
Chapter 43 - Lighting Forest Bottom

Kyle looked at the lighting element inside of his body, and his face started beaming with happiness.

Him having a full completed element meant that he now had a full lighting affinity that he needed to practice the Lighting Step technique.

As long as Kyle reached a high enough proficiency level, he could access the next layers of both cultivation and battle techniques. Knowing how amazing the first layer was, Kyle couldn't wait to learn what the next layers had for him in store.

Kyle couldn't really do anything right now as his biggest worry was providing the dantian with as much qi as possible in order to fix the hole in his head tissue.

Kyle was surprised that the wound was mostly in the tissue when expecting the wound, and neither bones nor skull got affected or injured in any way. This meant that this was a healable wound that would eventually disappear as long as he tended to it.

What Kyle had to do straight after finishing the healing is to go and check the area for any dangers and ways to escape to the surface after the thunderstorm passes.

'Right now, I need to check how long has I been knocked out for. Maybe the thunderstorm has passed already.' Kyle got up and started walking to one of the flashing ponds that was next to him. There was lighting jumping from time to time, but once he got close, he realised that the lighting was not inside the pond but actually a reflection of what was happening above Kyle.

As he looked up, he saw thousands of yellow and white lighting dancing around and zipping through the air playfully. 'How did I even pass through this thunder cloud? That could have killed me instantly.'

Kyle knew his powers and didn't want to overestimate his ability.

Kyle drank from the small puddle and continued further. The cavern had a very narrow tunnel that went somewhere deeper down. That was basically going in the opposite direction to where Kyle wanted to go as he needed to go up and escape, that is why Kyle decided to search the area for any other possible clues of what he can do.

Right now the area was dark with only the small cube shining any light, together with lighting strikes shining occasionally. Kyle couldn't really see anything in details.

After searching around for 10 to 15 minutes, Kyle gave up and decided that if he didn't want to try his luck with climbing up, he had to try to explore the underground tunnels system.

He knew that the direction in which the corridor was headed towards would be the forest's centre. But as soon as he would enter deeper, he would lose his sense of direction.

Kyle finally stepped into the tunnel, barely able to squeeze through. After walking for at least 30 minutes in different types of tunnels, Kyle finally managed to exit out of the tunnel that only got bigger and bigger as he travelled through.

The tunnel that he exited from had some type of old and ancient frame that was made out of grey stone. They looked like an ancient building that Kyle saw in some of the games that he played. There in this ravine, there were at least 20 other pathways. All of them had a similar frame and a crystal of different size and colour embedded into the frame.

There were many colours. Red, orange, white and even blue and all of them were really bleak. But there was a frame that had a yellow crystal inside of it.

When Kyle just entered, he checked everything, and it was same as everything else, but as he started to explore the ravine and moved past the frame, it suddenly started shining and pulsating. The feeling that it gave was inviting and friendly.

Kyle was surprised to see something in here considering that he couldn't feel any qi or mana going into the frame. It was as if the frame was inviting him on its own.

Considering that Kyle's guess was as good as any to choose which tunnel to travel through, he chose to go through the yellow frame first.

Right as he entered inside, all of the frames sounded our a rumbling sigh as if they were disappointed.

Also, in the space below the frame and behind Kyle, a yellow transparent light appeared that seemed to act as a door. Kyle now had no way to pass through it.

'Great, I trapped myself. As if my situation was not dire enough, now I can't travel back at all.' Kyle was getting more and more annoyed with himself for being so impatient.

At least I can explore what is the yellow crystal wanted me to see.

Kyle travelled silently and very carefully inside the tunnel. The tunnel was only a one way, and there were no turns and option for Kyle to choose. He could only travel straight.

After 5 minutes of travelling, he reached a dead end. There was nothing of interest, and it was simply a wall that had no openings. Considering that there were no other turns, Kyle was basically trapped to his death in this corridor.

'Maybe this is a test of my power and thinking, and I have to smash through the dead-end to enter the next tunnel?' Kyle punched the dead-end as hard as he could and only got hurt. He even used the Wave of Conviction, but he found more clay and dirt in the gap he made.

Kyle now had no choice but to turn back. Otherwise, he would be stuck here forever. But as Kyle travelled back, he started noticing that even though it was the tunnel that he was travelled through, it was now very different from before and was leading him to some other place than before.

'What the hell is going on?' Kyle was now standing next to the opening that wasn't there before. There was a statue that was standing there in the middle of the ravine that opened up.