
Gamer in TBATE

With wide-eyed eyes I watched the scene as the man tried to steal some booze in a test tube. But that wasn't the most surprising thing. The vendor, noticing the theft, jumped up from his seat and raised his wand to send a fireball at the hapless thief. My expression became even more puzzled when he saw it. I fell to my knees, struggling to contain my hysteria over the absurdity of what was happening. "What am I going to do... I'm going to die at the first poke..." But suddenly the expression on my face slowly became normal, even enthusiastic. All because of the voice in my head, which was my salvation. [The system welcomes you. Do you want to make a contract?]

Felegranco · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Chapter 19

It was a quick drive to Xairus Academy, but the campus was so huge that it took us longer to drive through it than it did through the city itself. I was able to get into the academy itself thanks to Henry, who contacted the principal, who, when she heard that an AA-rang adventurer wanted to study there, was happy to accept me for free.

There were other extravagantly decorated carriages along the way, some even twice as long as ours, and others harnessed low-level mana beasts.

- Hmm... nothing but show-offs," Elijah muttered as he looked at the students emerging from the carriages.

Our carriage was luxurious, too, but only according to the commoners. Compared to the other ornate carriages of the nobility, ours looked like a simple wagon.

- Mr. Arthur, Mr. Elijah, Mr. Aaron, we've arrived." The charioteer opened the doors, and we took a deep breath of the campus air.

- Yeah... the air here is the same as everywhere else... and I thought it would be tastier," Elijah said, munching, to which I grinned.

- Don't be silly," Arthur nudged his friend forward, and we followed the crowd of students down the main marble walkway.

- The academy isn't bad," I whistled as I stared at the building looming before us. The huge white building was striking.

- Let's go inside - Arthur suggested, and we entered the building along with the other new students, also attending the academy for the first time.

Once inside, I winced at how unfamiliar it felt to feel so many people and their mana.

- Are you all right, Aaron? - I heard Arthur's voice.

- Yes, I'm just getting too much information, I'll get used to it soon," I replied rubbing my temples.

Thousands of students were chatting with their friends, acquaintances and strangers they had just met.

"LET'S HAVE A SEAT SOMEWHERE!" Arthur had to yell so that Elijah and I, who were standing nearby, could hear him. Eventually we found comfortable seats in the middle of the hall.

As I looked around more closely, I was surprised at how many dwarves and elves had entered the academy and were chatting with those around them.

"I never found out how long elves live...I'll have to find out."

- Wow, I've never seen elves in person before. It really looks like all three races will be able to attend Xairus Academy now - Elijah looked around excitedly.

I looked at the stage, which was still empty. Suddenly, the air in front of the podium on the stage abruptly blurred and reassembled, whereupon Principal Goodsky appeared on the stage. She was dressed in an elegant white dress. Her eyes were closed, but when she opened them, her gaze sent shivers running down my back. Smiling, Cynthia raised her hand slowly, and I watched as particles of sonic mana filled the room.

When the principal appeared on the stage, the students chattered even more animatedly, but as soon as Cynthia's hand rose to head level, suddenly, there was dead silence.

All the students had genuine surprise on their faces as they still continued to talk, but not a sound could be heard from their lips. I simply created a gravitational barrier around the three of us, neutralizing the effect of the spell.

- Forgive me for being so rude, but I don't like to over-shout," she said in a soft, pleasant voice so that she could be heard even in the back rows.

- I welcome all the future leaders, scholars, and warriors of Dikaten gathered here to our humble academy. My name is Cynthia Goodsky, but please just call me Headmistress Goodsky and don't be afraid to come up and say hello when you see me on campus. I don't know how to give long speeches, so I'll just introduce you to the student council that represents our academy and participates in important decisions with me. Please welcome them-she waved her hand and the council members came out to her.

I was offered to join the council, but I declined, accepting the principal' other offer, which interested me more.

- Look, look, look! There's Lily! We have to back her up! - Elijah got up from his chair, and he and Arthur started shouting her name while I, with a "I'm not with them" look, sat quietly. The previously shy Lily now walked confidently and calmly to the center of the stage, adjusting her bows.

A few more guys came out, but I didn't care about them.

Finally, the last girl came out, silencing the entire crowd with surprise. Her memorable bronze-silver hair, reflecting the light, accentuated her peach-cream complexion. She turned to face the audience in such a way that her round, turquoise eyes won the hearts of every boy in the room.

She was only 13 years old now...right?

Once again, I marveled at the rapid growth of the kids here, who even at 12 looked 14-15. Unfortunately, this phenomenon had not reached me... Though I was physically better built than Arthur, I was a head shorter in stature.

When I saw the elf woman bow, I stepped out of my thoughts, listening intently to what she had to say.

- My name is Tessia Eralite, and I am honored to stand here as president of the student council of this academy.

Once again, applause erupted as the crowd cheered on our beautiful president.

- Looks like someone has a lot of competition," I whispered with a smirk as I leaned toward Arthur.

- Didn't I already tell you...

- Yeah, yeah, you're just friends, blah, blah," I mocked him, turning my attention back to Tessia, who began her speech, which was all about peace, friendship between the races, etc.

After the ceremony was over, all the newcomers were placed in their dorms. Walking outside, I walked down the marble walkway covered in autumn leaves. The students were excitedly interacting with their peers and meeting new people. As we walked deeper into campus, toward the dorms, Elijah, Arthur, and I noticed passing female students giggling after us.


- I feel so insignificant around you- Elijah's shoulders slumped sadly and Sylvie stroked his head pitifully with her tail.

"Seems like I'm really going to be pretty popular with the females at the academy, though I won't get anything out of it... In my last life I was pretty withdrawn, so I only talked to a few friends, but in this one it's even worse, so even talking to a stranger for no reason would make me uncomfortable, let alone a girl." - But a loud explosion prevented me from beating myself up.

After a glance at the boys, we followed in the direction of the commotion.

- A little dwarf like you will never make a good augmenter. Why don't you go forge weapons for real warriors like me?"

- Who the hell do you think you are?

As I approached the scene, I saw two students who I understood were having a fight.

- Sounds like something's brewing," Elijah said, watching some of the students try to get away from the fight that was brewing.

We were almost the last ones to leave the hall, so most of the students had already gone deep into the campus or gone back to their rooms, but if a fight does break out, innocent people could still get caught in the crossfire.

- Let's see, I want to understand the strength level of our peers," I said, looking at the two guys with interest.

- I agree - Elijah supported me, so Arthur only had to agree.

- My name is Nicholas Dreil! Declare a duel, shorty, and I'll show you my strength! Or are you chicken?" - The man smirked, adjusting his badge on his chest.

"Ugh! You'll regret this!" the little gnome, dressed in a big for him uniform, pulled out a giant axe and the way he handled it deftly told us much more than the usual stripe on his tie.

When the gnome put his hand on his chest and began to speak, both his and the man's badges lit up brightly. - I declare a duel, between myself, Broznin Borr, and Nicholas Dreil!

- I accept the duel! - The two badges glowed brightly and squeaked loudly.

The combat mage badge and the scholar mage's pocket watch are dueling artifacts. They create a barrier of mana around the user. When the barrier collapses, the duel is over and the one whose barrier remains intact wins. Also, artifacts must be recharged, so a new duel can be held only 24 hours after the end of the previous one.

The man drew two swords from the spatial ring, jumped back, and got into position.

- Go, dwarf! - shouted Elijah, cheering for Broznin.

As I studied the two augmenters, I noticed that the sophomore had already moved to the red core stage, while the dwarf was still on black.

The fight began, and...I didn't see anything of interest to me, the guys were weak as C-rang adventurers. The fight ended with the defeat of the dwarf, and we were about to leave when I felt the guy's blades fill with mana.

This fool wasn't planning on just winning the duel. He was going to make one last strike.

Nicholas was about to deliver the decisive blow, and few noticed when I moved behind his back.

- This, a training duel, not a real fight, calm down, kid. - As soon as my hand came down on his shoulder, Nicholas fell to his knees from the pressure of gravity.

Not wasting any time, I walked around the guy lying on the ground, walking toward Arthur and Elijah.

- It's that AA-rang adventurer, isn't it? - Someone in the crowd whispered.

- So it's true...?

- They say he entered his first year as a battle mage...!

- Let's get out of here, I want to take a quick look at my room.

We had walked a little forward when I heard Dreil's voice.

- Are you trying to pick a fight with me, you brat!?

I looked around in surprise, trying to figure out if he was an idiot or if he just hit the floor too hard.

- Take that! - I wanted to kick him into the ground again, and harder this time, when I saw the voice of the elf maiden I knew.

- How dare you!