers in the dungeon. Even if they didn't directly kill other adventurers themselves, being left alone in the dungeon with no equipment was a death sentence in and of itself.

Soma familia would only be a problem if and when it got out that he had started regularly earning big in the dungeon, as opposed to Apollo who would grow interested for no other reason than Ramiels's unreasonable handsomeness.

Still, it would take time before he was on the Sun God's radar and Ram would make sure to start talking some sense into Lili from day one; he also wouldn't hesitate to cut her loose if she was unreceptive.

She was a potential waifu that he wanted to get close to, no doubt about that, but Ramiel, unfortunately, had a very small amount of patience for betrayal and bullshit.

Not to mention, he wouldn't risk his life over any self-sacrificial anime trope stupidity. Nope, best to nip that shit in the bud.

With his chosen starting point of 2 weeks before Bell arrived in Orario, he would have enough time to grow strong before Apollo started causing any trouble or Zanis, the captain of the Soma familia, got wind of him… Hopefully at least.

He also had the valid option of retreating into the dungeon, picking the Rogue class second instead of mage and using the guaranteed sneak skill to quietly and systematically take out any and all Soma familia members that went after him while storing their bodies away in his inventory.

"I assume I can store bodies and equipment they may be carrying in my inventory right?"

{Of course.}

"Good." If 'Murderhobo mode' was what it took to protect the people he would surely come to care about, Ramiel would take the red pill and jump headfirst into that rabbit hole without hesitation, regardless of the emotional consequences down the line.

As for the other Gods, Freya would be extremely jealous of Hestia but would ultimately be harmless for the time being, well, harmless as long as he could kill whatever jacked up and charmed monsters she decided to throw at him or his soon to be Goddess.

He could always take 'Syr' out for a date or even go and see the goddess of beauty, love and war herself if she looked to be doing anything too crazy.

Perhaps she would enjoy having someone around her who couldn't be charmed and talked to her like an equal rather than licking her probably exquisite toes.

Although, if she played her cards right, he could also lick her toes... and everywhere else.

He wasn't really one for eating out of the communal trough though… aaaand there went all of his enthusiasm for banging Freya.

"Do either of the Gamer skills allow me to lie to Gods and Goddesses?"

{They do, but I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that the lies must be believable or else you will be accused of ruining their 'fun' and probably destroyed.

I can protect you from unprovoked Arcanum once or twice to keep the Game entertaining but there is no point in you playing if I must intervene repeatedly.}

Well, at least it was good to know that he had some protection to fall back on if he accidentally ticked off a random God or Goddess enough to cause Divine retaliation… As long as he was entertaining it would seem.

Probably best not to rely on that…

{Turns out INT isn't your lowest stat after all.}

"The sarcastic banter is actually helping me take this all in a lot easier than I would have thought at least so I guess I should thank you for that."

Ramiel allowed himself a small smile, before schooling his features, the excitement and mirth gradually leaving his shining red eyes as his gaze firmed with newfound resolve.

"Well, I think I'm ready to take Orario by storm." He said while confidently raising his hand into the air. "Once more unto the breach dear friends!"

{Ehhh, 4.5/10. Not very original}

Thanks for reading.

The next chapter will follow in a day or two. You can also read up until chapter 6 on QQ right now.

DTH will also be ported across and edited slightly before I jump into that again and finally bring us up to canon.

Fellbanecreators' thoughts