
Game of Thrones: Rise of the Witch-King(EN)

A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.

Lorenzo5798 · TV
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33 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning of Angmar

Domeric POV

God gave me one last gift in this world when I was reincarnated, Roose Bolton, my father, was dead.

From the looks of it, the old me and my dad went on a hunt, but we were ambushed by bandits, my dad died, and I passed out after getting a cut to the chest.

From what my aunt Barbrey Dustin, the woman that come to my room with, said, the Maester said I had little chance of waking up, but she didn't care about his opinion and took care of me(I'll kill that old man).

The criminals who were captured were killed by the Dreadfort guards, my aunt told me that she burned alive the one who cut me in the chest.

I also happened to receive a letter from God when my aunt left, the letter said where I would find my Valerian Steel weapons and armor, it also said where I would find the builders.

I was now walking through Dreadfort with my aunt by my side, in a few days, the Lords of the lesser Houses that serve Bolton House would come here to declare their loyalty to m.

I've already used my Charisma Magic on the Castle Guards and Servants, I don't want any spies that can kill me in the future.

"So Domeric, where are we going?" asked my aunt as she looked at me.

"We are going to the forest near the Dreadfort, Auntie, I already asked some Guards to come with us," I said while not slowing my steps.

3rd POV

"W-Why do you want to go to the forest, Domeric?" asked Barbrey in surprise as she followed her nephew.

"There's something I need to do there, but Auntie, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone what happens there." Said Domeric as he stopped walking and looked into his aunt's eyes.

"...Okay, I promise I won't tell anyone, nephew" Barbrey said seriously while nodding his head.

Domeric nodded in approval and continued out of Dreadfort, at the castle gates were several Bolton Guards on their horses.

"M'lord, the guards are ready," Said a Castle Guard as he bowed to Domeric and Barbrey.

"Fine, let's go," Domeric said with a blank face and mounted his horse with the help of his aunt.

Soon Domeric and Barbrey, along with the Bolton Guards, were heading to the forest near Dreadfort, it didn't take them long to arrive at the location determined in the letter that God had sent.

Arriving there, Domeric went to the place where he would find his builders and his precious armor, he only went with his aunt to the place while the guards couldn't go.

When they arrived at the scene, Barbrey was going to ask why Domeric went to this part of the forest, but soon she saw 5 non-human creatures coming toward them while pulling carts.

Barbrey was about to yell for the guards, but Domeric put his hand over her mouth and stopped her from making any noise.

"Calm down aunt, they work for me," Domeric said darkly as he looked at his aunt with a serious face.

Barbrey was startled but soon calmed down, Domeric then looked at the 5 builders who lowered their heads in respect.

"Build a Goblin Cave, an Uruk Pit, a Fissure, a Tunnel, and a Warg Sentry!" ordered Domeric as he looked at his builders.

The builders nodded and began to find the ideal spots near their master's location to begin building.

Barbrey was thinking she was crazy, first, these creatures appeared, then his nephew said that these creatures serve him, now buildings started to appear out of nowhere, some came straight from the earth.

"D-Domeric, what's going on?!" asked Barbrey, shouting a little surprised.

Domeric then used his already planned lie, he also started using his Charisma Magic to convince his aunt, even though he didn't want to.

"So Auntie, when I was in bed because of that incident..... I kind of found myself in a dark place without any light, I wandered there for a while until in front of me appeared a fire giant eye that looked like he was looking into my soul" Said Domeric breathing a little to continue his story, he also took the opportunity to see his aunt's reaction, which was of concern.

"That eye was looking at me for a long time, until then the eye disappeared and in its place, appeared a giant man wearing armor, he then looked at me and said that I was the Dark Chosen and-" When Domeric was going to continue, his aunt interrupted him.

"'The Dark One'? What do you mean, Domeric?!" asked Barbrey worriedly.

"He said he was the Dark Chosen Aunt, he told me I was destined to rule these lands and bring about a New Age of Prosperity…and Darkness." Said Domeric pretending he was reluctant to say the last part.

"....Who was this being in armor?" said Barbrey seriously as she looked at her nephew with concern.

"He was called Sauron, God of Darkness," said Domeric pretending to be reluctant at first.

"So he's the one who gave these creatures to you?" Barbrey asked looking at the builders who had finished creating the ordered buildings, leaving her once again surprised.

"Besides letting me live aunt, from what he said..... I should have been dead for a long time, but he made sure I lived" Domeric said as he nodded and looked at his aunt seriously.

Barbrey was surprised and scared by this news, if it weren't for this God of Darkness, her nephew would be dead.

But after she was silently thanking this god called "Sauron", Barbrey now wanted the culprit for hurting her nephew to be alive, to sacrifice him in Sauron's name.

"I see Domeric.....so what are your plans?" asked Barbrey after sighing and thinking for a while.

"I will gather some Uruks, Goblins, Trolls, and Half-Trolls, to be part of our entourage when we go to Winterfell, I want to make our 'honorable' Lord Stark, sign a decree to protect these races, as it may happen someone considers them demons and starts a goddamn Holy War," Domeric said mockingly when talking about Eddard Stark's honor, but then showed his concern at the end.

Domeric isn't afraid to start a war, as long as he had enough buildings, he could build an army quickly, but he wants to play it safe.

Domeric then went to the Warg Sentry and saw the Warg sleeping, but the Warg soon woke up and got up, Domeric went to the Warg with his arm outstretched.

The Warg went to Domeric and placed his head in Domeric's hand, Barbrey was surprised by this, but it also made her reaffirm her decision.

Barbrey will stand by his nephew, even if he becomes a Tyrant, even if the whole world is against him, Barbrey will take care of his nephew.