
Playing Dead

While Xavier lay back in the chair, as if he was unconscious, he was still trying his best to pay attention to his surroundings. He was using the Gangster Instincts and the other senses at his disposal to their fullest in order to do so. And it was only after a few minutes that he heard footsteps heading his way.

The faint clacking sound steadily grew louder and whoever was approaching him wore high heels. They also had a skip in their step that was noticeable from the pace of their steps.

As for who it was, Xavier could only assume that it was the person who was truly in charge of everything. He gauged that she was pretty light and likely had a small frame. Meanwhile, the fact that she was a little girl was confirmed to him as soon as she spoke.

"I guess I got excited and invited him to meet for no reason. What kind of idiot hands over half a million dollars, then eats food provided by people they don't know yet?"