
Gamer: Victim of the Universe Nexus

James Black was living his ordinary average boring life, only to be destroyed at the nexus point of four universes combining into one. Due to this error, James gets offered a new life in this new universe with his memories intact. What he doesn't know is the new universe has game like Characteristics, can he survive?

De4dlyW0lf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The door to the waiting room creaks open, and the same goblin from before steps in, his expression unreadable. Behind him, a small group of people enter, their presence filling the room with an air of curiosity and apprehension. My heart races as I take in their appearances, comparing them with the images etched in my mind from the books.

Leading the group is Nymphadora Tonks, her hair a vibrant bubblegum pink that stands in stark contrast to the drab surroundings. Even in the dim light of the room, her hair seems to glow, casting colorful reflections on the walls. She's young, with a pale heart-shaped face and dark eyes that scan the room with a mixture of interest and caution. Her attire is as eclectic as I remember, an assortment of colors and patterns that somehow suits her perfectly. Despite the serious nature of our meeting, there's a hint of her upbeat and clumsy nature in the way she navigates around a misplaced chair.

Beside her stands Andromeda Tonks, her features aristocratic and her demeanor composed. Dark hair frames her pale face, hinting at the Black family lineage. There's a strength in her eyes, a testament to the choices she's made—choices that set her apart from her infamous sisters. Her gaze meets mine, and for a moment, there's a flicker of something indescribable. Surprise, perhaps, at my existence.

Next to Andromeda is Ted Tonks, his appearance more ordinary in comparison but no less welcoming. There's a warmth to him, a kindness in his eyes that immediately puts me at ease. He stands slightly behind Andromeda, his support for her evident in his posture and the way he looks at her.

The room is charged with a tense silence as we all take in each other's presence. Finally, unable to bear the quiet any longer, I clear my throat and say, "Hello."

Tonks is the first to break the ice. "Hi! I'm Nymphadora—er, just Tonks, please," she says, with a sheepish grin. "This is my mum, Andromeda, and my dad, Ted."

I introduce myself, my voice steady despite the tumult of emotions inside me. "I'm James. James Black."

"Well, James, we were shopping in Diagon Alley for Nymphadora's school supplies for this fall at Hogwarts," Andromeda says, ignoring the glare thrown her way by her daughter. "I must admit, it was quite a surprise to receive a missive from Gringotts all of a sudden requesting our presence. But what is this all about?"

I smile as best I can. "Did the letter provide any information about my situation?"

"It did not, to be as safe as possible," the goblin interjects before moving towards the door. "I will leave you all to discuss. Just ring the bell on my desk when you want me to return. In the meantime, I will attend to matters of importance."

After waiting for the door to close, I look at the three people sitting in front of me. They look back at me expectantly, and I'm not sure how to feel. They are effectively strangers from a fictional world. While this body is now mine, the previous owner was their real relative. Compounding this issue is how well I knew their previous world—a world without mutants and superheroes.

How much should I reveal? After considering my options, I decide to go with three-quarters truths.

"Today, I woke up in a cardboard box on the streets of London. I don't know how I got there or why, but after verifying my identity with Gringotts, I asked to contact my relatives that I knew lived in this country," I begin my recollection of events, putting a small spin on my circumstances. "I don't know much about my father, other than he was a wizard and I am too. But I am here now, and I could use your help."

"The goblin missive said you specifically asked for us. How did you know about us?" Andromeda asks with a pointed look.

I knew this question might come up, and to be honest, I don't know how to respond. Damn that open mouthed goblin, at least I know he isn't to be trusted. There are so many variables. Will I be allowed to reveal anything about this world, or will some force stop me from revealing the truths of this world? Will they think I am crazy?

The more important thing is that I genuinely need their help to live in this world. I am now only 11 years old, and I don't know how the laws involving minors work in the wizarding world. I have read some fanfictions, and to be honest, some things in the fanon just make sense. If the Malfoys are truly wanting the Black family wealth and status, I could be at risk for manipulation on their end. In the canon, at the very least, Dumbledore was Harry's magical guardian, so I'd rather not have him as my guardian either. Whether or not that fanon is remotely true, Dumbledore is a bag of cats I don't want to poke right now.

"Look, I know this all seems so weird and confusing, but you are my relatives and I need help," I say, opting to go without lies and try to dodge the question, "I am especially in need of a law wizard right now and somewhere to live other than a cardboard box. If you need proof of my heritage it is sitting on the desk there."

I gesture with my hand to the parchment on the desk. I hope this distracts them enough, but without more knowledge of this world, I am unsure of how politically savvy or inclined Andromeda is because of her heritage.

Andromeda looks like she isn't buying it but glances at the parchment, "I do believe you are Sirius's son and I would like to help you, but I am unsure of what your true motives are."

With resolve in my heart, I respond as sincerely as I can, "I am privy to knowledge about things in this world that are dangerous and I need to be ready to safeguard myself and others. I reached out because I know I am starting my magical education this fall and I know what my father did. Without any support behind me, I will be an outcast and all my dreams and goals will be unattainable."

Andromeda looks pensive, but Ted speaks up and smiles warmly, "You're rather well spoken for your age."

If only he knew that I was mentally twenty four years old and a college student.

"You also happen to be in luck because I happen to be a law wizard," Ted is shaping the conversation into the direction I want perfectly.

"Perfect, the biggest concern I have right now is who will take care of me," I say, "I know the orphanages in the US are terrible, but I am also confused why the wizards are separate from the non-wizards."

Tonks speaks up as a glint appears in her eyes, the opportunity to share learned knowledge, "We call them muggles and we have been avoiding them because of the statute of secrecy. We can't reveal magic to the world."

"But as for who will take care of you, there will be no shortage of individuals lining up to house the lost scion of house black who is…" Ted leads off slowly, biting his tongue for what he was about to say.

"I am an orphan, yes," I state with no emotion.

Andromeda cuts me off, "you aren't an orphan per say, rather your father is still alive. How is your mother?"

I have no clue if the mother of this body is alive or not. The title this body has was for street urchin, so he was living on the streets for a while. Given that he was a street urchin also means the original James was considered an orphan or was kicked out by his mother or he had run away from an orphanage.

"I do not know," I state with truth, "I don't remember much before I woke up in London and I didn't even know her name until today."

Even if she was still alive, I would rather live with the Tonks family. For starters Andromeda gave up her family for Ted and didn't prescribe to her family's blood nonsense. Andromeda is also raised in the black family and is aware of rules, locations and customs. Ted is a law wizard and can help me with any legal troubles. Then there is Nymphadora, who in the books and movies was very friendly and fought against the death eaters.

"Well…" Ted looks at Andromeda for a moment and she nods in acquiescence, "you can stay with us, if you want. However, I want to make you aware of what would happen, you would end up with us as your magical guardians as some of your living relatives. We would have to petition the Wizengamot to allow us to officially be your guardians. To be brutally honest the malfoys and maybe even Dumbledore would be ones to attempt to become your magical guardians. There is a lot of wealth and power that can come from someone gaining control of the House Black through you."

"I think I would rather choose you then, because at the very least you are being honest and upfront about this," I say with a smile, "But I also feel I should be honest, I am far more intelligent and mature than I appear to be, so I would need a certain degree of autonomy."


I stood in front of Grimmauld Place. It was a fictional location to me until just a few days ago. My mind follows the sequence of events that led me to this point.

Following my meeting with the Tonks family, who are now my magical guardians. It was a simple process really, unlike what I imagined, all we had to do was have them legally adopt me in the muggle world and slip through the cracks of the Wizengamot as a muggle adoption. It was the day after everything was finalized that Lucious Malfoy made any attempt to gain control over me but it was too late.

Once I am fifteen years of age I will also be able to take up the heirship of House Black. Ted was kind enough to explain that I needed to complete my OWLS before the house of Black would recognize me on its own.

After a bit of discussion, the Tonks decided to move into Andromeda's childhood home and Black family's ancestral home. So here we were, ready to move in and after we are settled, I will be getting my Hogwarts supplies while Tonks gets hers.

"Here it is," Andromeda looks at Grimmauld Place with melancholy on her face and in her tone.

She opens the front door and we all step inside. We are able to safely do so because Andromeda will warn us about any dark or cursed items. There is only one item in this house that is of importance to me however. Actually to be honest, several are important to me, but what I mean is Voldemort's Horcrux. The locket of Slytherin was hidden in Grimmauld Place by Regulus Black. It is an item I need to secure and store safely to keep any interested parties unaware. I don't know how connected the shade of Voldemort is to his Horcruxs and can't afford for the others to be moved.

Suddenly an old and decrepit house elf comes down the stairs, "Who is there? The House of Black doesn't tolerate burglars."

Andromeda scoffs, "Good to see you too Kreacher."

"Ah it is the blood traitor and her ilk," Kreacher looks at us with disdain, "and who is the boy?"

"That is James to you Kreacher," I stepped up and felt anger boiling up in me for some reason, "You will not speak to me in this manner again, understood?"

"Why should Kreacher do that," Kreacher snarks back to me with a tone of disgust.

I smirk and reply, "I am Heir presumptive of House Black. So drop the tone and mind your behaviour before I send off a free elf."

Fear fills the elf's eyes and he takes a step back, "You wouldn't, I would Die without a master!"

"Are you still talking back to me Kreacher," I glare at the decrepit house elf.

Kreacher quickly backpedals, "Of course not. It is good to see the heir of house black has a backbone. What will you have me do, Heir Black?"

"Take me to a room that would suit me and treat the others in this home with the same respect you will show me," I relay my first order to the elf, "And if I hear one more word about any blood politics, you will be gone and masterless."

Kreacher looks excited, despite the fact I just threatened him. Before he has the chance to respond to my order, a woman and man's voice comes from behind two curtains on the wall of the staircase leading up into Grimmauld place.

"Who is out there?" a woman's voice echoes in the hallway, "Who has forbidden Kreacher from making comments about blood purity."

Kreacher snaps and the curtains open on the two portraits on the wall. Two magic portraits appear and hold the visage of two people from the black family. Lord Orion Black and his wife Walburga Black. Lord Orion Black, has a steely gaze and looks determined, an aura of quiet authority surrounding him. Beside him, the portrait of his wife, Walburga Black, is equally imposing, her expression stern, almost foreboding.

Walburga's voice pierces the silence preceding her and her husband's reveal, her tone sharp and commanding. "The preservation of pure-blood lineage is paramount. It is our duty to maintain the sanctity of our bloodline, to uphold the noble traditions that have defined the House of Black for generations."

Orion nods, his agreement silent but evident. "It is true. Our family's legacy is built upon the principles of blood purity. It is a matter of honor and pride."

Feeling the weight of their stares, I gather my courage before speaking. "With all due respect, I believe that blood politics is, frankly, stupid. Whether or not it holds any truth in this world, it divides rather than unites. It causes more harm than good. Not only does all blood run red when spilt, but the mere fact non-magical humans can breed with wizards and witches means we aren't completely separate species. We are similar in every way except the ability to use magic, but non-magical humans are far more intelligent and inventive than wizards are. You can make the argument that magical blood dilutes when combined with that of a non magical, but where is the research to prove or disprove such a thing? So before you spout obscenely wrong or stupid shite around me, remember that until proven otherwise, blood purity is a theory for the self-aggrandizement of mentally ill power hungry idiots."

A tense silence follows my declaration. Walburga's eyes narrow, her displeasure clear, yet it's Orion who responds first, his voice calm but firm. "You are bold to dismiss the traditions that have defined our family for centuries. Why should we listen to such views?"

"Because," I start, steadying my voice, "I am the new heir presumptive of House Black. I am the son of Sirius Black and a Muggle woman. Times are changing, and with them, so must our views. I also have reason to believe that here in the next few years things will change so fast that the world you once knew will feel like a fleeting dream in the early hours of the morning."

Walburga looks as if she's been slapped, her features contorting in disbelief and anger. "A Muggle woman? This is preposterous! The very idea is an affront to our lineage!"

Orion, however, remains silent for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Sirius was always... unconventional. It seems his son follows in his footsteps."

"Yes, I do. And as the heir of House Black, I intend to lead with those principles. The world is evolving, and we must evolve with it. Holding onto outdated prejudices will only ensure our downfall. It's time for change, not just for House Black, but for the world. I will make sure of it."

The portraits exchange looks, an unspoken communication passing between them. Finally, Orion speaks, "It appears we have no choice but to accept the reality of the situation, the dead shouldn't infringe too much on the youth of today. However, the path you choose to take will be scrutinized, young heir."

Walburga, still bristling with indignation, remains silent, her stance on the matter clear even without words.

I nod, understanding the weight of the responsibility now resting on my shoulders. "I'm prepared to face whatever challenges come my way. The House of Black has a chance to forge a new legacy, one that could lead to a better future for all."

With that declaration, the conversation comes to an end. The portraits retreat into their own thoughts, their expressions pensive. The room feels charged with the tension of the exchange, a silent acknowledgment of the significant changes that lie ahead for the House of Black.

I look to my new family, Andromeda, Ted, and Tonks, "I am going to get settled into my room and afterwards I will be gone for a while. I don't know how long I will be gone, but I want to get my things for Hogwarts later."

Tonks looks sad that I won't be accompanying them back to Diagon Alley, "Well where are you going?"

I smile, "That's a secret."

With a brisk 180-degree spin on my heel, I follow Kreacher up the creaking, narrow staircase of Grimmauld Place, the echo of our footsteps mingling with the whispers of the house's ancient walls. The air is thick with the scent of dust and the faintest hint of magic, a palpable presence that seems to seep from the very woodwork.

Kreacher leads me through dimly lit hallways adorned with more portraits of long-deceased Blacks, their eyes following us with silent curiosity. Finally, we stop in front of a heavy wooden door, its surface etched with intricate carvings that whisper of old magic and long-held secrets.

The door swings open with a gentle push from Kreacher, revealing my new room. The first thing that strikes me is the size; it's spacious, much larger than I had expected, with high ceilings that give it an airy, almost ethereal quality. The walls are lined with dark wood paneling, rich and polished to a shine, reflecting the soft glow of the magical lanterns that float near the ceiling, casting warm light throughout the room.

A large four-poster bed dominates one side of the room, its frame carved from dark wood and draped with heavy, green velvet curtains. The bedding is plush, inviting, with a thick comforter and several pillows that promise comfort and warmth. Across from the bed, a grand fireplace with a marble mantlepiece stands cold and unused, but it adds a touch of homeliness to the space.

To the left, a tall, narrow window allows slivers of moonlight to filter through, illuminating the dust motes dancing in the air. The view outside is obscured by the age-old trees of Grimmauld Place, their branches swaying gently in the night breeze.

Beside the window, a sturdy oak desk and chair offer a place for study and reflection. The desk is bare, save for a small, silver lamp and a stack of parchment, quills, and inkwell, ready for use. Shelves filled with books line the walls, their titles ranging from ancient magical tomes to more recent works on wizarding history and theory.

A door to the right of the fireplace leads to a small, adjoining bathroom, surprisingly modern in its amenities, with a large tub, a sink, and a mirror that, thankfully, doesn't talk back.

As Kreacher bows slightly, indicating that this is now my room, I step inside, a sense of belonging slowly settling over me. Despite the old, somber feel of Grimmauld Place, this room feels like a sanctuary, a place where I can retreat and gather my thoughts.

With a deep breath, I look around once more, taking in the details, the subtle magic that seems to imbue every corner of the room. Here, in the heart of the ancient Black family home, I find a new beginning, a space to call my own as I navigate the complexities of my new life and the challenges that await.

I mentally call back up the messages from the level ups, the blue screens reappearing in my vision and I look over the rewards from my level up. The teleportation scroll for the class experimentation zone appears in my hand.

Now How do I use it? The scroll looks like something you would see in a medieval times movie or video games, but it varies in each bit of literature and scrolls in real life just held writings in them, not magical powers.

I stare at the scroll and look over it intently. The ends are brass knobs, the middle a parchment from some animal, and a wax seal stopping the scroll from unrolling.


Through diligent effort you have carefully examined the teleportation scroll to the Class Experimentation Scroll. Such actions have unlocked the Skill Identify.

Identify- Level One

Cost: 5 MP

Identify allows the user to ascertain information about something or someone by examining them with the intention of identification. Does not work on objects or beings higher than five levels above the user and cannot reveal information the user cannot comprehend.

Teleportation Scroll to the Class Experimentation Zone- One time use for teleporting the user to the Class Experimentation Zone. Used by tearing the scroll in half.

I look at the new messages popping up and can't help but smile. To what extent are skills obtainable through actions. Take Identify for example, the System will now give me information I would not know without the skill being used. I can look at a goblin, use Identify, then be told it is actually an infant ogre.

If I were to go jogging right now, would I get a skill for sprinting? But other humans without magic wouldn't be able to activate any skills associated with something like Sprint without MP. So that means that skills in theory can't be mundane things achievable by simple everyday actions.

Even the Identify skill was unlocked by my examination of the scroll. I had the desire to understand the scroll, then examined it. Does that mean repetitive actions with the correct desire are the key to unlocking skills?

This is something I should experiment with, but for now I want to go and get my first Class. 

The scroll in my hand, sealed with red wax, seems almost alive with anticipation. With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, I break the seal, the wax cracking under my fingers. The parchment unfurls, eager to reveal its secrets. Without giving it a second thought, I tear the scroll in half, a decision that feels both reckless and right. As the paper splits, a sudden change washes over me.

My senses, once sharp and alert, dull inexplicably. My vision, clear a moment ago, blurs as if obscured by mist. It's disorienting, this sudden shift in perception. Then, without warning, the ground beneath me disappears, plunging me into a void. The sensation of falling grips me, a visceral fear that's over as quickly as it began.

When the world stabilizes, I'm engulfed in bright white light. It's not painful, but overwhelmingly bright, enveloping everything in its purity. As my eyes adjust, the whiteness fades to reveal a landscape that is both familiar and utterly alien.

I'm standing in a world that seems to have leaped from the pages of a fantasy or the screen of a video game. It reminds me, oddly enough, of Minecraft, with its distinct biomes laid out before me in a dizzying array. I spin slowly, taking in the vast expanse. To my right, a desert stretches to the horizon, its sands golden and endless, abruptly ending where a dense jungle begins. To my left, a snowy tundra, crisp and white, meets a lush meadow, the transition as sharp as if drawn with a ruler. Each biome is a world unto itself, existing independently yet side by side, a patchwork of ecosystems without any blending at the edges.

Scattered throughout this vast landscape are tables and workstations, each tailored to a specific biome. In the desert, forges glow with an intense heat, mirroring the sun's relentless blaze overhead. Nearby, a rifle and bow range is set up along the edge of the jungle, its targets hidden among the thick foliage, challenging one's precision and skill. The meadow hosts kitchens, open and inviting, filled with an array of ingredients from every corner of this world, waiting for someone to blend them into culinary masterpieces. And the tundra is home to an obstacle course, its icy challenges daring one to navigate its slippery terrain without faltering.

As I step forward, the grass under my feet feels unnaturally soft, almost spongy, yet it springs back with each step I take. The air is filled with the sounds of this world—a cacophony of distant roars, the clanging of metal, the crackle of fire, and the murmurs of unseen creatures. It's a world alive with possibility, each workstation offering a path to mastery in skills I've yet to discover.

In the distance, I notice other figures moving about, their forms vague and indistinct. Are they other players, I wonder, or constructs of this world designed to guide and challenge me? The thought is exhilarating. Here, in this place, I can become anything, learn anything. The limitations of the real world seem a distant memory, replaced by the boundless potential of this new realm.

Welcome to the Class Experimentation Zone!

Time within the Class Experimentation Zone is slowed to One Year being equal to One Day outside the Class Experimentation Zone. This is to allow players to try out different skills and not waste valuable game time. Additionally, this is an example of Time Dilation Zones as advertised by &@%#*$^#^&, which means players like you can eventually obtain your own dilation zones. No items can be removed from the Class Experimentation Zone. Skills and spells can be unlocked through your efforts but cannot increase in level the CEZ.

Your stats cannot be increased or decreased in the CEZ. Any skills you obtain in the class zone can only be kept as per your Race's allotment. Humans- Unlimited, Wizards- 25, ^&*&%^&- 20, @*%^$&- 15, (&@&#*- 30, &#*#^@%@- 35, *#*#^(^$!@- 50, *&!%^@$%#^&- 40, $@&!*!%@- 10.

Classes are divided by rarity. Your efforts and skills learnt will affect what your starting class is. All classes have the chance for advancement to a certain point, but note that the higher rarity the class, the more difficult the advancement quest will be. Class rarity and type affects how many stat points are gained per level in addition to a base of three. Classes Ultra rare and above increase the maximum allotted sub-classes.

Class Rarity:




Ultra Rare




Classes Ultra Rare and above cannot be removed, even with a Class scroll of a higher rarity, once chosen.

What the heck are those distorted names?

Suddenly another system message pops up and reminds me of one of my starting skills. I have two level ups and that means I have two Multiverse Gacha tickets.

My finger lightly taps the blue screen to accept using my two tickets. Instantly a large metal cage appears filled with balls of four different colours. There is a chart on the side of the cage with the following.

Blue- Skills

Red- Items

White- Mystery

Black- Fail, Try Again

Next to the chart is a large red handle that has gilded lettering that says to spin here. I grab the handle and spin the cage. Within moments, a white ball drops from the cage onto the ground and I rush to pick it up.

The moment my fingers touch it, the ball shatters into motes of light and a system notification pops up informing me of my reward.


You have obtained the !(#*$&.

You can pick two entities of your choice to train you in the Class Experimentation Zone.

Note- Cannot pick the same entity twice.

Now that is interesting. I wonder just what the limitations are? But since I can only pick two, I need to be very careful. Hundreds of names of various characters in my favorite stories. Their temperament and personality as well as teachable skills will affect what classes and skills I can learn.

I decide on two people that I feel will give me the best chance of survival in this crazy world. There are two universes, or stories, with people with the skills to survive immense struggles.

The Halo Franchise features a super soldier called a Spartan. They were insanely hard to kill, at least the Spartan II's. Their leader is the Master Chief and he has survived battles with beings that toppled the Forerunner Empire. Utilising the skills, and hopefully luck, of the Spartans will give me an edge in a world of heroes and villains and gods. Weapons, Armor, Tech and Spaceships from that universe would be overpowered here for a time, until aliens from other worlds appear anyway. 

The most important thing I need to consider with the halo universe is who to summon as a trainer and the more I think about it, all hands point to CPO Franklin Mendez. He was the man who trained the Spartans into soldiers that anyone would envy.

That just leaves my second trainer and after a moment I simply smile as a chance to meet someone is now in my grasp. I was a writer in my past life and I only got to publish one book before my untimely demise. My second trainer will be the main character of the book I wrote and I cannot help but feel excited to meet him in person, not just whatever thoughts I made about him. Demaris Schahl is the reincarnation of Andrew Etherton, the Emperor of the Etherton Empire, First Technomancer and Sword Saint. Demaris, like me, was thrust into a world he thought fictional and will more than understand my plight. Furthermore, I know all the details and inner workings of a magic system I invented and he will have the practical experience.

"I choose CPO Mendez from the Halo universe and Demaris Schahl from my book," I declare aloud, addressing the system that governs this peculiar yet fascinating zone. As the words leave my lips, the air in front of me shimmers, a sign that the system is processing my choices. The anticipation builds within me, a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of meeting these two pivotal figures from very different worlds.

First to materialize from the shimmering air is Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez. He appears just as I remember from the Halo universe descriptions: a figure embodying military discipline and strength. Mendez stands tall and imposing, his posture rigid and commanding. His face is weathered, marked by the scars of countless battles and the weight of responsibility he's carried throughout his career. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, reflect a lifetime of strategic thinking and combat experience. Dressed in standard UNSC (United Nations Space Command) attire, he exudes an aura of undeniable authority and competence. Mendez's presence alone commands respect, and I can't help but feel a surge of confidence knowing he will be one of my mentors.

Shortly after Mendez's appearance, the air shifts again to reveal Demaris Schahl, the main character from the book I had written. Seeing him in person is an uncanny experience, as he steps out of the realm of my imagination into reality. Demaris has the look of someone who's seen worlds beyond the ordinary, with a keen intelligence shining in his eyes. He is tall and well-built, bearing the physique of someone accustomed to both the demands of magic and the rigors of combat. His hair is dark, falling in a way that seems both deliberate and casual, framing a face marked by determination and the subtle wisdom of one who has navigated countless challenges.

Demaris is dressed in a manner befitting his status as both a Technomancer and a Sword Saint; his attire is a blend of practicality and arcane elegance, with fabrics that seem to shimmer with a latent energy. Around his waist, a belt holds various pouches and gadgets, likely tools and components essential for his technomancy. Hanging from his side is a sword that radiates a quiet power, its design intricate and undoubtedly unique.

As they both stand before me, the contrast between them is striking—Mendez, with his military bearing and grounded presence, and Demaris, who seems to straddle the line between the mystical and the technological. Yet, both share an air of capability and resilience that reassures me of their ability to guide and teach.

Mendez's first words are direct and to the point. "You've summoned me to train you. What are your goals, and how do you intend to achieve them?" His voice is deep and carries the authority of someone accustomed to being listened to and obeyed.

Before I can answer, Demaris speaks, his tone curious and reflective. "Summoned across worlds and stories you thought fictional? I understand the feeling of being thrust into unexpected realities. Tell me, what is it you seek from us? What paths do you wish to walk?"

"Well first I want to thank you both for being willing to help me," I start with as much confidence as I can, "I am unaware of what time you were pulled from or are alive or dead in your home reality. Nonetheless, I am in a precarious situation and way out of my depth. Also I want to say to you Demaris, I am unsure if I created your reality or was glimpsing pieces of it, so I apologize for any…"

Demaris raises his hand and cuts me off, "Those thoughts are counter productive and frankly disturbing when you need to face a person like yourself."

Why? I thought he would be angry or curious, but in the end I couldn't help but smile. In many ways Demaris and by extension Andrew, are the better forms of myself. A similar mentality with vastly different experiences. My parents may have left me with a lot of issues, but at least they loved me. Andrew's parents wanted him dead, but couldn't kill him without public backlash and as Demaris he had to save his new family from assassination despite lacking a true familial bond with them.

"Let me start by explaining my situation then," I move the discussion forward and look at CPO Mendez, "I was at the nexus of four separate universes merging into one. My body was destroyed and I found myself inhabiting the body of James Black. The four universes are Marvel, DC, High School DxD, and Harry Potter. Marvel being filled with heroes and villains and stones of condensed power that can literally end the universe. DC is filled with alien beings with the power of stars in human form that can literally pull planets through space. DxD is literally filled with gods, devils, dragons and slavery with extra steps. Then lastly the world of Harry Potter is filled with reality manipulating magic users that have magics which can enslave any mind, erase memories, and instantly kill you with no way to block it. With this in mind I chose the both of you to train me."

"Holy Shit." Mendez swears and shakes his head slightly, his demeanor almost makes me wonder how he would respond if I told him the secrets of his universe. "You must have the worst luck of anyone I have ever known."

"To be fair you met the single luckiest person in your universe, John-117." The look in his eyes are full of shock.

"How are you aware of that? I was under the impression from what the system said that you just needed a soldier who knew how to train others to train you." Mendez says.

"Well like I mentioned to Demaris, You are both fictional to me and I read, watched, and played games that depict your lives. I know the intimate details of the Spartan Program, but even more importantly I know the history of your universe. I know the history of all the universes that are merged into this new one."

CPO Mendez actually looks perplexed and I bet any Spartan would love to see that look on his face. "What are your plans then? What kind of person do you want to be?"

"Well… I want to be strong enough to not be controlled by anyone. I don't necessarily need the strength of a god, but the ability to kill one will make things easier," I start to say, "but more importantly I want humanity to explore the stars and stand up to the threats of the universe."

Mendez grunts in agreement. Leave it to a survivor of the Human-Covenant war. He understands the potential humanity has within ourselves.

"My last goal is a little more selfish," I say looking at Demaris, "I want to make an empire that expands across the stars."

"Alright, then let's talk details before getting started," Demaris pulls out a data screen, then uses magic to cause the stone to shape into a table and three chairs.


Sweat rolled down my face in droves. The combat instructors summoned by Mendez were the very same ones he used to train the spartans, well as similar as one can get. The souls of the actual instructors were not present, but rather the closest simulated approximation of the combat style mixed with the closest approximation of their lifestyle, IE a soldier.

I block a punch to the gut and take the initiative back. Slipping into his guard and striking the man's throat. His hands instinctively raise to his throat and leave his guard completely broken. My knee comes up and slams into his solar plexus. A loud crunching sound reaches my ears, but I do not falter. I grab his shirt and throw him over my shoulder, then onto the ground. The fight ends as I curb stomp the man's head in. The man disappears in a cloud of blue particles.

"Excellent work," Mendez says from my right, he is sitting at the stone table we all have made in our home area of sorts.

The two instructors do not need sleep unlike me, so all they needed was a place to rest while they took turns training me.

It has been nearly nine years now. My progress was very slow at first, but with proper motivators and my request to have a military lifestyle in this CEZ(Class Experimentation Zone), I was quickly whipped into shape.

When I needed breaks, I would strategize with the two about my future plans. Assuming Voldemort is still real and has his six horcruxes, I should be able to find them all, then destroy them before he makes his seventh. The best case scenario would be before fourth year starts so I can avoid his resurrection to begin with. Ideally help Harry out of his homelife, but we will see if Dumbledore is evil or not. If Quirrell is there, I will assassinate him. In second year I will step in and intercept the diary horcrux to prevent the basilisk being lost on children. In third year I will save Sirius Black and give him his freedom. And after that the butterfly effect will make it impossible to predict future events because of all the changes.

As far as the marvel world goes, I need to find out if there are mutants, no mutants, or just the fantastic four. That would help narrow down possible marvel universes quite a lot. But the most important thing is to start building connections with the powers that be in the various marvel factions.

Then with the DC universe, I will need to locate Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent. Those two are the more integral parts of the justice league that I can find now without too much help. The island of Themyscira is hidden by the Greek Gods, if it exists. Then the other founding members of the justice league won't get their powers for at least another decade or more.

The DxD universe is more straightforward, I just need to find out who the current devil kings are. Then find out when Issei Hyoudou starts at Kuoh Academy if he or the school exists. The most important thing is to stay within the range of events as they happen. Then also make friends with powers that are among the various mythological factions.

I pull up my character sheet to check my stats one last time before I leave the CEZ today.

Name: James Black

Race: Human/Wizard

Human- You are a member of humanity, no stat bonus, as a member of humanity you have no skill limit.

Wizard- You are born with the ability to use magic, no stat bonus, Base MP is 300 and with each level up you will gain an additional 50 maximum MP rather than the standard of 10 per Wisdom, skill limit removed by Race-Human.

Age: 11

Titles: Heir Presumptive Black

Class: none

Sub Class: none, none

Level: 2

Experience: 0/300

HP: 10

MP: 400

Might: 1

Constitution: 1

Resilience: 1

Agility: 1

Intellect: 1

Wisdom: 1

Perception: 1

Free Stat Points: 6

Fame: 0

NPC Level: 1

Quest Points: 0


Heir Presumptive Black - You are the heir presumptive to the House of Black, as the future heir, you can one day become Lord Black and grow the House to new heights.


Multiverse Gacha- Level N/A: Strategically harness the chaos of infinite realms to obtain rare, universe-specific artifacts and abilities once per level.

Identify- Level 1: Glean basic information from things you observe. Active- Cost: 5 MP

Firearm Mastery- Level 1: Use modern firearms to their utmost potential by focusing on their accuracy and destructive power. Passive: + 0.25% Damage when dealing damage with firearms.

Throwing- Level 1: Throw things where you want them, whether it is at enemies or a pillow fight. Passive: + 0.25% Damage with thrown objects.

Explosives Mastery- Level 1: You have a knack for fiery explody things. Passive: + 0.25% Damage with explosives you set or throw.

Calisthenics- Level 1: The art of building Might and Resilience. Passive: + 0.25% chance to gain a permanent stat point in Might or Resilience.

CQC Mastery- Level 1: Use your body as a weapon utilising the martial arts found around earth into one mixed CQC style. Passive- + 0.25% Damage with unarmed attacks.

Stealth- level 1: Shadows are your friend and light seems to avoid you. + 0.25% chance to remain undetected when stealthed.

Engraving- Level 1: You carve symbols, runes, and numbers into objects for magic effects. Passive: + 0.25% to the effectiveness of magic and - 0.25% to mana cost of items you engraved.

Enchanting- Level 1: You imbue objects with power fueled by mana. Passive: + 0.25% to completed enchantment effect and - 0.25% to mana cost when using completed enchanted item.

Sword Mastery- Level 1: You have been trained by a Sword Saint in his own style consisting of hundreds of styles. Passive: + 0.25% damage dealt with swords.

Parry- Level 1: Parry can block all damage with a sword but not the force of an attack from an enemy. Active- uses per day: 1

Runic Language Mastery- Level 1: You have begun to learn the language of the arcane. Passive: + 0.25% to the effectiveness and - 0.25% to the cost of magic utilizing runic language.

Runic Programming: Level 1: You can code the runic language of magic into digital formats. Passive: + 0.25% to damage and - 0.25% to cost for all casted spells programmed by you into a device.

Mana Sense- Level N/A: You can detect Mana in your surroundings. Passive.

Mana Manipulation- Level 1: You can move mana and its indictable units of ethers with concentration. Passive: + 0.25% Mana manipulation speed

Black Smithing- Level 1: Shape metal to your will with your strength and skill. Passive: + 0.25% to quality of items produced with Black Smithing.

Harvesting- Level 1: Harvest materials from monsters, plants, and minerals. Passive: + 0.25% of quality of materials harvested.

Alchemy- Level 1: Produce potions with varying effects. Passive: + 0.25% to quality of potions produced.


Runic Transmutation- Level 1: Use magic to align materials into shapes pictured in your mind. Requires magic circle. Requires prepared runic circle. Active- cost 100 MP.

Flash Bang- Level 1: Utilize Light magic to blind your enemies. Active- cost 50 MP

Runic Spatial Distortion- Level 1: Utilize runes to open a rift in reality that connects two points at any distance. Requires prepared runic circle. Active: cost 300 MP

Starlight- Level 1: Utilize light magic to condense the fiery light of a star into solid constructs. Active: cost 500 MP

Runic Fire Bomb- Level 1: Utilize the runic language of magic to create explosions with lots of fire. Requires prepared runic circle. Active: cost 120 MP

Runic Ice Floor- Level 1- Utilize runic language to cover the ground in ice and trap the legs of enemies. Requires prepared runic circle. Active: cost 120 MP

The Skills and spells are what I was able to unlock over the last nine years as Mendez and Demaris taught me. In the end Demaris focused 90% of the time on teaching me his sword arts, and the remainder on his magic. It would have been nice to learn more, but just like I had written him in the book he wanted me to grow on my own, rather than just hand me all his skills and spells. Mendez was of a similar mindset but trained me like he had all the other spartans.

I wonder what my skill levels would be if I could raise their levels in the CEZ. I unlocked each skill after dedicated practice with said activity. I worked as a blacksmith under Demaris's direction to learn to make my own swords and armor, how to smelt minerals into usable ingots, and how to repair metal equipment.

As far as my extra stat points go, I will save them for an emergency. I have learned here that through my actions I can increase my stats through diligent effort, even if it took me nine years to get all my stats to five. I even got a skill that will make the acquisition of points slightly faster with each level.

"You decided you would leave today right?" Demaris gestures to me.

"Yes, I need to start to level my skills and see what classes I can unlock," I sit on the remaining chair at the stone table.

"Well, don't keep us waiting," Demaris Says.

I open my notifications and open one that appeared a little under 8 years ago. The Class options based on my experiences appear there. Some have been added or removed over the years, but I quickly sort the list by showing only rare classes or better. There is one exception because of the name of the class, but it is uncommon.

There are 37 Classes available to you.

Grand Artificer- Ultra Rare

The Grand Artificer is a visionary creator, harnessing the confluence of arcane magic and unparalleled craftsmanship to forge artifacts that bend the fabric of reality.

Spartan Trainee- Mythical

Embarking on the path to legendary warriorhood, the Spartan Trainee masters the art of combat, resilience, and strategy, under the harshest of regimens to defend humanity's future.

Technomancer- Uncommon

Utilizing runic programming to cast spells through digital devices, blending magic and technology seamlessly.

Sword Saint's Apprentice- Ultra Rare

Under the tutelage of a legendary blade master, the Sword Saint's Apprentice hones their skill with unparalleled discipline, aspiring to transcend mortality through the art of the sword.

Arcane Tactician- Ultra Rare

Mastering the battlefield through strategic use of multiverse artifacts, runic magic, and modern warfare tactics.

Runic Technomancer- Rare

Merging runic magic with technology to create and manipulate digital spells and enchanted devices.

Dimensional Riftwalker- Ultra Rare

Utilizing runic spatial distortion to manipulate the battlefield and provide tactical advantages through teleportation.

Elemental Gunner- Uncommon

Combining firearms mastery with elemental spells like Runic Fire Bomb and Flash Bang for explosive results.

Shadow Operative- Common

Excelling in stealth and espionage, using shadows to their advantage while deploying high-tech and magical gadgets.

Martial Mystic- Uncommon

Blending close-quarters combat mastery with mana manipulation and arcane strikes, becoming a formidable unarmed fighter.

Enchanted Weaponsmith- Rare

Crafting superior weapons and armor through blacksmithing, enchanting, and engraving, imbuing them with powerful magic.

Arcane Alchemist- Rare

Producing potent potions and magical constructs like Starlight, enhancing allies or devastating foes with crafted alchemy.

Runic Saboteur- Common

Specializing in explosives mastery and runic traps.

Cosmic Scribe- Uncommon

Harnessing the power of runic language to cast powerful spells and create magical constructs.

Starlight Duelist- Rare

Wielding the fiery light of stars with sword mastery, blending elegance and destruction in swordplay.

Mana Harvester- Uncommon

Excelling in harvesting and alchemy, utilizing mana sense to collect and refine magical resources for various uses.

Multiverse Explorer- Mythical

Leveraging the Multiverse to acquire rare artifacts and abilities, adapting to any situation.

Runic Artisan- Uncommon

Mastering engraving and enchanting to enhance items and spells, making them more effective and efficient.

Spectral Assassin- Rare

Combining stealth, mana manipulation, and elemental magic for silent, deadly strikes against unsuspecting targets.

Elemental Artificer- Uncommon

Crafting enchanted gear and using the Elements of Nature.

Astral Engineer- Rare

Using blacksmithing and mana manipulation to construct devices and weapons powered by the stars themselves.

Primal Forgemaster- Rare

Excelling in blacksmithing and alchemy, creating weapons and potions that harness primal and elemental energies.

Marksman Savant- Uncommon

In their hands, a firearm becomes an instrument of precision, capable of impossible feats.

Master Thrower- Uncommon

Anything becomes a lethal weapon with their unmatched skill in trajectory and force.

Physical Culturist- Common

Through discipline and strength, they sculpt their body into a fortress of might and resilience.

Monk of the Thousand Fists- Uncommon

Embodying the spirit of martial arts, they are a whirlwind of grace and power.

Shadowmeld Rogue- Rare

Masters of the unseen, they navigate the darkness as if it were their own domain.

Rune Carver- Common

Their engravings hold the power to bend reality, crafting fate with each stroke.

Mana Forger- Uncommon

Infusing objects with the essence of magic, they create artifacts of untold power.

Blademaster- Uncommon

Their sword is an extension of their will, cutting through the battlefield with lethal artistry.

Guardian of Balance- Rare

With a blade to deflect danger, they stand as the unbreakable shield against the tides of chaos.

Linguist of the Arcane- Ultra Rare

Deciphering the universe's secrets, they wield words of power with unmatched expertise.

Mana Weaver- Rare

With delicate precision, they shape the fabric of magic to their will.

Forge Bound- Uncommon

In the roar of the forge, they find their calling, crafting masterworks of metal and flame.

Nature's Harvester- Uncommon

The essence of life itself bends to their will, yielding the rarest of materials.

Potion Brewmaster- Common

Their concoctions can heal, harm, or bewitch, brewed with secrets old as time.

Starforged Conjurer- Rare

Harnessing the celestial fires, they craft constructs of light and energy to illuminate the darkness.

I decide to open the Spartan trainee classes full description first.

Spartan Trainee- Mythical

Embarking on the path to legendary warriorhood, the Spartan Trainee masters the art of combat, resilience, and strategy, under the harshest of regimens to defend humanity's future.

Grants the following quests:

Class Advancement Quest- Difficulty Legendary: 

You must take the final step and become a Spartan.

Requirements: Survive Augmentation, Obtain Mjolnir Armor

Rewards: Class Advancement to Spartan

Rebirth of the UEG- Difficulty Legendary:

Bring to fruition the true potential of Humanity.

Requirements: Unify Earth into one government, spread humanity amongst the stars.

Rewards: 1,000,000,000,000 EXP

Gain the Following titles:

Humanity's Sword and Shield- When fighting threats to humanity, All stats + 75% and -75% damage received. + 10 &@(&$^(@&

Skills available to learn:


Advanced CQC

Advanced Firearms Mastery

Advanced Explosives Mastery

Advanced Stealth

Advanced Battlefield Reading

Gain the Following per level with this class in addition to 3 free stat points.

Might: +2

Constitution: +3

Resilience: +2

Agility: +2

Intellect: +4

Wisdom: +4

Perception: +1

Gain +2 maximum sub-classes

I don't think I need to look at anything else. Spartan Trainee is the highest rarity class available. The title it grants me is a little broken and the stat increases are insane. Would any other of the classes increase as many stats per level as this one did.

With a suppressed sigh, I quickly read through a few other of the class descriptions. My assumptions are proven correct that they all have around three to four stats they focus on, but Spartan Trainee focuses on all of them. Additionally the other classes don't increase my allowed number of subclasses.

The only thing that makes me hesitate is the class advancement quest. 33, only 33 Spartan Trainees survived the augmentation process. Several crippled for life and that was out of x surviving spartans form their training. The legendary difficulty doesn't do it justice.

Although as I think about it, how would I accomplish the quest? How would I get the materials and chemicals for augmentation?

If the system is offering it, then perhaps it is possible. So without overthinking this too much, I choose to be a Spartan Trainee.


Class Learned: Spartan Trainee.

Suddenly dozens of ERROR messages pop up.