

A young transfer student was bullied to the point of suicide, but just at his last moments, he awakened the gang system. Fed up with being the prey, he becomes the predator. Getting stronger, facing his bullies, conquering the school, and slowly building his gang into an empire. Follow him as he goes from a bullied nerd to the nation's greatest gangster. Extra Tags: Gangs, Gang leader, Gang wars, Highschool gangs, ruthless mc, handsome mc, young mc, poortorich, fighting, battles, school wars, school conquer, drug empire. *** DISCLAIMER!!: The fights, and characters in this novel may be borderline superhuman. For example, A strong character may be able to leave super small craters in concrete or bend steel with their fist, or they may be able to leave huge dents in cars, I just wanted to clear this up because people keep complaining about it being unrealistic and "superhuman" even though that's how I wanted the characters to be from the start, now they won't have superpowers or anything but they will be able to achieve such feats like the ones I mentioned. I made this novel to be exciting and action-packed, if you want super realistic then this isn't for you. And if you have a problem with that, then don't read! Thumbnail Source: Pinterest 2 Chapters/Day or some days 3. I'm still not the best at writing and can lose motivation easily, but if people like it I will continue it!

Fraudkuna · Politique et sciences sociales
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: True Colors (1)

In the principal's office, me and Riko sit directly in front of each other.

The principal looks at me and then Riko, he sees him shaking out of fear and notices the bruises, bandages, and busted lip. 

"I see."

"Yama. What you've done is unacceptable."

I get angry and decide to respond.

"Those bastards picked and beat on me for nearly 2 months but no one did anything about it, why should I care."

The principal removes his glasses, "why should you care? because he's one of your classmates! you should never hurt your classmates! And the bullying must be lies, Riko is one of the top students at our school. Why would he do something like that? But...Riko."

The principal turns to Riko and proceeds to ask him something, "Is it true that you bullied Yama?.."

He looks at me and expects Riko to say no, but he hears a faint "yes.." slip from his lips.

The principal is astonished and looks at Riko, "W-What?...impossible. Why? you're a top student at our school why would you bully a transfer student?"

I glare at Riko, he instantly flinches and starts speaking the truth.

"B-Because...I felt like it...." he looked at the ground, knowing he was going to get in trouble now.

"...Is that so? well, it came from your mouth. Riko you will have a 10-day suspension from school and 5 days of in school suspension when you return. All of your school trips will be canceled and your school council position will be removed. Do you understand?"

Riko's face gets sadder and mine gets happier.

'Strength is absolute, he's so scared of me that he snitched on himself.' 

I hid my smirk and stood up from the seat. "I'll remove myself, thank you."

The Principal nods and continues his talk with Riko.


I now stood outside of the principal's office and just couldn't stop laughing. After so much bullying throughout my life, I had never felt such happiness. from beating my bullies and then getting them into trouble. It felt like a fever dream, but I was glad it wasn't.

I walked into class and the students instantly turned to stare at me, I heard their whispers as I walked by. But I held my head up confidently and sat in my seat. In the corner of my eye, I could see my crush, Lyla, looking at me

She had never looked at me before, but for some reason, I felt nothing from it. The old me would have been panting like a dog if this had ever happened. I looked at her but slowly looked away right after.

She was confused, she was used to me looking at her and blushing but I wasn't doing any of that. I was confused myself, were my feelings for her gone? I couldn't quite tell. Maybe I just didn't like her a lot anymore.

I chose to just focus on class and wait for the end of the day. During the fight, I heard a few dings and was waiting to open the panel and check the rewards.



The day was over and I was finally about to head home when I was stopped by Lyla.

She tugs at my shirt and looks at me with a serious face before speaking in a whispery tone.

"I didn't know you could fight like that."

I couldn't quite hear her so I was wondering what she said. "Come again?"

She spoke loud enough for me to hear, "I said...I didn't know you could fight like that...it was kinda cool..."

I look at her and my anger returns, 'This bitch, she watches me get bullied for months, all while knowing I like her, didn't even try to help me, and now that I won against my bullies; who she sometimes hangs out with, she wants to talk to me for the first time? I'm starting to despise her...'

"Cool." I stare at her with eyes full of disdain and just turn to walk away. She watches as I walk away and starts to get angry.

'The fuck is up with him?'

Her true colors are about to be revealed, "Hey! you fucking nerd! just because you beat up some run-of-the-mill junkies doesn't mean you can act any kinda way! I'm your crush, aren't I? So fucking act like it!

She finally speaks up but quickly regrets it, knowing who she really is has been exposed due to her own anger. 

"Yeah, that's right...I always found it weird that you were always around those fuckers and even flirting with Riko a bit. So...are you one of Mia's little lackeys too?"

I look at her as she starts to giggle a bit, I'm quite confused. "What's so funny?"

"You said L-Lackeys...HAHAHA!~ oh I'm not a lackey, I'm the one leading those ugly bitches.."

"I see." My face is full of disappointment, I expected better from her, but I wasn't surprised much.

I suddenly dodged backward, Lyla had just tried to hit me with her sharp nails. "Are you trying to fight me or something?"

"Don't underestimate me just because I'm a girl..I've defeated more men than women."

'That strike just now...it was extremely fast...I'm glad I was on guard or I would have been hit. It's true she is extremely strong...I'm not confident I can beat her.'

Lyla didn't let up with her slashes, she continued to use her nails as some sort of knife. I swiftly dodged them but was met with a kick to the chest which I blocked. 

We now stood outside of the school building, where I still had my guard up after blocking that kick. 

'Shit..that kinda hurt, I'm glad I have a lot of agility...or my ass would've been grass throughout all of those attacks.'

'Should I run? or fight?' I look around for a possible escape route.

"Trying to run?...you little pussy."

I didn't let her words anger me and chose to remain calm, I got into my boxing stance and was ready for her to attack.

'I still have my rewards I haven't redeemed, with these...'

[Rewards for finally defeating your bullies: Rare Loot Box, +10 points in all stats, Level up, +100 Coins]

'I might win!...'