
Game Portal : Making a Multi-Billion Dollar Company!

The young man was living a hard life ever since his father was killed by a powerful, rich individual. He was left in debt, having to pay for a house they no longer owned, a hefty medical bill, and expensive education fees. But his fortune changed one day when he stumbled upon The Game Portal, a portal which allowed him to bring products from the game into the real world and sell them for a profit. With his newfound strength, he set out to become the greatest businessman in history, using his wits and determination to make a fortune. Along the way, he will face numerous obstacles in becoming a legend in the business world. Cover art: it's the character Pearl Lex (Remake)

KN_Aditya · Urbain
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60 Chs

Small Steps Towards Sweet Revenge

Lucas walked into his superior's office with a folder in hand, feeling confident about the results of his inspection of Portal Food Supplies.

"Good morning, sir," Lucas said, taking a seat in front of his superior's desk.

"Good morning, Lucas. I understand you have completed your inspection of Portal Food Supplies. What did you find?" his superior asked, looking up from his paperwork.

"Yes, sir. I found that the cleanliness and working conditions of the facility were up to standard. The food storage room was well-maintained and organized, with proper temperature control and labeling," Lucas reported, flipping through the pages of his folder to find the relevant information.

"And what about the food processing and plantation?" his superior asked, leaning forward with interest.

"I'm afraid that's where I hit a roadblock, sir," Lucas replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "The CEO of Portal Food Supplies claimed trade secrets protection law, so I was unable to inspect that aspect of the operation."

His superior raised an eyebrow. "That's unfortunate. Did you manage to find out where the fruits come from?"

"Alex told me that they come from a country in Africa, but I wasn't able to verify that information," Lucas said, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sorry, sir. I did my best to get as much information as possible, but the CEO's stance on trade secrets made it impossible for me to know for certain."

"I see," his superior said, nodding. "Well, thank you for your efforts, Lucas."

With that, Lucas bid his farewell and left his superior's office.

Lucas's superior picked his phone up from the table and called someone, "I am sorry Mr.Alan, no luck"


Julia dressed in her finest attire, feeling confident and determined as she stepped into the conference room for her meeting with the representatives from Portal Food Supplies. She was met by a beautiful lady who introduced herself as Maxie, the CEO's assistant. Maxie explained that the CEO was not in good health today and would not be able to attend the meeting.

Julia tried not to let her disappointment show as she took her seat at the conference table. Maxie sat across from her, a friendly smile on her face. They began to discuss the terms of the partnership between CyberEats and Portal Food Supplies, the company that Julia represented.

As they talked, Julia was struck by how easy it was to work with Maxie. She was professional, knowledgeable, and made the negotiations a breeze. By the end of the meeting, they had agreed on all of the conditions, and Julia was pleased with the results.

However, as she was signing the contract, she noticed a strange condition. It stated that CyberEats needs to partner with the companies PFS deems necessary for the growth of distribution and could dissolve the contract at any time they deemed necessary, without reason or consequences. This seemed odd to Julia, but she rationalized it by reminding herself that this contract would help her company, CyberEats, tremendously. And with that thought in mind, she signed the contract.

As she walked out of the conference room, Julia felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had successfully negotiated a partnership with a major company and was excited about the possibilities for her own company's future.

As Maxie stepped into the car parked outside CyberEats, she turned to the person sitting in the back seat. "Why did you not come with me, Mr. Bell?" she asked.

"You'll know anyway. What did the company do?" came Alex's response, his voice low and cryptic.

Maxie fastened her seatbelt and started the engine. "The company had a young lady, about your age, as a representative," she began. "Her father is not in good health, and she is the temporary CEO apparently. She signed the contract without much thought. It was fair for them after all."

Alex leaned back in his seat, a sly smile spreading across his face. Suddenly, he burst into a fit of maniacal laughter. As he composed himself, he said, "Revenge will be sweet."

Maxie was confused, but she didn't ask any questions. She just drove the young CEO home, her mind racing with thoughts of what Alex's cryptic words could mean.

Alex sat in the back of the car, his mind filled with thoughts of the past. He couldn't help but think that everything was her fault. If she hadn't confessed her feelings to him, his father would still be alive, and John would never have targeted him. But what hurt him even more was that she didn't even try to reach out to him after his father's death. She didn't even acknowledge him when they saw each other in school last time.

He knew that Julia was now the head of the company because her father had taken a break for a few months. He saw it in the news. This was his chance to get back at her, he thought. He knew that after he rejected her, she went to John and cried to him, so that John would take care of him instead of her.

Alex leaned back in the car seat, a sinister smile spreading across his face. He was going to make her pay for what she did to him. Revenge would be sweet.


after few days of meeting with CyberEat at PFS HQ

Sophie, Advertisement department head, burst into Maxie's office with excitement, her eyes shining with pride. "Maxie, you won't believe the latest news! Today's sales have reached a record-breaking $62,040!"

Maxie's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's fantastic news, Sophie! What do you think has caused this surge in sales?"

Sophie beamed. "It's all thanks to Alex's increased production rate, but that's not all. Our social media accounts have also seen a huge boost, now boasting 500,000 followers. There's a viral video of a famous doctor recommending our fruits for fast recovery after surgery and medical procedures, making our fruits even more popular."

Maxie smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "It seems like our hard work is finally paying off. This is fantastic news, Sophie. I'm sure the CEO will be thrilled when he hears about this."

Sophie nodded. "Absolutely. I can already see the company flourishing, and it seems like there's nothing that can stop us now."

Maxie leaned back in her chair, a contented look on her face. "I couldn't agree more, Sophie. Let's keep up the good work and see where this takes us."

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