
Gates of Annika

They walked side by side, her cheeks kept burning nonstop, "Is it true?" She turned to him with glimmering eyes "have you truly never missed a shot before" "I've missed before" he confessed with red ears. "Really?" She looked shocked but also amazed. "I shot at a dead flower" he replied "You missed a dead flower" he nodded to her question. "Why?" Pulling her to him, he held up her chin and stared at her blue sapphire eyes. "Because I believed it would bloom and I wanted it to bloom under my care" Though it were mere gibberish to anyone, to her he had done something worth her living once more. "Thank you" he smiled warmly enchanting her once again. Underneath the sunlight he looked like an angel. "Someone worth living for"

BenitaIgil · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Chapter 5: a knight in bloody armor II

Oona limped out of the water, coughing out water and clearing her throat. She has thought she'd die when she fell into the river and over the waterfall.

The knight stood by the river unfazed by the water. He's eyes were on a particular spot outside the water. He turned to see Oona staggering up. She walked into the forest, she had to get back to the palace and meet Nohr.

"You're the princess aren't you?" Oona didn't reply to his question, she limped slowly and used the few trees close to the river for support. "Why was that creature after you?"

"If you're going to kill me, make it quick" she snapped at him "if not let me be, I have to meet my brother" anxiety had swallowed up her heart. Right now she neede to see Nohr and ensure he's alright. She would never forgive him if he died sacrificing himself for a beast like her.

The golden knight hummed and turned to the water, he frowned and turned to the girl staggering "what's your name?" She didn't reply to him instead continued walking. He followed her quietly and stared at her footsteps on the ground.

He scrutinized her from head to toe, she looked pale like a ghost. He wondered if she was kissed by the Moon. Her black hair fell on her back, it was curled in ways that he never knew existed but he was certain her hair was longer back when they both met.

What marvelled him was the river and the path she followed. Her foot prints on the ground were glittering and emitting and odd looking steam. The last thing that surprised him was the fact that he missed her neck His blonde hair rested and dropped off water mixed with blood on his neck. He was beyond certain that he was going to kill her but he missed. He stared at his hand, the wound he got from the sharp arrow he held had now healed with a piece of his armor thorn open to show it. He turned to Oona, there was something odd about the girl in front of him, no everything about the girl in front of him was odd.

"Do you know where you're headed" he asked calmly but was yet again ignored by the girl.

In reality Oona was no where to be found, her mind was scrolling through horrid thoughts about her brother. Her heart was banging against her ribs for the unknown to come.

Oona didn't want to lose someone as precious to her as Nohr. "Please be safe" she felt her body pulled back by a force.


Oona snapped her eyes twice to ensure she wasn't dreaming. A huge beast had it's claw a mere feet away from her face, one shebhad never seen, no, one she would have never believed existed. It looked like a wild dog with sharp teeth that stuck out of his mouth and spike around it's rock like skin. There were huge roots sticking out of the earth and holding the beast in place.

"I didn't expect you to die easily" the knight chuckled darkly, somehow it frightened Oona more than the beast. The monster growled loudly "you reawakened?". The beast in front of them was no other than Bacius. Oona was terrified to the extent of her limbs shaking. The blood eyed beast turned to her and her soul jolted from her body and returned in an instant, thanks to the knight who held her, she was still able to stand.

"Ahh... The girl" he released his hands from her, Oona turned to him with surprised eyes which grew wider when she felt her body up in the air. He had flung her in the air like a pebble.

The monster's claw squashed the knight while it's free paw reached for screaming Oona. "Slow"

It's head hit the floor with an immense for that uprooted the nearby trees. The knight stood majestically on it's head and stretched his hands and Oona fell into them."alright?"

She had screamed so much that she lost her voice. She instinctively wrapped her hands around his neck and stared at the beast under her.

The monster began to shake "I'll...Kill...YOU!!!"

It growled angrily, raising it's head forcefully it flung Oona and the knight in the air. Oona's hold on his neck tightened. A huge spikey tail slapped both and sent them flying into the deep forest. Dust rose up and animals around began to retreat from the site.

Bacius (beast) ran towards them with a great speed send trees around flying. The green glowing eyes of the knight could be seen, he held Oona safely in his arms, there was a huge hole in the ground where he stood. Just as Bacius got to them and raised his claw to attack, a huge root shot out of the ground and smacked him a mile away from them.

"Hu?" Oona had horror plastered on her face she had never seen such roots in her life, come to think of it she had never had a proper life.

He dropped Oona on the ground and pulled off his breast plate. Turning to the direction of Bacius he appeared there in an instant leaving a trail of dust behind. He threw a huge punch on Bacius face sending a rocky tooth flying. To counter Bacius slammed him with his tail towards the waste he created. "I'll kill you" his throat began to glow and there after he spat a huge ball if fire at the golden knight.

"Shit!" The knight cursed as he couldn't dodge it.


Oona who was a mile away fell to the ground and covered her ears.

"There you are" her skin rose up in fear when she felt hot steam on her back. "Now that he'..."

Bacius' jaw was open with the golden knight standing on his tongue in his mouth. He growled in pain when his fang was pulled out, the knight quickly jumped out of his mouth and landed on the ground. He jumped up and stood on Bacius head stabbing him with his fang.


Bacius flung his head to an fro to throw the knight off. Oona who was still on the ground digested the gore in front of her. The knight was hit on the ground on trees yet he held tight to the blood fang sticking into the beast's head.

Bacius ran at full speed towards a huge boulder at the corner. Smashing it's head into it, the knight fell off and was stuck in the boulder. Bacius shot a huge blast at him once more, one that was greater than the last. It sent things flying in all directions.

"DIE!!!" He roared and shot another at the knight.


After it had finished the knight off it ran towards Oona at full speed. Oona's breath clogged. She felt like she would die if she as much as move her eyelid.

Green roots rolled up her body like a snake making her jump to her feet in fear but it kept Rollin on her body till she was sucked into the earth.

Bacius growled and dug the ground angrily. He was tired and exhausted and most of all furious.

"I'm done with you" Bacius was kicked in his stomach so hard that blood spilled out of the spot, he spat out blood and rolled away like a huge boulder.

Oona rose up from the earth with dirt all over her body and face and hair. She heaved in and out heavily. The knight picked her up, carrying her like a sack and stared running towards the river they had come from. Oona stared at the body of the beast that was emitting steam and sparks of fire. She could see it's rock like skin erupting.

All she could wonder was how such a creature exists. Her hair covered her face while she could feel the Knight's helmet sharply clinging to her body.

A huge explosion took place clearing all the trees around Bacius. Oona was no more scared this time she was intrigued by the amount of energy this monster was emitting just to get her. Why was he after her anyway? Because all this fighting is for her.

She didn't have the time to think when she saw a huge fire beast running towards them, burning all that was in it's path.

"YAWEH!!!!!!" Oona found her voice and yelled in fear, shutting her eyes tightly.

The knight maneuvered through the raining balls of fire and the burning trees. He flung Oona like a ball, he threw her and caught her all the while blocking and evading the attacks Bacius threw at them.

He could tell right now that the beast wasn't interested in taking Oona unharmed like it did at the beginning. Right now it's sole priority was to kill all in his path, claiming Oona dead or alive.

Once they arrived at the lake, Oona was flung into the water. The knight pulled out his gauntlets and stretched his hand towards the tyrant Bacius that approached them.


He yelled intensely as a huge light ball formed on his hand. He blankly stared at the beast and shot it at Bacius. The impact from the force threw him into the river.

Bacius tried to dodge the force thrown at him but he was too late. The ball pierced his skin as there after his body part were destroyed.

A huge radius explosion took place in the forest, shaking the grounds heavily. There after there was silence.


Oona crawled out of the river coughing and gasping for air she sat on the river bank shivering from the cold water. The golden knight sat on the ground, most of his clothes were burnt and his skin was filled with bruises and burnt scars. He pulled out his helmet and sighed in exhaustion. Digging his hair with his hand he turned to the girl he had saved.

He turned to Oona who had as well turned to him.

It happened once again, both eyes locked and their hearts beats were heard loudly in ears. Oona was speechless, she found it hard to believe that the man she stared at right now was human.

His blonde hair curled on his face, his green olive eyes were as enchanting, it would be the saying, if diamonds were green. He looked like an unearthly being.

"T-thank you" she whispered and quickly looked away. She covered her bossom with her hands, she had her silky white nightgown on which would be exposing right now. "A-are y-you alright?"

The man didn't say a word he just stared at her. Oona tensed up, she instinctively held her neck."what's your name?"

She bit her lower lip and stared at the burning forest. "Oona"

The knight nodded slowly "I am Sage" he replied with a supposed friendly voice and a blank uninterested look on his face.

"Is my brother?.." Oona looked him with hope filled in her eyes "your kingdom attacked right, did you find my brother the prince " her feet crawled to Sage.

"He's dead" Sage replied calmly but still with a passive expression on his face like he didn't care, no to be honest, he didn't care. "He was killed by that beast that had reawakened by the time we arrived" Sage continued.

Oona tried to be surprised but she deep down felt that Nohr's presence was gone. It was a feeling that had been bottled up in her gut. Tears rolled down her eyes, her brother was truly dead. She didn't want to believe it, no she won't believe it.

She stood up hurriedly and walked to Sage, wiping off her tears "Nohr isn't dead" she said to him in a reassuring mood. She was indirectly convincing herself that her brother was alive and well. "take me back to my room" she turned to the part of the forest that was on fire. There after turned to the part that was barely standing "he's waiting for me" her voice cracked a bit.

"Death is death, your brother is dead" Sage stood up and dusted his trousers "take it or leave it, I don't care"

Oona turned to Sage glaring at him with teary eyes. " I said Nohr is alive" she was tired of hearing those words. Was she the only person holding onto faith? Or was she just trying to console herself? Either way she would never fall for the words of a man that wanted her dead a while ago. She turned to leave but her legs gave way, her eyes became heavy and her body weak.


Sage stared at Oona with his green olive eyes. He didn't seem surprised that she fainted. He walked to her and carried her gently in his arms. Roots sprouted out of the ground and pulled them into the earth.