
GDI At Nier

What do you think will happen when a regular Command and Conquer GDI gamer is put in a world of Nier with the power of commanding an army? Well, total chaos of course. ........ This Story is going to be focusing on both the character and the consequences of every step the OC has done. Upload every Tuesday and Friday

Souleye123 · Jeux vidéo
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No warning that was my first thought when I woke up on this unknown grass

"Ugh, why did I sleep in the grass?" I touch my head from feeling hurt from sleeping on a stone

when I look around the unknown area dread starts to fill my face.

Before I start Panic I calm myself first and try to recall my memory.

(Before this happens)

I am just a regular College student and all of my life I spent on studying

'Study study more study, what kind of life I am having deciding that the book is boring I decided to head to my laptop and play some game

When I am stressed I always play CNC Kane Wrath to reduce my stress and read fanfic of CNC, fanart and always learn new strategies from online gaming

'Kind sucks that fanart from CNC has stopped but that does not matter anyways'

While Starcraft, Company of Heroes, and other RTS are good, I prefer CNC game


Once I won a victory logos showed in front of my face.

"ANDDD win brutal AI is not even challenging anymore, I just have to destroy their economy and win"

Finally, after I was bored playing CNC I decide to shut down my laptop, grab my phone roll down on my bed, and decide to read fanfic about CNC crossover RWBY

I was intrigued by everyone's first time getting Their power from reading fanfic

Having a CNC RTS in another world? the possibility of using that is endless.

I imagine myself in their situation and have a grin on my face, after reading for a moment I decide to sleep

But I woke up when hearing a beeping noise from my phone

I look at it and see the notification of a picture of one of my best friends them showing their girlfriend

ugh normie go die, I drop my phone and turn it off from the stress

'GF is temporary, but RTS is eternal

I shut my eyes while trying to sleep

I wish I can be like them and have control of my troops won't that be soo cool

"Your wish is granted" when I heard this I open my eyes and suddenly I am in an unknown area


I was soo Confuse expression at the location right now but I notice something different than the others with the huge yellow wall that makes it soo different than the others.

"What is that?" I starts heading there to take a better look, but when I notice what is it I was beyond shock

It was GDI MCV or the long word Global Defense Initiative, and Mobile Construction Vehicles with the purpose of building a base and the main hub of every Faction.

And it was huge! like almost two stories tall and a wheel itself almost the size of me.

But when I said a certain word my head suddenly felt massive pain inside my head.


The process was incredibly painful, like something massive trying to enter my brain.

But When the pain lessens I try to find the reason why I suddenly felt the pain.

When a voice appeared

"Welcome back, commander"


When I heard a familiar girl's voice that I know very well since childhood, I reach out try to call back "Eva?"

"Yes it is me, Commander"

While I was confused about where the voice coming from I asked her a question

"Where did your voice come from? Is there a speaker nearby?" I glance left and right to see the source of the voice.

"Report: I am speaking through your mind"

"inside my head..."


...while I have many questions regarding how it works there is the more pressing question "How the heck did we get here, also why did you call me Commander?"

I notice the small detail when she calls me.

"I have not been able to find the reason why we are here, and the second reason I call you Commander is that the General appoint you to be Commander"

...The more I speak with her, the more I am confused about her meaning.

I decided to switch topics that can be easy to understand for both of us "Uhh huh, then do you have one of those Google Map functions where we can know the location?


"Then can you tell me where are we right now?

"Affirmative. Scanning..."

Once she is done speaking, I glance at the city where we are right now and show a grim expression on my face.

If someone is playing a prank on me, they must have done some serious work since no way this is done by one person.

"Scanning Complete, GPS shows that we are located in Japan"

Japan? how the heck did I got here? but the better question is.....

'why is all of this building look Soo dead?' I look over the area where most of the buildings either fall, destroy, even the inside is only filled with plans that overgrow the place

Last time I check, japan is a thriving country, not a dead city.

Maybe this is Hiroshima's leftover city? for memorial purposes?

While I was gazing at the dead city, EVA decide to drop a bomb "Data also show after 30 minutes the sun has not moved, and have concluded the planet has stopped rotating"

There were 5 seconds of pause until I scream at hearing this.


"Affirmative" No wait.

"Wait wait if what you say is true then how is the land not burned yet?"

"Unknown" great...

I try to continue the question but I was interrupted by her report.

"Alert: Unknown unit detected"

While I was shocked at what she said the last part surprised me

"Unknown? What kind of unknown?"

"Report: No Information Found." My day is just get thing better...

"Where is it at least?" I look around the area for unit

"500 meters north of here, detected to have some unknown energy inside of it. Advice: Proceed with extreme caution"

"Huh" Even though I was scared of the unknown, I have to keep calm if I want to deal with this unknown unit and area.

Let me think for so a second, if I am like those OC at CNC fanfic, then right now I have a person who watches me doing things and can read my mind.

...I am getting things off track.

"Suggestion: Deploy the MCV immediately"

"...Deploying MCV?"


"...And how is that actually?"

She in return not answer the question, Seems I have to do everything on my own.

Let's think about this for a second, if I am right I can control with.

I begin to speak loudly inside my thought, I am suddenly In 3RD point of view, gazing below the city.

I was in awe at seeing the whole map, they were really small.

While I move around the map I notice a bunch of things on the screen.


- the Black area must be the area not scouted, but I am surprised that is pure black that I literally can not see anything on it, not unlike in-game where it still shows part of the map

- I only have 10000$ this is not a small number, but this is not enough if I plan to build more stuff


"EVA do you hear me?"

"Affirmative" Good

"EVA can we get a Tiberium here for the harvester?"

Right now I only have 10000 money but I need Tiberium for money

In-game Tiberiun is the key to winning any war, they can be used as weapons, or construction Material, even making galactic Superweapon enough to destroy a city, But in my case? Tiberium is equal to money and I need it.

Usually, you can find Tiberium anywhere across the map, but I try to look every inch of a corner but I did not find a single Tiberium to be harvested.

"Yes Commander There is a way to Pump out Tiberium, even though it is forbidden By the general itself to be used" Dangit

"And who is it that forbids it?"

"General Jack Granger"

".....I am sorry who is that?"

EVA then show me a screen of the picture of it

(Image here)

"Ohh then that makes sense"

I know what some of you are thinking, how do you not know him after hundred hours of playing?

The answer is that I only know that person's face, not his name anyways back to the point.

"Then how are we supposed to obtain the Money?" I was confused about how to do this, maybe I am supposed to find them somewhere on the black map.

"But considering the unknown area and emergency situation, Tiberium seeds are now available to be used, you can use it on the support tab on the left, use it to pump out Tiberium Commander need," EVA said inside my head

"EVA you are the savior"

Suddenly new support tap appears on the left side of the screen with a Tiberium logo, without any other choice I click the Tiberium logo on the left side of my screen and put it on the vast land

Suddenly earthquake shakes the ground around us

I grab the nearby wall to make a stand from the sudden heavy earthquake

"That does not sound good"

Did the Tiberium do this? I should have read the terms and service before using it.

After 2 minutes later a hole appear in the middle and a large amount of Green crystal suddenly appeared from below the ground and spread around the hole

I was in Awe at the beautiful glow of green crystal.

So that's Tiberium, one of the most hated but valuable resources in the whole world.

While I was in awe Eva give me a warning "Commander, Be careful of the radiation. It can hurt the Human body if you breathe it frequently"

Once I heard this I quickly make a distance far away from the Tiberium "Got it, and was the earthquake supposed to happen?

"Affirmative, it was at the description of the usage"

Well already happens I just hope I did not attract the attention of others.

Well, now that is done what should I do first?

While I was thinking of a plan a sudden voice stop my thought

"Mission Objective Received"


"Commander we are now in an unknown area without any warning, build Barrack using the MCV and train 3 Rifle Squad"


Generated mission according to the situation? now that is futuristic

"Understood Eva First let's get this MCV to unpack"

Using my mind, I mentally order the nearby MCV to be deployed.

"Construction vehicle, ready to roll!" The MCV Unpack Itself into a construction yard

"New construction options"

I was surprised by the sudden MCV unpacking its vehicles kind of weird seeing it in person But I begin My next plan "First let's get a power plant "

Power Plant is necessary for any game, they power our building, Automatic Defense, and many more important things that require electricity. That is why losing a Power Plant is equal to losing my entire base and defense, so I have to put them in a safe place.


"Construction complete"

I select the Power plant and put it in one of the open spaces close to MCV

"New construcstion option"

I then witness a building uproot itself from the ground and turn itself to Powerplant

"Woah" That was my word when I witness a building up route itself from the ground into a full-grown building

It was incredibly huge, almost the size of a Nuclear power Plant Size.

After gazing at the Power Plant I focus on my next plan and which is building a Tiberium Refinery


'30 seconds until it is done gonna take a while' Deciding that it is still sometimes I decide to think myself first

Why am I here?

And Why was given an MCV? not like I was grateful given an MCV, but who I am fighting?

You don't give out free stuff without expecting something in return.

Maybe this world is the future after Tiberium War 3? Maybe Scrin decides to take revenge against us after destroying their harvester team so they decide to kill all of the lifeforms? if so that makes sense, I mean all of the Scrin fighting force is only harvester te-'

"Construction Complete"

"-am Huh? Oh yeah I should put the refinery facing the Tiberium"

"New construction options"

When the refinery deploys I see the harvester coming out and begin harvesting Tiberium.

I should think of that when I am safe first, I don't know who I am facing, I could suddenly teleport to a world of Fallout, Terminator, or maybe even worst 40K or this is a future earth of my original home after nuclear fallout.

Hopefully not the last one.

For now, I should focus on the task right now, next is Barrack

The barracks are the next important building in Command and Conquer, they produce infantry like Riflemen, Missile Squads, Sniper teams, and even the Commando.


"Construction Complete"

it did not take long for barracks to finish because of the low price, I decide to place the Barrack further away at the edge of the range I can place

"New Construction option"

while the building was done I was coughing hard from the dust when it build "*Cough* *Cough* friking dust, anyways Next I should train 3 Rifle Squad"


While the training is happening I take a walk to the barracks to see the Rifleman Squad Coming out personally

When the second felt like hours, the hatch opens up and 6 People's arms with Rifles come out and scream the iconic Quota of them.

"Rifle Squad Ready!"

I literally screamed when I heard this sound, playing was one thing, But seeing a Real life cosplay of Rifleman? Now that Is amazing.

But my scream seems to attract a worried gaze of them "Uhh is there something wrong Commander?" One of the Rifle Squad said to me

When I notice their worried gaze, I was blushing from embarrassment "U-uh Nothing"

They want to continue the conversation until they got interrupted "Rifle Squad Ready!"

They glance at each other before looking back at me "...Alright let us knows if you need anything, Commander" I nod my head furiously

A few seconds later waiting for all of the Squad done training, all 3 Squad or 18 Soldiers now stand in front of me with determination.

"Good to be on Patrol Duty Sir, Ready for Order Commander!"

"Incoming Transmission"


"Commander, With Rifle Squad fully Train, select all of the units and meet with the unknown unit"


"Roger that Eva"

When I try to select the unit using 3rd point of view, something clicks only in my mind.

Deciding to test it I look at 18 Rifleman and order them in front of me "Rifle Squad Form up in front of me!"

"Understood, You hear him boy let's go!"

The sound of footsteps can be heard as they walk toward me and when they did, a line of Rifle Squad was in front of me.

Seems my theory was correct, you can control them personally without using 3rd Point of View.

But man this is really making me nervous with me being their Commander, I don't even have the courage to stand in front of the class and someone decides to have a great mind and dumb me with this role?

But I focus my attention on the soldier again.

"Rifle Squad, I want all of you to go there" I point my hand to the Unknown unit "And try to identify and possibly make contact with the Unknown Unit Understood?"

"What if they fight back?" One of the young voices say

"Open fire."

"Understood you heard him, Riflemen, move out!" he make a gesture to move

The Rifle Squad Form a line and now are moving out heading to the unknown, with bravery.

I switch to 3rd point of view again and see the black darkness on the map quickly map out showing more dead cities across the city.

"That's convenient"

Once I was done I stretch my hand from the recent event that just happened.

Let's see... dump in an unknown city, suddenly have the power of Command And Conquer, not to mention the voice inside my head.

... Hmm Maybe I did drugs or something that cause this? Maybe I am in delusion and I need to slap myself to go back into the real world.

When I was trying to find my method EVA decide to contact me.

"Uh commander, maybe you want to hear this," EVA said in my mind

I was confused about what she meant until I heard a loud complaint in my mind "Commander! The Tiberium is pumping out way too much Tiberium we need more harvesters, if it is not contained it will spread to other areas!"

When I heard the problem I mentally cursed it "Uh yeah I'll get another harvester, hang one buddy" I order another Harvester build


Wait you know what I'll just get a crane for double Build, to speed up our construction.


when I try to get a Crane Eva suggests me of something "Commander I have a suggestion, build a repulsor field around the Tiberium to stop the spread of Tiberium, you can build it at defense tap"

"Ahh good idea Eva" With her advice noted, I quickly build the Great Futuristic Wall and a Crane.


"Construcstion complete"

I place the crane beside the MCV and repulsor field around the Tiberium

When the building fully forms after I place it, I quickly order the build of a power plant and Tiberium refinery for more Tiberium to be harvested.


"Thank you, Commander," Harvester said to me and continue his work gathering Tiberium or money for me

While I finally relax and have breathing room after the danger is gone another voice comes into my head

"Commander we have found the unknown unit, you may want to see this"

I was confused by the answer so I decided to see it personally of this 'Unknown unit'

After a few minutes of walking while putting the Refinery and powerplant as I walk, I Saw 3 of the Rifle Squad surrounding something

One of them seems to see me as he screams at me from the distance

"Commander look!"

When The soldier notice my arrival they make a path for me to see and when I see it I was beyond shock

'This robot Please don't tell me...'

"We were trying to get close to it but it suddenly attack us commander so we decide to kill it"

"Kinda weird that it has red eyes and arms right? almost like they want these guy won't look like a bad guy" another Infantry said in the background

I crouch down to see in better view of these things.

The only I knew was that have round shapes and metallic arms.

"Machine Network...."

"Did you say something, Commander?"

I ignore his question and order them again "....Good job Rifle Squad, continue scouting the area that is unknown and it you spotted any of these machines you are to order shoot them on sight understand"

"Yes Commander" All of the soldiers salute me and left me alone

After a few minutes of silence, I decided it was enough and headed back to base, to let what I see was not a mistake.

".....Just where the fuck are we at" I sigh at this.


ANDDD CUT, the author here I really love CNC Kane Wrath and Nier so I decide to mash this together with my pure imagination, This is still a trial chapter, and more errors in the chapter that maybe I did not notice, but I am not a professional author so don't expect too much from it

well don't forget to give out suggestions on what to add and with that said see you next chapter if I ever make the next chapter