
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Day 29

During the next day. It was early in the morning while everyone was still a sleep. At the house, Dennis and Dj were sleeping soundly until they heard a loud howl that woke them from their sleep.

In panic to get out of the bed, Dennis got out of the bed but lands on his face to the ground while Dj fell on his back. Allowing them to be wide awake because of the pain. As they were getting up from the floor, they looked around and saw the pup howling at the window. As if something was out there lurking around.

"I'll go check it out..."

Dennis said to Dj. He then looks under the bed and grabs a dagger.

"Alright, I'll try to calm him down."

Dj said to Dennis as he grabs the pup and calms it down while Dennis walks out of the house. When he stepped outside, the moon was still out and looks at his phone that showed that it was four in the morning.

"This early...? Damn, what could make the pup this active such early in the morning..."

Dennis questioned himself as he stood outside of the house. Looking around, he noticed the golem was still a sleep and didn't bother to wake them up. He didn't see nothing strange, yet he felt a presence by magic outside of the walls. It was an unrecognizable presence that made him go out through the main gate to the woods to investigate.

With a dagger in his right hand and a small cast fire on the palm of his left hand. He strolled through the woods to investigate. Dennis was looking around and spotted a small trail of blood because led deep into the woods.

"I swear if it is a group of Yarama... I'm going to burn the forest one day..."

As Dennis mentioned. Something went behind him and lurked in the shadows. It was trying to find a blind spot while moving around. It made Dennis focus on its direction that it was going. Eventually, it found an opening and approached Dennis from behind. But Dennis turned around and grabbed the creature with his left hand.

The fire burned the creature, but it was hard to recognize or to identify. He could only tell that it had been like a shadowed body as it burned down till nothing remained. The sun was soon rising and gave a bit of light to the forest, allowing Dennis to have a better view sight on his surrounding area.

"Morning already? I guess that takes care of this problem."

Dennis soon said as he was walking in the house's direction, but he felt something else around the forest. Later on, Dennis arrives at the house and sees the golem playing with Dj and the pup.

"Hey Dennis, did you find what it was?"

Dj asked as he was on top of the golem and jumped down to go talk to his friend.

"Just one creature. It probably passed by, and it woke the pup during the morning... Aside from that, I think a harbinger is making a move..."

"What makes you think that?"

"Just a hunch..."

Dennis said to Dj and went into the house to get some more rest.

Meanwhile, at the capital, the queen had a meeting with Nix at her office. Both of them were drinking tea until a knight came a dropped a letter at the queen's desk.

"So, can you tell me how your partner is doing? Is he still learning magic?"

The queen as she drinks some tea. She then grabbed the letter that the knight had dropped on the desk.

"Well, he is learning in his own way, but as of now his alright. His progress was faster than the first years and fourth years in the academia, but you should visit him sometime."

As Nix told the queen about Dennis. The queen dropped the letter while she was reading, as she was shocked at what it had. Nix then picked it up and read it out loud.

"My dear queen... We have found evidence of fallen experimentation nearby. The amount of fallen created cannot be measured, but for a fact someone had found the destroyed research. We also found the place where it was set, and a group of knights are in the search of any traces of remaining fallen."

Nix then gave it thought and dropped the letter and was panicking. She knew her friends were in danger and that she needed to do something about it.

"Calm down dear, I know how you feel right now, but I think Dennis can handle himself if the time comes."

"No... Is not that... No one else knows about the house except us and if the knights find the house and misunderstand the situation, they will attack Dennis, Dj, the golem and their wolf pup!"

As Nix snapped out the queen. She saw her get out of her chair and approach her with a hug. Calming her down for the moment.

"It is alright... Dennis will solve the problem once he finds it. As of now, we can't leave the capital and warn him about the danger they are all in. Let us have faith in our friends."

Back at the house. It was the middle of the afternoon and Dennis was trying to figure out how to use the earth crystal on the golem to fix their combat system. He first tried to place it on the hole that he made, but it didn't work. Then he used force, but by doing so, he made the crystal react and it sent him off flying into a stack of wooden logs.

"Dennis, are you okay?"

The golem asked as he went to help its friend.

"I'm... Fine... Just in pain..."

Dennis said as he was fixing his back. He snapped a few bones back in and wasn't able to walk straight. But Dennis was using all the options until he tuned in with the crystal while the golem picked him up. A bright orange glow coursed through his body and while the crystal was being absorbed by the golem. Fixing its combat system and it fully increased the golems mana capacity by a lot.

"I feel strange Dennis... I can sense your mana..."

"Odd, but at least we fixed you."

He said to the golem as he went back inside the house to enjoy what's left of his day.