
Chapter 7

Arya was following a group of men, pretending to be a boy named Arry, and befriended others, Gendry, Hot Pie, and Lommy Greenhands, who were going north to join the guard.

The girl suddenly sees horses approaching and sees the guard man who saved her give her a look, and the girl walks away, though she listens attentively.

" What's wrong?" asked the man on guard.

The man on the horse climbed off.

"We're looking for Sansa Stark." he clarified.

Arya was surprised when she heard this.

"Sansa Stark, there are no women here, only men for the Night's Watch...Sansa Stark is in the Red Keep" said the man from the Night's Watch, confused.

The guard frowned.

"She escaped," he said.

"What? A little girl escaped from the Red Keep? From King's Landing? " he said incredulously.

And Arya was too, she knew Sansa, she didn't even know how to tie her own shoes.

"Move," the guard said angrily.

"Move me," her guard provoked.

"Do you want to do it like this?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and his men, four knights, unsheathed their swords.

The guard raised his hands. He pointed to the right.

"Men form a guard" he indicated.

Then left towards Arya.

"Children joining the guard," he said.

And then some caged people.

"Prisoners joining the guard" he concluded.

The guard looked over and frowned.

"Why don't you go back to King's Landing? Look under the bed, maybe she's there" he said.

The men who came to guard laughed out loud.

The guard looked at the man on night watch and climbed back onto his horse.

" We will see each other again " he promised.

"Let's camp!" exclaimed the guard.

They ate and went to sleep outside, Gendry got up and Arya followed him.

"What are you doing, I'm going to the bathroom?" Gendry said, watching her follow him.

" Oh me too," Arya said somewhat uncomfortable.

" Trees are not for girls" he muttered.

" I'm a boy," she said.

" Sure, well let's go pee" he indicated.

Arya kept looking at the ground uncomfortably.

Gendry laughed a little when they heard some screams.

They ran and saw the guards attacking the men of the night watch, and burning huts and torches.

"Get us out of here!" they heard and saw the prisoners in the cages have fire set near them.

Arya cursed, ran up to them, and broke the lock with a rock, the prisoners escaped.

But they are all cornered by the guards, their escorts from the night watch were dead, except one, the one who saved Arya.

"I told you there are no girls here, Lorch" he exclaimed.

Amory Lorch ran his sword through his neck.

" It doesn't really matter, you are all now prisoners of Lord Tywin Lannister, you will serve in Harrenhal or die" he indicated and the guards took them away.

[T/N: F*cking C*nts!]


Tywin Lannister heads off to run the war from Harrenhall, the old lion isn't doing well at all.

First, Ned Stark starts a revolt by claiming something as ridiculous as his grandchildren were born to Cersei and Jaime.

Second, his son Tyrion allows himself to be kidnapped by the Tullys. And what's worse, he doesn't die.

Third, his useless son-in-law dies in a stupid hunt, leaving his incompetent grandson as king.

Fourth, said incompetent grandson can't think of a better way to begin his reign than by executing the guardian of the north, and as if that weren't enough, he impales his head.

Tywin can accept that perhaps, but that is not the worst.

Fifth, someone managed to take his prize, Ned Stark's greatsword, his prize, his Valyrian steel sword.

Sixth, whoever stole the sword also stole his hostage, Sansa Stark, the only leverage he has to control the North.

Seventh, whoever took his prize and the Stark girl somehow left a boar in the dungeons of the Red Keep, though Tywin didn't believe it until he saw the dead creature, dead after it had taken out a dozen of his men.

Now how someone was able to get an adult wild boar into the dungeon without anyone noticing is an incredible mystery. The old man made them follow the path that the kidnapper took, but even without news he hopes to receive a letter soon or there will be punishment.

But with all this, it has been a bad month and a worse week for old Lion.


Robb Stark comforts his mother after receiving the news, he is furious at his father's death, although he has hopes for the war after receiving the news of Sansa's escape.

" Who is helping us? " he wondered.

His standard bearers were lusting for vengeance, Greatjon had struck down every noble or commoner who came near him with his fury, for the death of his father.

Robb understood perfectly, he also wanted to kill all the Lannisters. But unfortunately, it is not that easy, his plans come first.

His mother was in her room and did not come out since she found out about her husband's death.

Roose Bolton and Richard Karstark were involved in discussions on how to proceed after this.

The Blackfish had brought his uncle, and they both offered their condolences and brought men from their lands to fight the Lannisters.

Now an all-out war is about to break out and everyone knows it.

The only thing missing was for Robb to state his intentions, and begin his attacks.

" Freeing the Riverlands from the Lannisters was at first enough, but not anymore," he muttered.

Theon looks at him from beside him.

"It's time," he said solemnly.

Robb watched his mother arrive and come over to him.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

He nodded.

Robb stood up and the others followed suit.

"It's been weeks since this all began" the new guardian of the north began.

" I think everyone remembers, we were hoping it wouldn't come to this," he said, some banging on the table or walls could be heard, the frustration of the northerners was more than clear to everyone in the room.

"We expected Joffrey Baratheon…We expected Joffrey to fulfill what honor demands" he said.

"We expected Tywin Lannister to abandon his attack on the land of the rivers" the boy informed.

"We wished for Eddard Stark to be in the north," he said in a whisper but was heard by everyone.

" But none of that happened, nothing that was expected happened" he clarified.

" This is no longer a battle to defend the land of the rivers" the boy denied.

"We are at war with the Lannisters and King's Landing," he said.

"We all heard the rumors, the news, the truth. Eddard Stark, my father, the Warden of the North, his friend… He's dead" he lamented.

The great Jon Umber let out a howl that sounded like a wounded animal, the death of his friend affected him as much as it did his family.

" Dead in a dishonorable way, a horrible way, Joffrey has proven himself to be a complete enemy of the North, and he will be treated as such" Robb clarified.

"However, it's not all bad news, other rumors have also arrived, my sister, Sansa has somehow escaped from King's Landing, we don't know who rescued her, but we do know that Tywin Lannister does not have her and as such, he has no way of threatening the North" he said, Catelyn nodded at what he said.

"We have no reason to hold back any longer," he said.

A couple of screams were heard as all the tables were enthusiastically banged on by the men in front of them.

" But first of all, we have to finish the plans and look for allies" he clarified.

Names were heard, like Stannis and others Renly.

"I will assign the men with experience in war to lead at my side, an inner circle to improve the communication of our army" he indicated.

Many looked at him with curiosity.

"And first of all, I have no right over the lords of the land of the rivers, but I would prefer that the Blackfish take charge of the army, an experienced commander like him is the best in my opinion," said the boy.

" Of course, the land of rivers agrees" his uncle quickly replied.

Robb nodded.

" Well then, the northern army will have three divisions, the Greatjon Umber will lead the attack," he said pointing at the Umber.

" JA lead, I will eliminate them all by myself" The excited man jumped, while his son tried not to sigh, tired of his father's attitude.

"Richard Karstark, the defense," Robb ordered.

"It will be an honor," The man nodded.

" Roose Bolton will be in charge of logistics and supplies," Robb indicated.

Roose nodded emotionlessly.

" Dacey Mormont, you will be my squire during the war, I hope your battle mace will help me," he indicated.

The woman nodded.

"The Mormonts will always support the Starks," she said.

" Very well...Let's start with the planning" finished the new guardian of the north.


Jon sighed as he watched Sansa sleep, they were halfway there and the boy was frantic, next to him, Ghost was sleeping, Sansa curled up on top of him. The direwolf was very happy to see her, he licked her face and warmed her with his fur.

The girl seemed happy. Jon learned that Lady died on the queen's orders.

The boy sighed again and thought about what to do.

The plan was originally to go north, but Volantis decided that the Lannisters would guard all the sea and land routes into the north, so it would be impossible to get in. And Volantis, well, has the Greens, who could warn them.

" Who am I kidding, I have no idea what to do," he thought.

His goal was to save Sansa from the Red Keep, but after that, he had no idea what to do.

He couldn't take her north to Winterfell, or the riverlands with Sansa's uncle because Tywin would easily find them.

" But is Volantis safe for her? " the boy thought.

" How great is the influence of the Lannisters " he knew that he heard the name several times while he was a mercenary.

" I need information" he muttered.

He shook his head.

First things first.

He would talk to Arthur and then make a plan.

" I must be honest with him, tell him who I am, about my powers, maybe he knows someone far from Westeros who could help me," he thought.

He sighed and walked over to the table where there were apples and peaches that he had summoned for Sansa, and picked up an apple.

The boy then heard a scream from outside.


" Again" he muttered.

Sansa stood up abruptly.

" Jon?" she said.

" Fear not, they have faced worse things than a few pirates, and I will give them a hand... Ghost, take care of Sansa " he said.

The wolf let out a growl.

Jon left the dressing room and walked to the bow with his sword in hand.

"More of them " he murmured, watching a boat approach him.

"The hazards of the trade" the captain laughed.

"Pirates or ironborn?" Jon asked.

The captain shrugged his shoulders.

" Is there a difference?" he asked.

The boy smiled and watched the pirates jump onto the ship, and yes, this time they were pirates.

Jon didn't hesitate for a second, he wouldn't hesitate any longer.

He hit the ground with his hand.

"Wolf" he muttered.

A wolf appeared and attacked the pirates who watched in horror.

"Fire aura," Jon said and attacked the other pirates.

Some fell, set on fire by the aura of fire, others were cut and pierced.

The captain laughed, the pirate ship tried to move away, but Jon jumped on it, followed by several sailors, the pirates attacked and they responded.

Jon attacked the last pirate when a light flashed in his eyes, and he appeared in the room. The boy knew he had leveled up to 7 but couldn't choose skills since he had 2 points of the four he needed, he immediately left the room.

He saw the sailors searching the ship and returned to his dressing room.


" It's a shame about Ned Stark," said Margaery.

" An honorable fool, he should have stayed in the north," said her grandmother.

Margaery looked at her curiously.

"Will Robb Stark attack King's Landing now?" she asked.

" First it will be the rock, I hope the boy wins, I would like to see Tywin's face when he loses the rock" laughed the grandmother.

The door opened and Renly and Loras entered.

" Good morning, my love," said Margaery

Renly smiled at her.

Her grandmother looked at Loras with a calculating look, he looked away and the grandmother sighed tiredly.

" I'm leaving, I'm a bit old for so much traveling, Your Majesty" the old woman greeted.

" Rest Lady Olenna" greeted the King.

Margaery looked at her grandmother with a raised eyebrow, after all, she knew she wasn't going to sleep, she was surely planning to do something.


" The Lord of Light guides you, my king," said a beautiful woman dressed as a priestess.

" I never liked Ned Stark, but he didn't deserve what happened to him," Stannis said.

" Lord Stark is a sacrifice that the Lord of Light made so that you could be crowned" clarified the red priestess.

"More like Joffrey" Ser Davos, the king's advisor, says.

The priestess smiled.

" The Lord of Light works in mysterious ways," she said.

Davos rolled his eyes.

" Ser Davos, is there any news of the girl? " asked the king.

" No, Your Majesty, from what I've been told, she escaped through the deepest part of the dungeon without leaving a trace. I know that there are secret tunnels in it, I only know one, which was used by thieves at the King's Landing, but it would be impossible for the girl to know about them" he clarified.

Stannis said nothing.

If only he had the Stark girl, Robb Stark would have to bend the knee. Normally he wouldn't resort to that, but his younger brother is putting pressure on him.

" Usurper," the king thought furiously.

[T/N: B*tch PLEASE!]


"Miss Sansa, please help me too." a sailor requested.

Jon watched as Sansa dedicated herself to healing the wounds caused by the pirates with her magic.

The sailors were amazed by Sansa's healing magic and asked her to heal them. She did so gracefully and was happy to be of service.

The captain of the ship became fond of the wolf that Jon summoned and asked for it, Jon nodded and now it was fed like a dog, and it also slept in the captain's dressing room.

[T/N: isn't his magic permanently lowered while a creature is summoned?]

He could see Volantis in the distance.


Brandon watched Rikkon from his chair, who was playing with some wooden dolls, while Ossa watched.

The wildling was adopted by the Starks, in a few days, she looked at Bran from time to time, surprised by the magic he possessed, she had seen on the other side of the wall, old women who healed wounds with mysterious herbs, giants, and skinchangers, but nothing like someone who controlled the winds.

The woman told him about the dead, and Bran looked confused at that. He had heard the stories of the White Walkers and the Night King from old Nanny. But believing them was a different story.

On the other hand, he did obtain magical powers somehow, he is aware that Jon also possessed them.

"Is it true? " the boy murmured.


Jaime watched intently as his men eliminated the last resistance, he had been facing soldiers from the land of rivers for a few days when he arrived here.

He wasn't surprised, they were much weaker than he expected.

The man shook his head. He had to finish this quickly, the mountain was currently attacking another area, a tactic to provoke Robb Stark and end this war before it started.

"Then come, Stannis and Renly," the Kingslayer muttered to himself.


"Confirm the rumors" indicated Doran Martell.

"Is it true? The girl escaped?" Oberyn asked with amusement.

Doran nodded and Oberyn laughed.

"I'd love to see old Tywin's face now," the Prince of Dorne laughed.

Doran smiled.

"He must be angry, both at the loss of his hostage and at the incompetence of his men at King's Landing," he clarified.

"We could join Robb Stark, you know, the mountain is in the land of rivers," he said although he knew he would be rejected.

"I understand your enthusiasm, brother. But there are plans to follow, Daenerys' wedding is approaching and with that, we can inform Viserys of his and Arianne's engagement, once that is done, we will have enough men to finish off Tywin and his family forever" said Doran calmly.

" My patience has limits, I have waited seventeen years, Doran" Oberyn threatened.

"And you will wait longer, do not fear brother, the Martells will have our revenge, but Tywin will lose everything before he dies" he indicated.

Oberyn let out a heavy sigh.

"Speaking of which, I got a message from the dwarf," Doran said.

"Little Lannister, what does he want?" he asked curiously.

" An arranged engagement, between Myrcella Baratheon and my son Trystane" he indicated.

Oberyn looked at him in surprise.

"Are you going to accept? It is clearly a proposition to unite our armies against Stannis or Renly, or both? " he asked.

Doran nods.

"But refusing it would bring suspicion on us, and when the Targaryens arrive we will have a valuable hostage" he indicated.

"Children shouldn't be used like this, it's not the Martell way," Oberyn complained.

Doran smiled.

" Of course, I don't plan on hurting the girl, but it's better to have her with us, she doesn't have to know anything, once the Lannisters are eliminated, I plan to convince Viserys that she and Trystane will keep the rock, with Arianne being queen and Quentyn as lord of Dorne" Doran clarified.

"Quentyn? Hehehe he's as bad as me, he's an adventurer Doran, not a lord" Oberyn laughed.

Doran sighed wearily.

"When he gets married he won't have much choice" he muttered to himself.

"And who will be the lucky one?" Oberyn asked.

" It is not decided, once Arianne takes the Iron Throne we will see, there are several possibilities, the daughter of Mace Tyrell, the sister of Robb Stark, also the daughter of Stannis... I have not decided yet" he finished.

[T/N: This book is raising my blood pressure. If you enjoyed this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you can't wait for more chapters then check out the P@treon or my Ko-fi, if you like this book maybe you'll like my other one, Invisible-A Harry Potter FanFic.]


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