
Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

This story has original character, original story, original locations and factions. The Gate story is a baseline for a far grander world that I have planned. Note: Volume 1 is a mix of Gate cannon and original work. Volume 2 is mostly a copy of the Italica Arc. Starting Chapter 25 is when the book becomes mostly original with only light story arcs from the gate cannon but with my twist.

PWOFalcon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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166 Chs

Epilogue Part 1

Wow, 166 chapters and the story is only getting started. When I started this book March 2019, I never thought I would get this far. I thought I would get to chapter 6 and get bored because no one who want to read my book.

I even stopped for a month until I started getting comments saying 'not bad' and so on (I forgot to disable notifications lol). After that I decided to continue and see where things go.

It has been a trying adventure, but it has bene amazing. I have learned so much and gotten better. Thank you to everyone who stuck with the story as I figure things out.

As many you know I am currently fixing the early volumes, fixing grammar, point of view, spelling, fixing dialogue and so on. I updated Volume 1 last week and Volume 2-6 is coming. I will release the remastered chapters by volumes to help cut story confusion. Only Volume 1 had a major overhaul.

Because of Wattpad 200 chapter limit I have to cut here. I do not want to cut a volume in half because I reached the limit. But this is not the end of the story, only the beginning. I am continuing the story on Part 2, then Part 3, Part 4 and so on. This story will not end when the Imperial War is over, it is only setting up things to come.

I am also setting up a calendar system for the books going forward. You already seen it in the remaster copy of volume 1 and the recent chapters. I will be updating old chapters and adding a date on there.

I do what to say special thanks to a few people. I know my story could make it this far by myself but the high quality of the story, the lore, action, and all the character I have to give a huge thanks to many fans of mine. They are a big reason how my story has maintained a great consistently in quality.

Part 2 is here so stay tune to upcoming chapters here:



I have a side picture book, please check it out. I try to get maps and character pictures made and I post them here: If you are a fan and like to make a fan art, I put them all here. Enjoy


My book is also on Wattpad, Webnovel, Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Fan Fiction






Special thanks to:

Tomrichman – For always being there and helping me brainstorm ideas. I always can trust his opinion. I cannot list all the things he helped me with, it would take six pages or more.

Hocky21 or 12ykcoh - for all the great ideas. For winning the faction and story contest

Lunarreaper824 – for helping me early on with ideas and brainstorming

flamewolf902 – for helping me early on. He helped me with many of the romance and character development early on. He helps created the Miritta Apostle Karlin Daolo and was a major help in the Christmas special. I wish you the best of luck in the afterlife my long-lost friend, but not forgotten.

mithril124DD – for helping me with ideas and brainstorming. 2nd place winner in the faction contest. Big help with ideas and on of my longest readers

EmptyDesign – Thank you for being with me from the beginning. For always being there when I have questions and help me improve on my editing early on. He gets credit for helping me fix my 'past tense' problem I had in the beginning

guacboyJB – for being there in the beginning and helping me brainstorm. It was his idea for me to include Tyuule into the story and have her be rescued by the Rangers. I never would have included her if it wasn't for him.

SaihtamAreriep – for helping with ideas and brain storming. Thank you

Vexor502 ��� for being a big help early on in the story with ideas and brainstorming.

Arashi Zaros – For helping with old edits and propose me doing the remaster project

Special Thanks to my editor team:

AriLesmana – you been a pro. Thank you for all the hard work you put into editing.

LucerFier – Being the first person to be my editor and follow through on it. Thank you so much.

Pratomoastan – Thank you for all the edits. You help made the workshop channel be fun and engaging

NotoriousDegenerate – one of my newest editors, thank you for wanting to help out.

Cup Man – newest editor. Great job in recent chapter, welcome to the team

Special thanks to my discord team:

DemonWasAlreadyTaken – he set up my Discord server and helps run it. Thank you because I have no idea how to do it. That been a big help

USN_GeneralAssembly – Thank you for helping out as a moderator. You have been a big help with the server. I don't feel like I have to worry about the server now knowing you are watching over things

nafavralvaJ – Thank you for helping out watching over the server. With all the fixes in it

Special Thanks to my cat Nala. If you on the server, you will understand. Hail!

Thank you again for everyone. I know there are others and thank you to all of you who were not listed. This has been a great and hard project. I will keep giving it my all. I know the last volume has been a bit slow but there is a reason for it. It is laying the foundation for what is to come and holy fuck, I guarantee you will not be upset. Enjoy the calm right now because you will miss it (I couldn't help myself)