
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

20. Adventur(er)

"Haaah! I feel like someone is going to come."

In the smithery stood a single goblin. With an entire viking esque outfit, this goblin was this smithy's sole and best blacksmith.

As he stood relaxing sfter finishing a job. With the hot still burning, and the air filled with so much heat.

The wooden door made a sound, someone was at the door knocking.

"Guess I was right."

The goblin then yelled.

"Come in!"

Then comes Arthur and Seves came in.

"It is burning hot here once again, Krill, tone it down a bit, we have a guest." Seves talked in a more casual way this time. It seems that out of his butler duty, he was an actual person.

Though thinking he wasnt is kind of too much.

Krill stared at Arthur and observed every part of his body.

"No need, I can handle the heat."

Krill stood up and went to meet the two.

"As you should. A blacksmith lives with the fire. Now who are you?"

Seves stopped Krill from getting xloser any longer. As Krill may attack Arthur.

Krill may be a blacksmith, but he was once a great warrior. And his agressive tendencies are much more than what one normally has.

"He is a very special guest."

Krill moved Seves away and said.

"I know that idiot. No one would dare come here, and with you at that."

Seves backed off and just let Krill get close to Arthur.

"Well nice to meet you kid, as you already heard. I am Krill, this garbage's only blacksmith.*

"Don't be so disrespectful of lur home Krill."

Krill went back to where he was sitting and Arthur finally talked.

"Well, it should be obvious why I am here."

"I'll do it, just take one fro-"

Arthur threw Krill 3 pieces of Dragon scales then said. "It's enough for a sword right? I want the whole thing from that. We clear?"

Krill's eyes widened looking at the dragons scales. 'What is this? I have never seen this metal before.". Krill bent and smashed the scale to the ground. Seeing that it wasn't bending nor broke easily, he was atlesst sure it wasn't a scam.

Arthur sat on a bench made of just concrete and asked Seves to sit with him. Arthur looked at Krill and made Seves watch as Krill experience a metal, that he would find the thrill to just witness.

But unexpectedly Seves talked as soon as he sat. "That's a Dragon Scale right?".

"Well im surprised you know about it.". Seves didn't talke any further after that. And that was just awkward for Arthur more than anything.

Anyways, Krill went to his furnace and started testing the scale. From trying to melt it, to trying to just break it. But hilariously all of those were not succesful. They were quite frankly, failures.

Arthur laughed in his mind just seeing Krill talk so big earlker to freaking out on what the material he just got was.

It was indestructable that was what Krill wss certain about it. Till he teied smashing the scales together. And that was the key to breaking it. Use the same indestructable material to break the indestructable material.

It was a simple method yet once again. By breaking a pice with another piece, the other broke apart too.

And soon it was all just in pieces. They were still as big as a thumb, but it was the minimum Krill coukd try to go to.

With the scales all smashed, it was not like Krill made any advancement or progress. You couldn't make a sword out of pieces. You have to melt and mold it.

But he could still yet to find a way to melt this metal. If it even was a metal.

Out of the embarrassment he was feeling, Krill threw the two out of the smithy and left himself to work.

With Arthur and Seves now out, he could do everything he could to melt the metal in any way possible.

To trying to make the metal flamable by stupidly grinding them together. Well that will obviously fail.

Krill had no more other choice then just putting the scale in one thing he thought he would never do.

In lava. The smithy was set in a lava vien. It was a magma chamber that was never formed into a volcano.

With this lava, Arthur just place the parts in it and left them in. Of course the molding would be perfect if the metal was filled with rocks. It wss still just a test.

And luckily it was a succes. Removing the rocks was easy and no problem, but it was a long task.

Weeks went by before Krill could even make the sword. And Arthur while waiting was having his, main story start.


Arthur out of boredom to wait any longer. Decided to go to the kingdom and enter it.

He wanted to experience the life of the kingdom. But he really couldn't go in as the capital had gaurds faurding the front gate. But luckily he was in an underground organization.

Getting inside the kingdom was an easy task. With absolute zero problem.

"Well guess it's time to go."

Arthur used a backway to enter the kingdom. Through a secret passageway used by many criminals. As Arthur was crossing this place. He was seeing lots of goblins thay definitely have criminal rwcords keep walking by.

And when he finally got outside of the tunnel, outside was probably the most dangerous athmosphere he has ever seen in bis entire life.

"It's a fucking mob, gangster dump."

Well everyone heard him say that. But it was not like they could understood what he meant by that.

And in that place violence was prohibited. As anything could kill you. In the world of the underworld a stick can cut a boulder.

With this now in mind, Arthur just went on his way and didn't care.

After getting lo-

After venturing out just a straight road, Arthur made it out of the slumps and got to the bustling oart of the kingdom.

"Shit this is it! The medieval city!". It was like any mediaval fantasy city. But of course it wasnt a circle, it was formed in the shape of the mountain range.

But the stone houses. Absolutely beautiful mansions. Overly exagerated and wasted land just for a garden. It was all there. The kingdom was huge!

"It was fucking huge. Would take me 10 min to travel from one end to another."

Arthur first wanted to eat. rthur actually has not eaten at all for a very long time. Because the food in the village was just meat with not a single seasoning. He hopes at least the kingdom has it, if not.

"More reason to kill em."

But there were so many options. And with him looking around like an actual countryside goblin was eying so many looks. But of course it was not his face, as the goblins in this kingdom still seemed possesed. With only a few not being free from possesion.

And those few, were definitely not normal. It even puts Arthur in quiet an edge if he would be noticed. But right now he has to remove that thought and choose a resturant.

Well... There were some meal ones, drink ones, no coffee, no cakes, more meat, just meat, then rarely vegies.

"Then meat it is?"

The world of this time was definitely the hardest to chose food from. It just had nothing.

But as he had no more choice... The adventurers guild it was.

"I almost forgot lol." Arthur wanted to register too, so if he was going there already, he might as well get drunk. And dying was of cousrse never a problem.

"Yeah, so, getting exposed? Nah dont care bitch!"

Arthur got lost and tried to find the dir-

Arthur found a board that showed the map of the kingdom. He was actually quite impressed they even thought of such a thing.

After finding the directions to the adventurers guild. Arthur then went on his journey of not getting lo-

Arthur arrived in front of the adventurer's guild with no problem and it only definitely took one try, i mean a few minutes.

"I dont even have green hair!"

Arthur went inside the pu- adventurers guild and his childlike face came out.

'Shit, from seeing it on my phone to seeing it with my eyes. Ok, you know what! Getting transported into another world is the best!".

Arthur just stood in front of the open doorway for enough seconds to get "that".

"Hey kid! Don't think you can just stand there. Move!".

A drunkard appeared in front of him. Arthur, after entering immidiately noticed that the people in this place were not possesed beings. Well they were not really possesed, but they sure were not hypnotized.

Now Arthur just wondered, how did this world really works. But he has stood still long enough, it was time to register his adventurer card. 'to hold that card! Ahhhh!'. He was clearly a weeb and a happy one at that.

But there was still that-

The goblin that was standing in front if Arthur blocking him and yelling at him was thrown away outside the guild and destroyed a part of a building outside.

And the once laughing and smirking adventurers expecting a beat up new guy, were clearly twisted and bent at the guts.

They were scared, that wss clear.

Arthur went ahead to walk to the counter immidiately. And said the line he so wanted to utter.

"I would like to register as an adventurer."