
Chapter 107 - Encampment of White Wolf guild

Since the start of the war, the army has sustained many casualties, and the number of soldiers has already dropped by 10% only from the whole travel. But the last battle that had happened when they were arriving right next to the city has given the biggest damage.

The army was ambushed from every single direction and even the platoons that were meant to defend against flanks and backstabs crumbled in an instant. The enemies have arrived from all 4 sides, from the air and from the earth. It was a complete mess.

The formation of the whole army was broken, and 1 general has been killed on the spot. The other one was captured and taken as a hostage. The army lost 10% of the troops in this battle alone in addition to the other 10%.

The only thing that cheered Kyle up was that he could sense that Theola herself was already level 10 somehow, even though it has barely been 2 months.

She has noticed the way Kyle look at her, "Your level…?"