Jason a 22 years old died only to find that he resurrected in the body of the son of Elia Martell, Oberyn's sister. This is my first novel, so I hope you enjoy my novel. English is not my first language, so if you find any mistake please feel free to tell me.
Quest name: You shall not die
Quest description: A King shouldn't reward his loyal servants with death. Save your loyal servants by any mean possible.
Reward: The full activation of the system.
Jason saw this and was dumbstruck by the sudden apparition of this message.
*YES! At least I won't be cannon fodder on this world*
He thought to himself while laughing inside. However, this happiness didn't last long as he realized that the activation of the system depended on this whole quest, meaning that if he failed this quest, he will lose his only help and aid. He didn't know what to do as he was only a child. So, he did the only thing that came to his mind.
Cried with all of his might, but it was useless as nobody looked at him. However, suddenly an idea came to his mind, but it was almost impossible to work and also embarrassing to do.
Thought to himself betting all he had on this only chance he had.
"Brrrrppp, ppppppwwarrrrppppp."
The sound resounded in the whole place. Doran who was ignoring Jason cry until now couldn't ignore him anymore as Jason covered him on shit.
"DoWnt KiLl" (Don't kill)
He cried trying to speak, but he couldn't speak clearly as his vocal cords were not fully developed yet. However, these two wrong spoken words made everybody stupefied. From William to Doran, everybody was speechless at what happened at that moment.
"Did he just talk?"
Asked Oberyn to Doran. Oberyn thought how unbelievable was for a baby of his age to talk, and even more for him to spoke these words.
"Y-Yes, brother he just talked....."
Replied Doran still unable to understand and believe what just happened.
"Looks like my nephew likes you"
Doran said while pointing at William and his whole team. Jason was satisfied with his success, but the system quest status didn't change meaning that it was not a success yet.
"However, you know that this is necessary."
This time Doran voice wasn't the one of earlier which had a powerful tone, but rather a sad one. Oberyn again got on position to kill William and the team.
Jason started to cry louder and louder. Oberyn came closer to Jason and saw the desperation on his eyes and how Jason was crying even more than before. This made Oberyn feel even worse, making him think about all of what his nephew has been through while being just a baby.
"Brother, I can't. Our nephew has already suffered a lot. He lost his mother, brothers, father, and now you want kill the only people who took care of him. The only people who he has met since his mother's death."
Oberyn said while looking at his nephew with sorrow on his face.
"Oberyn, they must die and you know it. We don't know if they will keep the secret or not."
Doran said firmly. Oberyn was frustrated, but he knew that this was the right choice. However, suddenly an idea came to his mind.
"And if they can't tell the secret?"
Doran was confused by Oberyn's words
"We just need to cut their tongues. Slaves aren't taught how to write or read, unless they are raised for that purpose."
Oberyn's explanation surprised Doran. For the first time on this day his brother finally said something clever.
"If that was the case, I will allow them to live. However, they must cut it themselves."
William and his team listened to Doran without fear or hesitation in their eyes.
"We accept your mercy my Prince."
All of them replied to Doran. Soon after, Doran called the guards to bring the things necessary for them to not die because of blood lost.
"Now, all of you shall begin"
Ordered Doran. William and his team followed his order and started one by one cutting their own tongue. None of them cried for pain or let a single sound out. This outcome made Doran satisfied because he saw no hesitation on their hands and eyes, meaning that they were truly loyal to his nephew.
However, unknown to all people in the room, Jason was smiling as he saw a message that caused him to be like this.
Quest Completed.
The system will activate, please wait.
Hello there, I had some damn problems with my PC which made me reinstall windows, deleting all of my files. Sorry for the delay.
About this chapter, some people may say that cutting someone tongue will not be enough as they can write. However, in GoT world almost only high-born people can read or write. Therefore, it will be almost impossible for a slave to learn it.
Again if you see any mistakes please let me know it.
Also, I decided to use a few plots that werent used in the show.