
Ch. 13 Plans?

"Now where?" Asked Sylas while smiling.

"To my room!" Oberyn said excitedly as he shook Sylas's shoulder.

"No," Sylas said flatly.

"To a whorehouse!" Oberyn said loudly, making some servants laugh when they heard his scream.

"No." Sylas, again, refused flatly.

"Tsk, let's just go to a 'Tavern' that I know of." He said while looking expectantly at Sylas.

"Alright, no whores, I have Ashara in my room and I don't want her to think that I visit brothels," Sylas said after sighing.

The two men now moved through the streets of Sunspear and they got to a small brothel, Sylas shook his head and entered with Oberyn.

"My room, please," Oberyn said with a smile.

"Yes, my Prince." The madam said with a seductive smile.

Sylas followed Oberyn, moans and lustful aromas filled Sylas's senses, but he kept walking with a serious face

"Here we are my prince, do you need the same as always?" Then the madam looked at Sylas and said "Or two more?"

Oberyn laughed loudly but said. "My friend here loves his wife too much, so just bring good wine and food." Oberyn smiled while giving the madam a small sack with coins.

Oberyn led Sylas inside the room, a table, four chairs, and a big bed were the only things, although the decorations were of high quality.

"Comfortable, isn't it?" He said with a toothy grin.

"Not bad, certainly not Lysseni level," Sylas said with a smirk.

"Fuck off." He said with a smile. "So tell me, how do you feel, Ser Sylas."

"I'm happy for what I've achieved, but this is nothing, I'll stay in The Water Gardens or follow you if you are going to travel," Sylas said as he looked at the door because he heard someone coming.

Entering the room, a voluptuous blonde woman entered, fine light blue silk covered her ample hips and golden chains fell down her waist starting from her nipples, she swayed her hips from side to side and took short steps to show herself properly, then she put the tray with food and wine on the table after winking at Sylas.

"See why I like the place?" He said after kissing the whore's hand.

"She's a beautiful woman, can't deny that." Said Sylas while grabbing some bread and putting some meat on it.

"Would you like me to service you, m'lord?" The woman said to Sylas when she heard his comment.

"I don't wish for any service, thank you," Sylas said politely.

The woman looked him in the eyes and smiled. "Please enjoy our food." She said with some disappointment as she made her way back to the door, leaving Oberyn and Sylas alone.

"She has never offered herself to me," Oberyn said with a pout.

"I'm that beautiful, she probably wouldn't have even charged money for it," Sylas said with a wide grin.

"Hahaha!" He started laughing.

"Now, let's talk about the good stuff, what did you and Doran scheme?" Sylas said, putting on a serious face.

"I was furious when I got here, I almost started fighting with Doran, since he didn't want to do anything for now. But in a few weeks, I'll depart for Braavos." He said with clear anger on his face.

"Why is he so cautious? If he moved fast enough we could've just attacked the Lannister for ourselves, I don't think the crown would have meddled in between our dog fight." Sylas said as he reclined back while munching on his bread with meat.

"I know, I told him that, but he told me to wait. In Braavos I am to secure a marriage between Arianne and Viserys Targaryen…" Oberyn said with a grimace.

"What a fucking stupid idea," Sylas said softly.

"I know, but thinking with a cold head, what can we do? If we rebel as I wanted, many houses will be completely wiped out, including yours, so I restrained myself from proposing such things in my rage, but… I can't help but feel the rage building within." Oberyn said while clenching his fist.

Sylas sat straight while looking at Oberyn. "Then we just have to scheme by ourselves, right?" Sylas said with a smile.

Oberyn looked at Sylas slowly with a slightly wicked smirk on his face. "Go on."

"There are many ways in which we can take revenge, we can assassinate the bastards that did the deed, we can wipe out the Lannister, we can claim the throne, we can play with their feelings, and all too many ways we can do it." Sylas also had a wicked smile on his face while getting close to the table. "You choose."

"How would we claim the throne, it would be easier to wipe out the Lannister," Oberyn said.

"We can just play the Game of Thrones." A big smile appeared on Sylas' face.

"Elia's children were completely murdered… We hold no one with a claim to the throne" Oberyn said with a sad face.

"Who says you need a claim to the throne to take it yourself? Robert is a drunk sex maniac, how difficult do you think it will be for me to get into Cersei's bed?" Robert is not going to lead The Seven Kingdoms into prosperity, wait a few years and everything will be in shambles and chaos will become a tool for many people to rise to power. If you want to favor another Targaryen on the throne then I must tell you, I might support you albeit not wholeheartedly, Targaryens are a coin flip to choose their personality, I don't want another mad king on the throne." Sylas said calmly.

"I told you that Doran's plan is bad, but now, hearing you, I think that it might be possible if what you say is going to become the truth," Oberyn said while looking into his wine. "But, who would be king if such a thing were to happen… Doran is not fit for it."

"Where could we find a young, brave, and extremely intelligent young man?" Sylas looked at Oberyn with a smile.

"That's a great ambition, dear vassal," Oberyn said with a smile.

"Puahaha! I was just kidding, to be honest, I'm not that ambitious, being king would be a pain in the ass, and having to talk to petulant boot-licking bastards ought to get boring really fast, and we are talking as if I was capable of doing everything I said, the easiest of what I said is getting into Cersei's chambers at night," Sylas said while laughing loudly.

"It would be difficult to make you king, and Doran wouldn't support you, since you are to marry Ashara," Oberyn said seriously.

"If you want to dance with such an idea, sure, but to be honest, it would only separate us, since if I wanted to be king, first, I would need alliances, Dorne isn't that strong, but I'm not that ruthless either, the only way I see an alliance between ourselves is to ignore everyone's thoughts and me having two wives, just like ancient Targaryens," Sylas said while shrugging his shoulders but a wide grin in his face. "Doran is too cautious, so an alliance between our houses is unlikely because he wants to marry Arianne to Viserys, and if I wanted alliances I could wait for the daughter of Mace Tyrell and marry her once she is of age and ruthlessly cut Ashara off. There are no more alliances that can be made, to be honest, right now it's not a good time to start such a thing, but with time, and good relationships I could build another kingdom, stealing land from Dorne and The Reach, then, from there, start expanding influence and getting alliances, but I don't really think I'm capable of doing that, I'm not an accomplished diplomat nor a renowned warrior." Oberyn looked at Sylas with a smile and started laughing.

"A good plan and everything you have said is the truth," Oberyn said softly. "Dorne can't do such a thing, since people would be suspicious, but House Fowler wouldn't raise those suspicions… As for you being capable, if you believe in yourself I think you should be able to pull it off."

"To be honest, I think the last part could work, If Prince Doran gives me a title and gives me the Houses around House Fowler the development of the lands will be faster since people will start flooding from other places to see something like that, even if the Marcher Lords don't want to see our faces, their small folk will forget quickly if they get food on their table every day, without fault, as for the Rechamen, that ought to be no different, but for that, you would be renouncing a lot of power and influence," Sylas said after drinking some wine.

"It wouldn't diminish the overall strength of House Martell, but it would increase unity and cooperation between our vassals…" Oberyn went quiet and started thinking hard while moving his wine slowly. "You know what, I think we could develop that idea, the stronger we are, even if we fight for a Targaryen king, the better it would be for Dorne." He said with a newfound confidence within himself.

"If such a thing were to happen, I'll fight for Dorne, but remember that I dislike the idea of a Targaryen on the throne," Sylas said with a smile on his face.

"I don't support such an idea, but for now, it will have to do, we can always wait and see what happens with the exiled Targaryen. I will leave right now, I want to write what we have discussed now." Oberyn said smiling.

Sylas looked at Oberyn and asked. "Why do you trust me so much?"

"Because you are beautiful if you wanted you could seduce Arianne at any moment and gain the whole of Dorne's favor, you have never asked anything of me, and you are a good person, I know that much, my dear squire." He smiled softly.

Sylas looked at him and broke the silence with a small laugh. "Who says I'm not going to seduce Arianne, she is too young right now," Sylas said with a smirk. "Actually, I have a way to make everything happen that way, making alliances and all that, if you really want to do it, but if someone gets a hold of my secret, everyone I love will die, my house is weak and Dorne won't protect us," Sylas said while replacing his smirk with a serious and stern face.

Oberyn raised his brow and looked at Sylas, thinking about the kid he has seen grow for four years. "You know that I won't do anything that's going to bring you trouble, I think of you as my young brother, but I won't force you to reveal anything, but I want you to remember that I will always side with you."

Sylas looked at Oberyn with a small smile and nodded. "The first day that I arrived at The Water Gardens, I had a dream… Mother Rhoyne and someone else blessed me and told me to enjoy my life with those whom I love, for that, the two deities gave me knowledge on blood magic to make people not betray me without losing their own will, along with a way to improve people's talent and heal injuries with water from rivers."

"What!" Oberyn stood up. "I've seen fire magic, but they were mere tricks… to think that Mother Rhoyne would bless you. I've heard of champions and blessed people from R'hllor, I've seen one that could light a sword on fire, but I didn't think that someone from Westeros would be able to wield magic…" Oberyn said seriously while looking with a pensive expression."Alright, let's do that blood magic shit, but you have to promise two things for me to do that, first, you'll help me get revenge for my sister Ellia, and two, you won't make me do things that I don't want to do."

"Wait, really? Just like that?" Sylas asked Oberyn seriously, with some disbelief.

"Hahaha, as I said, I consider you like a little brother, like a friend, I won't betray you in the first place, so I don't care about such a thing, but if you can use that power to help me to get my revenge, let's do it, even more reason to accept it, I know that you know just how much I miss Elia, selling my soul to R'hllor is nothing if I can accomplish my revenge." He said with a confident and taunting smile.

'Why do I feel shitty doing this? The man has taught me many things, and now, he only wants revenge for his sister, and here I am, making him my own knight… No, wrong train of thought, he already trusts me with his life, now that I can help him, I can't disappoint him.' Sylas took one of the two leather canteens from his back and opened it, he then placed it in front of Oberyn and he took out a knife and slit his palm. Oberyn didn't show any reluctance to drink the blood and with a thought of Sylas, blue particles healed his hands and they also flooded Oberyn's body along half of the water in the canteen.

Sylas quickly granted skills to Oberyn Inspect and administration to Oberyn and said to Oberyn. "Think about the word 'Inspect' while looking at me," Sylas said, and promptly Oberyn rubbed his eyes while looking at Sylas.

"Now I understand… You can bind at most two hundred and fifty people with these abilities." He said while smiling, but then, his smile turned into a smirk and he said. "Not even Mother Rhoyne can resist your charms, my dear squire."

"I guess so, although I don't know about the other deity, now we are completely immune to sickness, we have to test if poison can do something to us though," Sylas said while putting his hand on his chin.

"We can try, I have poison here, I'll try it and if it doesn't work, I'll just drink some of that water." He said with a smile while tapping a pocket on his chest.

"You are fucking crazy…" Sylas said while grinning.


Remember, if you want to support me for some reason, p@treon.com/VoidCL :)

This isn't a serious attempt to recreate the good writing of the books, I'm a newbie, lower your expectations, please c:

I'm sleepy :)

EmptyVoidchcreators' thoughts