
GDI At Nier

What do you think will happen when a regular Command and Conquer GDI gamer is put in a world of Nier with the power of commanding an army? Well, total chaos of course. ........ This Story is going to be focusing on both the character and the consequences of every step the OC has done. Upload every Tuesday and Friday

Souleye123 · Jeux vidéo
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32 Chs

Adam and Eve Fight.

Adam and Eve stepped forward, their presence demanding attention. The Sparkling Jewls and YoRHa squad members, their weapons at the ready, couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in the face of those responsible for the ruthless slaughter of countless humans.

"Oh, we meet again, little dolls," Adam taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

The Sparkling Jewls voice rose in unison, filled with fury. "You have the audacity to show yourselves after all the lives you've taken?"

"What live?" Adam said

"You bastard-" Oceana brought her gun to him

"Settle down Oceana!" Robert stops her "Don't let his taunt work on you

"No matter, My name is Adam. The aliens you see are no longer here. They were wiped out centuries ago. ...By us. The machines.

"You...destroyed your own creators?!"-9S asked incredulously.

Adam's lips curled into a sly smile as he responded, his tone dripping with chilling nonchalance. "Oh, there's no need to fret about them. They are infantile, almost like... plants, you can say. They held no value to us. But the humans we capture... now THEY are interesting."

"Why them?" 2B asked, her voice filled with disbelief in what she is hearing.

Adam's expression turned contemplative as he responded, his tone tinged with a mix of wonder and curiosity. "Because humans are an enigma. They engage in endless acts of violence against each other, yet they also possess an innate capacity for love and compassion. It is a paradox that fascinates us."

As tension filled the air, Adam continued, his voice carrying a sense of intrigue. "We have dedicated ourselves to unraveling this puzzle, this secret of humanity. And now, you all have a chance to assist us in our pursuit."

The Sparkling Jewels and YoRHa squad members exchanged wary glances, unsure of what Adam's proposition entailed. 2B's voice carried a tinge of growing aggravation as she asked, "Assist you with what?"

A sinister smile played on Adam's lips as he responded, his voice dripping with a twisted charm. "You were created in their image as well. Surely you see the attraction of finding out what makes your creators so... great, don't you?"

The disgust was evident in 9S's voice as he retorted, "Are you nuts?! We'll never help you with such a thing! 2B, are you listening to this? They are absolutely bonkers!"

Adam's gaze shifted from 9S to the entire group, his voice growing colder. "I suppose that concludes the negotiation. All that's left now... is to destroy you, just like we destroyed these pathetic aliens."

"Bonus Objective Received"


Kill Adam and Eve



Adam & Eve


Without hesitation, Adam dashes towards the Sparkling Jewels, his movements fluid and precise. Meanwhile, Eve takes a step back, eyes gleaming with excitement as he readies herself to engage the YoRHa members.

And the fight between Android and Machine begins.


The battle commences in a whirlwind of strikes, dodges, and counterattacks. Adam's movements are swift and calculated, requiring the Sparkling Jewels to utilize their agility and teamwork to keep up. Meanwhile, Eve engages the YoRHa members in a cat-and-mouse game, reveling in the thrill of the fight.

As Adam parried and dodged their attacks, he continued his unsettling dialogue, seemingly unfazed by their impassioned words.

"You think of life as sacred, but what is the value of life without the pursuit of knowledge?" Adam countered, his voice calm and measured. "Humanity's understanding of existence is limited by morality and subjective judgments. We sought to break free from these constraints, to delve into the depths of human experience and uncover the truths that lie hidden."

The air crackled with tension as the androids and rogue machines exchanged blows, their determination undeterred by Adam's chilling justifications. Oceana's eyes burned with a mix of anger and sadness as she struggled to comprehend the depths of Adam's reasoning.

"You speak of knowledge and understanding, but what you fail to grasp is the sanctity of life," Oceana retorted, her voice trembling with emotion. "To dismiss the suffering and loss you have caused as mere experimentation is an insult to the very essence of humanity."

"Hahhaha! I call it a sacrafise in persuit of knowledge!"

Robert's voice joined Oceana's, his tone filled with righteous indignation. "You speak of sacrifice, but what about the countless lives shattered by your actions?" he interjected, his voice firm. "The pursuit of knowledge should never come at the cost of innocent lives. It is a betrayal of the values we hold dear."

Adam's smirk remained, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling mix of fascination and detachment. "Morality, right and wrong... these are human concepts, limitations that hinder true understanding," he replied, effortlessly evading their attacks. "We sought to transcend these limitations, to explore the depths of human existence and unlock the mysteries that lie within."

"That's what we seek since that day."


Before all of the fights happens, As the GDI forces fought to protect their city from the relentless assault of the Machine Network, an unexpected twist unfolded. In the midst of the chaos, Adam and Eve, driven by their own enigmatic motivations, chose to join the battle.

Their arrival caught the attention of the human soldiers who had been fighting tirelessly against the machines, but soon a rogue android or machine was found by a small GDI force.

"Command, we've encountered two rogue androids. Can we engage?" one of the soldiers reported urgently.

Adam's eyes gleamed with twisted delight as he surveyed the battlefield, his lips curling into a sinister smile. "Ah, the remnants of the GDI resistance. How amusing that you still cling to hope," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Let's see if you can handle us!"

The GDI task force engaged in a fierce firefight with Adam and Eve, their weapons unleashing a storm of bullets and energy projectiles. The air was filled with the deafening sound of gunfire and the flashes of explosions as soldiers maneuvered, seeking tactical advantages against their formidable adversaries.

"They're fast! Watch out for their evasive maneuvers. Don't let them get too close!" one of the soldiers shouted, their voice filled with urgency.

Despite their efforts, the GDI task force found themselves outmatched and outmaneuvered at every turn. Adam and Eve displayed uncanny agility and precision, evading incoming fire and retaliating with lethal efficiency. With each passing moment, the soldiers realized the overwhelming power and cunning of their adversaries.

The onslaught was merciless, and one by one, the soldiers fell, their bodies adding to the grim landscape. The rogue androids proved to be a force to be reckoned with, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair.

But one certain tank was not happy.

"YOU BASTARDS!" a furious shout erupted from the tank as its cannon aimed at the two unknown androids.

"Hmm," Eve smirked and manipulated his hand, causing the tank to cease its movement.

"What... is happening? Our systems are malfunctioning!" the confused crew exclaimed.

As the crew desperately tried to fix the damage, the tank's engine overloaded, resulting in a massive explosion.


"Pathetic. You couldn't even handle a simple hack," Eve sneered.

"...They're just humans after all, Eve," Adam remarked.

As the GDI task force retreats, Adam and Eve press their advantage, pursuing the retreating until they suddenly find themselves confronted by a team of highly advanced humanoid androids created by humans to combat the machine menace. The androids, known as the Sparkling Jewels, stand as a formidable line of defense against their relentless adversaries.

Meanwhile, the GDI Commander, upon receiving reports of the two rogue androids, immediately dispatched his strongest androids to the location. He strategically used his soldiers to buy time, knowing it was a cruel but necessary tactic to win the battle.

Oceana, a member of the Sparkling Jewels, surveyed the surroundings, witnessing a landscape littered with lifeless bodies, mercilessly stabbed or killed. She fixed her gaze upon the humanoid machines standing before her, her voice seething with anger.

"Traitors!" Oceana screamed.

"Sparkling Jewels, do not underestimate the enemy. I am already sending reinforcements to your location," a voice crackled through the radio.

"Roger that, Commander Ken," Robert acknowledged as he readied his spear and shield.

"And you think you stand a chance?" Eve sneered, walking beside his brother.

"You've chosen the wrong city to unleash your chaos, you damn machines," Oceana calmly said, sighting through her scope. "We will bring you down, one way or another."

The battle commenced with the clash of steel and the thunderous roar of gunfire reverberating through the war-torn city. Robert led the charge, striking with precision with his spear while deflecting incoming attacks with his shield. Paul's sword cut through the air, delivering powerful blows, while Roza's railgun unleashed devastating blasts, obliterating enemies with deadly accuracy. Oceana strategically picked off targets from a distance, remaining hidden.

"Stay focused! We must exploit their weaknesses and work together to defeat them!" Robert shouted to his team.

The battle continued to escalate, the sparks of energy illuminating the war-torn city.

After hours of grueling combat, Adam decided it was enough. "Hehehe, it was fun while it lasted. We may meet again if fate allows," he taunted.

"You're not getting away!" Oceana dashed toward the machines with her sniper rifle, but Adam and Eve activated a mysterious power, engulfing themselves in a surge of energy and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

'They got away... But we gave them a run for their money,' Robert thought, trying to maintain a positive outlook.

As the Sparkling Jewels regrouped and assessed the situation, the sound of approaching footsteps caught their attention. Battle-worn but determined, 9S and 2B arrived on the scene, their tattered clothing bearing witness to the intense machine attacks that had ravaged the city.

Upon seeing the weary state of 9S and 2B, the Sparkling Jewels couldn't help but express their concern. Robert, spear in hand, addressed them. "2B, 9S, you look... worse for wear," he remarked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, 2B replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion, "We received a distress signal and rushed here to provide assistance. It seems you all managed to finish the battle before we arrived."

Roze interjected, frustration evident in his voice. "We put up a tough fight, but the rogue androids escaped using their teleportation ability. They slipped away before we could take them down."

The streets lay strewn with the remnants of machines, their broken bodies scattered across the pavement. The combined forces of the Sparkling Jewels and YoRHa had managed to push back the machine horde to some extent, but the battle was far from over, as reports indicated that some humans had been kidnapped.


"What have you done with the humans, you bastard!" Paul exclaimed, rushing in for an attack.

Adam's chilling laughter filled the chamber, his eyes filled with sadistic delight. "I wonder..."


"Oh But I can tell you, it was truly delightful to witness their emotions, their despair, their surrender in the face of defeat," he declared, relishing in the memory.

The androids stood in disbelief, their anger mounting.

After a fierce battle, Adam decided it was enough and both he and Eve teleported away.

Adam's words carried a finality that sent chills down their spines. "Time grows short. This fate," he gestured toward the lifeless alien body before them, "befell our creators."

Eve's malevolent smile deepened, her voice dripping with malice. "And as for your beloved humans... I suppose we'll see, won't we?"

In a blinding flash of light, Adam and Eve vanished, leaving behind an unsettling silence. The Sparkling Jewls and their allies were left to grapple with the weight of their words and the uncertainty of what was to come.

But amidst the confusion, a familiar voice cut through the tension. The pod alerted them to the presence of a nearby human signature, sparking a glimmer of hope. Oceana, driven by her thirst for revenge, swiftly smashed through a nearby wall, creating a quick route for them to follow.

Confusion filled the air as 9S voiced his question, "...She is a Gunnerr, right?" Observing Oceana's display of strength and determination.

Robert, in a casual tone, replied, "No she was a healer before, but after what happened last time, she sought an upgrade."

But once they enter they stumble upon a grim discovery—a hidden prison nestled amidst the wreckage. The prison is filled with terrified and exhausted humans, their faces etched with fear and desperation. The sight sends a wave of anger and determination through the androids, reaffirming their commitment to protecting humanity.

"These machines... imprisoning innocent people." one of YoRHa's members says, their voice filled with anger.

"It's unforgivable." another voice chimes in, echoing the sentiment shared by all.

"Let's waste no time. We need to find a way to unlock these cells and get these people to safety." 2B says, her voice resolute

The androids swiftly spring into action, their focus solely on freeing the captives and ensuring their well-being. Oceana, Paul, Roza, and the rest of the YoRHa squad approach the cells, examining the locking mechanisms and searching for any vulnerabilities.

As they work, their concentration interrupted by the clanking of metal, a voice emerges from one of the cells, filled with skepticism and caution. "Who are you? Are you here to rescue us, or is this another trick?" The voice trembles with a mixture of fear and hope, unsure of the intentions of their would-be saviors.

"Calm down, it's us," one of the Sparkling Jewls assures them, hoping to ease their fears.

The surprised expression on the prisoner's face quickly turns into recognition. "Sparkling Jewls?"

"Stand back, I'll break these locks open!" Paul declares in his voice.

With each cell door he forcefully bends and snaps open, the sound of metal reverberates through the air. The grateful and frightened humans step cautiously out of their cells, their expressions a mix of relief and disbelief. They are hesitant at first, not fully comprehending the sudden turn of events.

Oceana steps forward, her voice filled with empathy and reassurance. "You're safe now. We're here to help. We'll guide you to a place of safety."

The rescued humans slowly begin to trust their android saviors, finding solace in their words and actions that speak louder than any promise. Together, the androids and humans make their way out of the prison, navigating through the labyrinthine passages of the enemy stronghold.

As they return back to the city, the echoes of Adam and Eve's chilling words lingered in their minds. But their mission was not yet complete. They knew that there was still much work to be done to ensure the survival of humanity

But nobody notices the darkened eyes of a certain scanner as his anger increases.


Meanwhile... at The Battle For Hiroshima.

The mammoth Tank advanced at a sluggish pace, successfully driving back the machines and forcing them into retreat toward other cities, Bringing victory to humanity.

As the GDI Logo flag soared high, marking the recapture of Hiroshima, a surge of exhilaration coursed through the androids. Witnessing the first city being reclaimed filled them with an indescribable joy they never thought possible.

Tears of happiness flowed down their faces as they beheld the sight of their successful endeavor. The androids' spirits, once at rock bottom, skyrocketed to unimaginable heights. The recapture of Hiroshima became a symbol of hope everywhere across the world.

Seizing the momentum, the GDI forces swiftly erected automated defenses at key entry points in Hiroshima. Simultaneously, they formulated a new invasion strategy to liberate the remaining cities still under the machines' control. The androids were fueled by their newfound morale, ready to confront the challenges ahead and bring freedom back to the human settlements.

(Mission Accomplished)



I am so friking bussyyyyyy, but after all this time THE EXAM IS OVERRRR.


Ahem anyways there are way too many things I have been doing in the background that I want you guys to know.

Currently, I am working on 6 different fanfic.

Living in the Nier Future,

Ace Combat In Multiverse, Having Homeworld Power on Earth, what could possibly go wrong?, GDI's Arrival in Nier, Is it wrong to talk about the dead in the dungeon?, Lost In Nier.

All of them have already 1-2 Chapters ready, and I Will release all of them at the same time Soo stay tune.

Well that's all and if you want to see the next chapter remember to visit my patreon at patreon.com /Souleye123

With that said see you all next chapter byee.