
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Autres
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90 Chs

Chapter 59: Fighting Many Snakes

"Hei, do you understand me?" asked Kurono.

"You speak Spanish?" asked back Sazaro.

"So, you understand then." nodded Kurono. He then asked, "Tell me what happened here?"

"What team are you from?" Sazaro still asked.

"We are Tokyo Team from Japan. Now, tell me what happening here?"

"We are from Iquitos Team of Peru. Our mission this time is to take down Medusa Alien. However, almost all of us got killed, leaving only me,and my two teammates. Well, I was supposed to die, but...how did it happened?" asked Sazaro. He still remembered the interior of the room on which he was teleported to for just a moment ago.

"You got saved by the Gantz from our place." answered Kurono.


"That's the guy residing inside the black ball."

"So, you call it there as Gantz." nodded Sazaro. Suddenly, he remembered that he still have two friends who is running away from those Anacondas.

"Ah, hei..."

"Kei Kurono. You can call me Kurono."

"Hei Kurono, can you rescue my two friends?" asked Sazaro.

"You don't need to worry about them. Your teammates happened to meet two of my team members." said Kurono. "Let's gather together with them."

Kurono then teleported everyone in the place towards the proximity of his friends that just met Stella and Raul. The sudden teleportation frightened Sazaro. This is not the same one as the transfer method used by their Vakla (Gantz name in their place).

Kurono developed two kind of psychic skills for his convenience when he was out on a mission with his team. The first one is Telepathic Transmission. This is the ability to talk telepathically with a fellow psychic power users.

The second one is Tagged Teleportation. Using this skill, Kurono can teleport towards anyone or any place that he has 'tagged'. This is the skill he is using at this moment.

As soon as Kurono and the others comes out, they saw Sakuraoka standing guard over the two people, Stella and Raul, while Kaze was fighting against those giant Anacondas.

The Iquitos Team were shocked at how calm are the moustachied guy while fighting against those three Anacondas. The most shocking thing is that, this guy is only fighting those monsters aliens using his physical body. In their surprise, everytime the guy attacked, there will be an Anaconda that get sent flying.

"How is that possible?"

"He is not even using any kind of weapon. Look, what is that punch?" exclaimed Raul.

Kaze just punched the giant snake on it's head, but the punch was as if delivered by a giant fighter. The head of one of the Anaconda was flattened on the ground, as if being smashed by a gravitational force. The snake died after it's head was smashed into a pulp on the ground.

"Woah! He used psychic powers like a gravity to enhance his punch! That's incredible!" exclaimed Sakurai in delight. "Hei Sensei, we could apply the same thing like he did right?"

"You kidding? We need to strengthen our physical body especially our hands in order to do that, you know. Kaze-san is different. He is just a great fighter in close combat." replied Sakata.

"Watch out, those Anaconda is going berserk." yelled Raul, warning Kaze. He have seen these snakes going berserk, and transformed into human form. After that, that berserk Anaconda killed many of their fighters. Even their strongest force who killed several of this kind of snakes died after being ganged up by these berserk Anacondas.

At this time, the last two Anacondas' skins turned red. One of them said, "Mongolian ant, you have angered us this much. Let me give you a miserable death."

Suddenly, the two snake transformed into human form. However, their skins were blackish red in colour. There were many scales that covered their bodies, and their hands are like the claws of a falcon.

"Guys, it's not time to watch them fight. Let's clear up the other snakes." said Kurono. "I'll go check on the other three. You guys also should move out and clear the rest of the targets." Saying so, Kurono vanished from his spot.

"You three, follow me" said Reika, guiding the three Peruvian survivors. She and Sakuraoka moved out leaving the two psychic duo watching Kaze fighting the humanized snake.

"Let's go too." said Sakata.

"What about Kaze-san?"

"I don't think he is in trouble. He should be winning this fight. In any case, Leader will check him out if he is in trouble." said Sakata. He too moved out and left the place.

"Wait for me." Sakurai hurriedly run after his sensei.

Kaze saw the others going to a different direction, and thought that he should finish his fight and go help them to clear those targets.

"Are you afraid now, that your back-up are gone?" asked one of the Human Anaconda, smirking at Kaze. "Don't worry. We will give you a swift death."

After it said that, the two red guy... slithered towards Kaze. Kaze almost stumbled on his feet when he saw that those two didn't run with their feet, instead, their feet turned like their previous bodies, and slithered on the ground. Though, the are moving really fast although with such a weird movement.

As they closed to Kaze, they showed a devilish grin, giving Kaze an uncomfortable feeling. He instinctively teleported away from his current standing place.

Voom! Voom! Voom!

Red beams were shooting from the eyes of the two enemies, passing through Kaze's after images.

"What?" exclaimed the two in surprise. They were shocked to find that Kaze disappeared from his place.

Instantly, Kaze appeared on the back of one of the Humanized Anaconda, and punched that guy on it's head. A horizontal force smashed the head of the guy, sending it's pieces towards a big tree in the distance. Where the pieces of head got stuck on the tree, it's started melting from the high acidity of venoms that was contained in the pieces.

"Aaaahhhhh!!! You killed my wife! I'll kill you!!" shouted the other guy. It then shoot many red beams all around the places and in random direction.

Seeing this, Kaze was forced to evade those attacks swiftly. At the same time, he quickly approached the Humanized Anaconda, and punched it in it's chin. An upward force crushed the head of that last guy. After that, it's body limped down and dropped on the ground, dead.

"Well, that's it. I should go on too."

Kaze then checked his radar, and choose a target. He then moved away, leaving those snakes corpses.


Near a shallow river, Rei, Fei and Shinozaki were moving along the riverside, against the flowing current. Each of them has a Z-Gun on their hand.

The three whose height is similar, already killed a few snakes was moving towards a new target that was supposed to be near the river.

Right now, it was Shinozaki's turn to monitor the iPad-like radar. This radar is a new one that Tensho gave to Kurono by controlling Gantz to present that radar. This radar function is similar to the regular one, but with the additional function of checking the value of the targets.

Not long later, the three of them arrived on a waterfall site. Below the waterfall, the three of them saw some girls are bathing, and playing happily in the water. All the girls were half submerged inside the water, and showing naked upper bodies.

"Human? Are there some tourist who came to this place?" asked Rei. She walked towards the girls to warn them about the existence of aliens in the area. However, Shinozaki stopped her.

"Look at the radar." said Shinozaki. Rei and Fei looked at the radar, and saw that each of those girls was tagged as the targets, and each of the worth 15 points.

"They got some good value. But they are just human. Are we suppose to kill them?" asked Fei.

"Look at their bodies. It's as if they came straight out of drawing. They are too beautiful."

"Neko will bled his nose if he saw these girls." said Rei.

"One two...there are eighteen of them. That's 270 points. We can divide equally, each with 90 pts." said Shinozaki.

At this time, one of the girls who was bathing in the water saw the three girls watching them bathing.

"*Hei, there are human girls over there.*" said the girl, pointing her finger to the three Gantz Fighters.

"*Oh, some tourist?*"

"*I don't think they are some tourist. Look at their suits and weapons.*" said one of the older girls.

"*Hunters! They are here to kill us.*"

"*Let's kill them.*"

"*Might as well. I kind of feeling hungry, right now.*" said a dark skinned girl. After that she undergone a transformation. Her eyes turned into a slit with a sharp pointy pupil. Many scales suddenly emerged on her skins, and her delicate hand turned into sharp claws. As she opened her mouth, sharp teeth were visible, and a forked tongue stuck out of it.

"Yikes! She is definitely alien."

The three girls felt uncomfortable when they saw how ugly the girl is after she transformed. Right then, all the girls in the water transformed like the first girls. After that they moved towards the three on the distance. As soon as they come out of the water, the lower half body were now visible as the bodies of snakes.

All of them slithered like a naga sirens towards the hunters.

"So, who will start taking the points" asked Rei.

"Let just divide them equally." said Fei.

The other two just nodded. The three of them then hold out their hands and each caught six snakes using their psychic powers.

The snakes struggled hard. Some of the opened their mouths and let out a loud and disturbing sounds.

Screee! Screee!


Fei and Rei who stood a little at the front felt some ringing in their eardrum. The ringing caused some pain and disturbance in their brain, forcing them to close their eyes and covered their ears with their hands. At the back, Shinozaki was fortunate to be able to activate her psychic powers and defended herself from those disturbing sounds.

Some of the half snakes managed to release themselves after the sounds attack. They then shoot out some beams from their eyes.

"Watch out!!"

Shinozaki was frightened when she saw the laser attack. She hurriedly touched her two friends, and teleported away into the distance. After that, she helped the two by covering them with psychic barrier.

"Thank you for saving us." said Rei, still feeling some ache in her head. "Are they really just 15 points worth?"

"Let's just take them down as fast as we can."

"Let's just do that. I hate those slithering bitch." scolded Fei. She almost got hit by those laser because of her carelessness. It made her feel a bit disappointed to herself.

At the side of the river, the half snakes looked around in confusion. Just now, their targets suddenly vanished into thin air.

"*Where did they go?*"

"*Not sure. They just disappeared like a hollow*"

"*They might be using that frequency changer to make themselves invisible. Watch out guys.*" said one of the snakes.

Somehow, their assumption were half true. At this time, the three girls turned invisible, and silently appeared up in the sky above those half snakes.

"Let's go with water." said Rei. Fei nodded. The two then controlled the water from the river, to envelop six snakes each. They then lifted each of their water prison, and tried to compact the water prison into a smaller size, causing their prisoner to be tightly stuck to each other. They then used the Z-Gun to hammer those prisoners onto the ground.

As for Shinozaki, she created six fireballs and threw them towards the last six half snakes. The fireballs swiftly arrived in front of the snakes. Some of them managed to move to the side, and evade the fireballs. However, whether the fireballs hit it's target or not, as soon as it get near the half snakes, they exploded with a bang!