
gamer with shop system. Ark story. (on hiatus)

On his way for a weekend of larps with his friends, they meet with fate (truck-Kun) and died. the protagonist "Scorpio" got saved by his friend Ender who as used his first wish to save his two friends who had died with him. (for more information read my other novel about Ender in DXD) This is the story of his adventure starting into the world of Re:monster as the gamer with a shop system. This story is in fact what happens in a tabletop role-playing game. the choices for the world, timeline, and all as been chosen by the god in the prologue by throwing dice in real life. This is one of my first tries writing a story. I use to create scenarios for dungeon&dragon but it's not the same at all so sorry if it's not perfect. also sorry if my English is not so accurate as I speak French. Everything in this story is the property of their rightful owner. I own nothing of their original stories, pictures, and characters. I only own my original characters. I don't know for the release rate. it may be once a month or once a year. it depends on how much I work and my health. if you want to chat, ask questions, or even give some ideas you can come to my discord server https://discord.gg/KmrD3eqDKf

AbyssalSovereign · Autres
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7 Chs

Day 1 to 4


After my consciousness had melted with the darkness once again. As I was coming back to my senses, I hardly became able to open my eyelids.Then what I saw was an extremely ugly face that was looking at me. Really fast I remembered what append to me and taught to myself,

'So I really became a f*****g goblin?'

Well, after that I just lost consciousness as a baby, it's pretty hard to try staying awake.



I first got awaken by the sounds in the surroundings.

the first think i did was thinking STATUS WINDOW.


Name: gobuark

Age: 2day

title: -

Race: goblin

Bloodline: -

Blessing: -


class level: Gamer:1 xp:0/1000

Rankup level: 1 xp:0/10


Jobs: gamer, (in jobs windows)


HP: 180/180

HP regenaration: (0.8%) 1.44/min

MP: 250/250

MP regenaration: (1.5%) 3.75 /min


Height: very small

Weight: light

Build: poor

Hair : no hair

Eye : black

other: pointed teeths


stats|base|bonus| total|

str--|2___|0___|2 (F-)

Vit--|8___|0___|8 (F-)

Dex-|2___|0___|2 (F-)

int--|20__|0___|20 (F )

wis--|15__|0___|15 (F )

luk--|10__|0___|10 (F-)

Available stats point : 10

Money: 0$


Critical hit :0%

Attack speed :2

Magic skill power: 35

Magic defence : 35

Physical defence :10

Magic attack :20

Physical attack :2



[gamer mind|passive|LvL:max] Allows the user to calmly and logically

think things through - Allows peaceful state of mind -

Immunity to psychological status effect


[gamer body|passive|LvL:max] Grants a body that allows for the user to live

the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from

attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP)

- After sleeping for needed amount of time to be well rest ( currently 8 hours), restores HP, MP and all status effects


[Precocius|pasive|LvL:max]. goblin is born quickly and it grow quickly. Lifespan 20 - 25 years.


[Goblin Language|pasive|LvL:max]. can talk to goblins.


[Night Vision|pasive|LvL:max]. Able to see in the darkess night.



'Well, that's what it is. humm, I should just sleep, I will be able to move freely tomorrow or the next day if I remember correctly.'





When I woke up, I discovered that my body was now the size of a child.

I then began to observe everything and everyone as if I wanted to see their soul.

Seeing me look at them like that, my peers seemed to think I was weird and also seemed to avoid me. After a while my patience was rewarded as I got the skill {observe}.

I Then heard a voice in my head and a notification appeared before me saying,

[A skill has been created through a special act. The skill [Observe]has been created.]

[Observe|active|LvL:1]A skill to find the target's information. Observe is obtained through continuous observation.]

Well, let test it...hummm? nex to me there was a single goblin that was running, jumping and kicking here and there it seems to me that must be goburou as no other goblin would do the same. Well, should i do the same? no thanks, I will just walk here and there observing everything to level-up my observation skills.

walking in the cave, I encountered an elderly goblin name gobujii. I decided to talk to him. we ended up talking for almost the entire day. Finally, he was the one saying goodbye as nature was calling him he said. he then walks slowly to the treasure room not to be seen again for the rest of the day.



Today is the Day,

i can finally go hunting.

The elder goblin as told us that those who do not work do not eat.

Well i'll not complain about eating someting else.

The food for newborn goblins are chubby caterpillars

and I'm telling you that I don't really like them.

well they are still insects after all. so lets go hunting.

tinking about it i got a notification.

[Quest Alert! go hunting for the first time and kill 3 creatures.

Rewards: 1000 XP ,100$ , skill book 'Weapon Creation']

Going outside I looked for a long and medium size, sturdy branch to use as a quarterstaff and javelin, grab it and start looking for a place out of the sign from the other goblin. I then concentrate myself with my hand in the air and start trying to create a dungeon. raising my hand, I concentrated my strength into it while thinking about what I wanted. after some time I achieved it.

[A skill has been created through a special act. The skill [ID: Create]has been created.]

[ID: Create|Active|LvL:1] Used to create instant dungeons. Host would unlock an instance for every skill up. Cost: 20 MP per person.

Available Instant Dungeons:

-Empty instance /monster inside:none..]

[A skill has been created through a special act. The skill [Mana Manipulation]has been created.]

[Mana Manipulation|Passive|LvL:Max] Allows the user to freely manipulate mana. Passively increases INT by 10%. Passively increases mana pool by 10%.]


Then I walked towards one of the trees and prepared myself mentally. I took a deep breath I reached my hand back into a fist and punched the tree with all my strength. CRAAACK AAAAHHHH..

I got into agony as the bones of my hand broke. my HP had also dropped by almost 10%.

after mere Seconds later that seem to be hours for me, the pain stopped and a new notification appeared.

[A skill has been created through a special act. The skill [Physical Endurance] has been created.]

[Physical Endurance|Passive|LvL:1]The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 2% decrease in damage -1% each lvl (3%)]

then i decide to end this and go hunting. Doing as they did in the book, i raised my hand in the air and concentrate my power tinking about exiting the instance and secondes latter...

[A skill has been created through a special act. The skill [ID: Escape] has been created.]

[ID: Escape|Active|LvL:1]. Used to escape instant dungeons.]

so I got out of the dungeon and using the map of the gamer's ability,

I look for the nearest target and got on the hunt.

Walking for about 2 minutes, i encountered my first prey, using [Observe] i looked at it and...

{Species: Horn Rabbit}

Level: 3

description : A brown rabbit with a horn.

well first fight in this world.

I slowly approached him, trying not to make any noise.

Unfortunately, he was aware of his surroundings and so, as soon as I stepped on a branch, he looked at me and started running. I decided to charge with my javelin in hand and use the side like a quarterstaff to hit the rabbit.

the first blow... well no I missed, he avoided my attack and turning around decided to charge at me with his horn forward to stab me. I avoided by very little and then attacked again with the side of my stick hitting behind his head. Seeing him a little dizzy, I took the opportunity to stab him with the sharp side of my javelin, killing him on the spot.

I put his body in my inventory and recived a notification.

{you have kill "horn rabbit" you gain 1000 xp}

{you have gain 1 level}

I then pursued my hunt

after fighting 3 horn rabbits i completed my quest and leveled up 2 times.

i aslo got 100$ and the skill book of 'Weapon Creation'

[Weapon Creation|Active|LvL:1].A technique to create solid weapons from mana. The usefulness of this technique will depend on the knowledge and imagination of the user. Weapons created through this skill will not have a set durability but instead will remain for as long as the user keeps feeding mana to the weapon created. Cost: 40 MP to create a weapon. 10 MP per minute to maintain weapon created.]

after that I created a katana, it seems like a dark energy blade and start hunting whit it I got the skill 'Sword Mastery'

[[Sword Mastery|Passive|Lvl:1] Allows the user to freely handle any type of swords. 10% increase in attack damage with swords. 5% increase in attack speed with swords. (+20% damage and 5% speed each at level 5-10-15....)]

(after a day i got quite the loot, [1x free skill coupon] [ 9x Horn Rabbit ] , [6x Armored Tanuki ] and total of 8 levels )

i decide to keep in my inventory the brain and heath as well as 2 armored tanuki skin. then i sold the meat and materials of the 15 animals into my shop system and got a little 3500$.

i also level up the skill [Observe to LvL:3] [Physical Endurance to LvL:4] [Sword Mastery to LvL:5] and [Detect Bloodlust. to Lvl:4] and also placed my stats point.

str | 40 (E )

Vit | 37 (E )

Dex | 14 (F )

int | 60.5 (D )

wis | 20 (F )

luk | 14 (F )

and also i got [Mana Affinity] while reaching 50 in INT.

while thinking about something to do, I remembered the coupon I got in my inventory. so naturally I used it to buy a skill. knowing Rou "absorption" I decided to buy something similar from another book. so I got the skill "predation" from 'Shiori Arachne' in the novel named 'Arachne'

Well, I do prefer the skill Predation over absorption. it will not allow me to eat a sword like Rou but by eating, body parts it will raise my stats permanently and I have like a 95% chance to obtain skills from what I eat. and just like Rou I will be immune to poison.

so I brought it.

[you have gain the skill [Predation]

Well, guess what, after that I ate everything in my inventory, i gain the skill:



[Shell Defense|Passive|Lvl:1]


[Sharp Horn Generation|active|Lvl:1]

what a fulfilling day