
Game of Thrones: Sword of Songs

A sword master reincarnates in Westeros after a government conspiracy results in the massacre of his temple. (MC born in the same year as Jon Snow.) (Events and/or knowledge is based on the TV show.) (No profit is being made from this. Strictly writing for the fun of it.) (Please keep your comments cordial and respectful. I won't be responding to any nastiness.) (Cover Art 'The lost ronin' by MoonlitAlien)

SonnyBritches · TV
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11 Chs

Lost in Universe

Hattori Yozo spent an unknown amount of time in an endless dream. It felt no different from his meditations — colors of imagination — sounds like sweet singing angels — sights of awe and wonder. He could go anywhere and be anything, it's true, and yet something was missing.

'Is this really the afterlife?'

It was too anticlimactic to grant easy acceptance of the fact. Yozo's awareness knew something had to be amiss.

Hattori Yozo was lost.

He laughed with his soul, 'Well, at least I've figured that out.'

Suddenly, Yozo's heart lightened, and a funny tickle came that he had almost allowed himself to forget. It had to be the Universe playing cheeky tricks. How else could you explain someone like Yozo, who spent an entire lifetime dedicated to body and soul, getting so lost before reaching the final finish line?

'They say don't follow the light, but I guess I don't have much choice.'

Then, as if hiding for its moment to shine, an orb of light appeared in the dream state distance. Yozo's soul laughed once again, 'bet you couldn't wait for me to say that.'

The orb shook up and down to agree.

'This isn't the first time we've met, is it?'

The orb shook side to side to say no.

Hattori Yozo, a wise warrior who had spent his life down the spiritualist path and was respected by all he came across... For the first time in what felt like an eternity released a fit of childlike anger from deep within. The orb seemed to find this cute, giggling at a frequency a proud parent would to their child.

'But why? I lived my life the right way. Was it really not enough to break the cycle of reincarnation?'

The orb remained silent as if the answer was obvious.

'Fine, have it your way. I'll follow the light and see where the next life takes me. It's a blessing in disguise!'

The orb danced around with glee and celebration. Then, it absorbed itself into Hattori Yozo, and everything went white. It was like staring into the sun without any eyes to feel pain.

Warm, welcoming home. Vibrations of love and joy jolted the surroundings, a pressure rose quickly, and a high-pitched sound got louder and louder.

Warm, welcoming home.

The pressure mounted further, and Yozo felt like his soul moved at great speed through the white, bright Universe until it all climaxed into one last pop, breaching into the world with all his will.

Yozo was so overcome with emotion that his instincts were to cry. There was no words to describe this powerful will he felt to reach his destination. When he did so, a tiny little voice wailed, and Yozo knew he had made it; he knew he had reincarnated.

'I can't see,' he thought, as the light of the physical world did not seem to agree with his newborn eyes, 'But that's not the problem here. How do I still have my memories?'

Hattori Yozo quickly pondered. He knew some people might retain memories of their past lives, but his being one of them didn't align with his journey.

'Whatever the reason, I have no doubt there is a purpose behind it.'

Yozo had finished his train of thought before they wrapped him in cloth and placed him in his mother's arms.

He could not see it, but Yozo was in a modest village hut. The midday sun sent its hot rays through the opened windows, where sounds and smells of the western ocean greeted Yozo's senses.

Then he heard a heartbeat and felt the warmth of something so pure and tender that it could only be love.


"Congratulations, Lily," an elderly women's voice said.

'Nope, that's not her!'

"It's a boy. What will you name him?"

Lily gazed at her son, tears dripping down to her silly smile. Her brown hair was knotted and sweaty from hours of labor, yet her fine features ensured a beauty that never waned. Nothing could describe Lily's happiness at this moment. The boy had her emerald-green eyes, after all.

"Dante," said Lily, caressing her son's cheek, "His name shall be Dante"

"A fine name," the other women said, "His father would have been proud."


Yozo cried baby tears of joy. In his heart, he could tell how much Lily loved him and how kind of a person she was. He could not help but be happy for her and, honestly, for himself also. Only his father was around during Yozo's previous life; he never knew his mother. Now it seemed Yozo would get a mother but not a father in his new life. .

Yozo respected Lily's- no, his mothers wishes, 'Dante. I shall wear the name with pride from henceforth.'

Thus were Dante's first moments. A new name, a new life, a new beginning. His mind went wild with future imaginations. What kind of world was this? Could he be anyone and do anything? Dante was sure he could if he put his mind to it.

'But would the world accept me, or would it reject me again?'

Dante shook his baby head, 'Only time will tell.'

With that, Dante relaxed and allowed himself to be doted over by his beautiful mother, Lily. She bore her breast, and he had latched on, instinctively sucking away. Lily smiled and hummed a tune to her hungry baby boy.

And before Dante knew it, his eyes grew heavy, and a content weight urged him onward to sleepy land.


Next Chapter: A young Dante gives update on his bearings in his new life.

(Was tossing around whether to make next chap first person or not. Going to stick with third person as I find the inner dialog used thus far to be sufficient. Dante isn't the kind of character that we should have his perspective anyway, so it all works out.)

Dante's Father: "Damn it! I thought I was about to have my 15 minutes of fame!"

Lily: "Quiet now, honey…"

(Also, I'm still shopping around for potential cover art. If you have any cool pics of art that would suit this fic's cover, feel free to share.)

We need 15,000 words for WN to take this fic seriously. We will probably reach the story cannon before then.

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