
Game Of Thrones: Lord of the Sea

L0rds2278 · TV
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Arriving in the Game

*authors note*

So firstly I don't know much about Game of Thrones naval warfare and as such I will just customise it a bit.

Firstly, all rowers can be fighters if necessary unless it is not manned by fighters. Half of the rowers can also fight but speed at 50%

- Triremes, 170 rowers, 100 fighters.

- Quadriremes, 300 Rowers, 150 fighters

- Quinqueremes, 350 Rowers, 100 fighters, 4 Catapults, 8 scorpions.

- Game of thrones galleys, 100 rowers, 125 fighters. ( uses sails mostly, same speed with good winds as triremes )

- GoT Cogs, 15 Crew, can transport 50 people

- Ironborn Longships, 80 rowers, 120 fighters.


Capital will be High Tide, I know it was burned but ye.

Population: 40k, 2k can be recruited as standing army.


- 1 Gold Dragon = 210 silver stags or 11,760 Copper Pennies

- 1 Silver stag = 56 Copper

- 1 Copper = 2 halfpenny

1 Copper = 1 bread.

Family tree:

I will go with that Luceys Valeryon is the father of Monford Velaryon and not the brother. Monford will also be born in year 276 AC. Aurane Waters will be a bastard from the branch line and not the main line he will be born in 266 AC.

Valyrian Fleet:

- 3 Galleys

- 40 Cogs

- 1000 sailors and 975 Marines

Total Ships:

- 44 Ships

- 13 Military ships ( 10 Cogs, 3 Galleys )

- 20 Trading ships ( 5 Fighters )

- 10 Escorts ( 30 Fighters )

- 850 Military Sailors

- 1000 Marines

- 300 Marine Escorts

1300 Marines, 200 Garrison Driftmark/Hull ( they're connected ) 200 Garrison High Tide.

1765 Men at arms:

- 1300 Marines

- 400 Garrison

- 15 Knights

- 50 Sea Guards


Everything was dark, I had been in this void for a long time now. Everything is dark, I can't open my eyes. Just then my body began moving by itself and I could feel a small light coming through. As I was moving through it I heard a scream

"PUUUSHHHHHH" I heard a Lady say as she touched me. I then heard a scream for the person I suppose would be my mother. As she stopped screaming I was fully out. The lady wrapped me in a blanket before handing me to my supposed mother.

"You look like a true Valyrian, you will be named Monford Velaryon" My mother said.

That's when it hit me, I've been reincarnated into the Game of Thrones. The game where strength and intelligence is all that matters. House Velaryon is a small House, it has a grand history and comes from House Targaryen but it is currently a weaker House in the Crownlands. Especially after Dance of the Dragons. Velaryon, while a small house isn't the worst place. It is situated perfect to tax from King's Landing and it's naval transport and trading. It also has a strong Navy and the Lord is currently the Master of Coin. Speaking of my father, I was handed to him.

He looked quite similar to me. We both had white hair, white skin and purple eyes. I quickly recognised him as Lucerys Velaryon, the current Lord and master of coin.

My mom then began screaming, turning around I saw a lot of blood on her bed. My Father quickly ordered a Guard and a few Maids to take me to another room.

-[ 3 Years Later ]-

I quickly discovered that I was born in 276 AC, 6 years before the Rebellion led by Robert Baratheon. My first 3 years was mainly me gathering information. I had also gained myself a servant if you could call him that. Aurane Waters was assigned to me, he is currently being trained by the Master of Arms but we have already become friends.

Upon being born I quickly shocked my parents and family by the simple fact that I did not cry or scream unless I needed food or to pee/poop. I have already learned to read and began my learning of High Valyrian, there are few who speaks it and as such I am though by 1 of the 2 in Driftmark who speaks it, my fathers steward.

Another thing that happened is my mothers death. She was from the Celtigar Main Family line and she died a few minutes after birthing me. The defiance of Duskendale happened 2 years ago and it has both helped my father and crippled him. The King trusts very few people and does not let anyone close to him. He has also burned a lot of people which has of course scared my father. But at the same time he managed to speak lies into his ears about spies, mainly on Dragonstone. This has made the King kill many loyal servants on dragonstone and allowed Lucerys to plant his own spies.

Another thing I learned about Lucerys is that he hates the Targaryens. After the Dance of Dragons the hard work the Velaryons put into growing was destroyed. He has then began plotting towards Targaryen mainly to take over Dragonstone. This has worked quite well as one of our spies gained the position of Lieutenant, commanding one side of the Dragonstone defences.

-[ Timeskip 3 years later ]-

The time of the rebellion is about to start. According to the timeline Alayna Stark is about to be kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. I have also become 6 years old. I began getting training from the Maester upon becoming 4 years old. The last 2 years have mainly been general information about House Velaryon and the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

Me and Aurane have become great friends. He's currently 16 years old and has just become an officer within the Velaryon Navy. He currently commands a cog within the Escort ships and he is learning seafaring at a shocking rate. I am beginning to see how he would become the Master of Ships later.

I also just recently began training with a sword. Currently it's mainly stances and then physical exercises, mainly running and just slashing the sword. I was currently walking towards my father's office, he is currently in Driftmark which is actually quite rare. I quickly knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard a deep voice say.

I then opened the door and entered.

"Greetings, Father" I said, it was quite uncomfortable to call him my "Father" as I had a previous one in my old life and I knew he would die soon but it was a small price to pay.

"Ah, Monford, what can I help you with?"

"Father, I have a wish that I would like for you to accept.

"Very well, go ahead."

"I have two wishes. Firstly I wish to be given 200 Dragon coins monthly. And secondly I wish your permission to recruit 100 people from between the ages of 12-16." The first request was due to my wish to pay for these troops and secondly I wished to grow my own business.

"Hmm, why do you wish these things?"

"I wish to be given 200 Coins to pay for the 100 troops and to invest and grow my own projects. And the troops is that I wish to improve my own leadership and command skills."

"Hmm, you will be given 100 Gold Coins monthly and 50 troops. If you manage to gain an annual income of over 500 Gold Coins at the end of the year then I shall increase it to 200. You will also be given 50 troops instead of the 100 and you will have Aurane Waters serve as your deputy and Jon Waters will oversee your small unit." My father said.

I was happy with these terms as they are actually more than I expected. The 50 troops will cost around 1 Gold Coins to upkeep in terms of food. It will also cost around 4 Gold Coin per Hispanesis Gladius and 5 Silver every month to upkeep. They would also be given a Lamellar Reinforced Leather armor which would cost 6 Gold dragons. (Picture in comments) They would also be given a scutum shield. It will be custom made to be like the Roman scutum but it would have the sigil of House Velaryon on it, this would cost 2 Dragon Coins. They would be given the Spangen helmet. The helmet would cost 5 gold dragons to make.

"Thank you Father, I will not disappoint you." I then turned around and left the office. I then asked one of the guards to bring Jon and Aurane to my study.

10 minutes later they both arrived.

"Good to see you Aurane." I said as I looked at him.

"Good to see you too, Monford" He said. I then turned to the other guest.

"Greetings, Ser Jon Waters."

"Greetings, Lord Monford"

"Alright so, my father has given me permission to recruit 50 people to train. I plan on making these troops a small elite unit. I will serve as the Commander of the Army with Aurane as my Major and Jon will be given a special instructor position. My father will brief you more about your duties while with us, Jon. You guys are to put poster up around the islands. They will receive a monthly pay of 21 Silvers and they will be given food."

"I will get our armor and food situated. You have 1 week to recruit 50 of the most suitable troops between the ages of 12-16"

"Understood!" They both said in unison.

"Aight, good luck." After my words they turned around and left the study. I then stood up and began walking towards the Castle Blacksmiths, I soon arrived alongside 2 random guards whom followed me.

"Excuse me, where can I find the Master of this blacksmith?" I asked one of the workers.

"He should be inside in his office, my Lord"

I then began walking into the blacksmith. All around people were working hard creating swords and some even making leather armor. I quickly arrived at the office.

Once I opened the door he stood up and said

"Greetings, Young Master."

"Greetings, please sit down." I said as I also sat down in front of him.

"I wish to order a few swords, helmets, armor and shields." I said.

I then slid a blueprint of the shield I asked for. It was a Roman Scutum with the Velaryon sigil.

He then began looking over the blueprint.

"Hmm, the shield will be quite easy to make. It requires few materials. We could make around 5 of these everyday. It will also cost around 2 Gold Coins per shield. So 100 Gold Coins for 50 of these but because you are the Son of the Lord I will give you a 20% discount so it will cost around 80 Coins." He said.

"Very well, I will return in around 10 days to pick these up and pay for them?"

"That sounds perfectly fine."

"Also" I said as I slid another blueprint over. "Once you are done with the shields, could you begin creating 70 of these spears?" I said

"Hmm." He said as he looked at it.

"This is quite the fine blueprint. Spear will be 7,6 ft long and use a Fullered spear head. It will cost around 2 coins to make and it will take around 2 days to make 5 spears."

"That's acceptable. I will pick them up in around 2 months." I said. After saying that I turned around and left.

-[ Timeskip 1 week ]-

I was currently standing in the Castle Yard on an elevated platform in front of around 50 people. Behind me stood Jon and Aurane Waters.

"Greetings, my fellow Velaryons. I am Monford Velaryon, son of the current Lord Lucerys Velaryon. Under his permission I have been given the authority to train my own unit. You guys will be the first batch of said unit. I intend to train every single of you to perfection. At the end you will stand tall as the elite troops of House Velaryon." I said

"Follow me and you will gain fame, money and best of all. You will protect your homes, your family and your friends."

With that all of them began shouting. I guess some propaganda works good on 12-16 years old. Immediately after I ordered everyone to be quiet as I began going over our systems.

Firstly is explained our command structure.


Corps = 2 560, Led by a Lord Commandant

Regiment = 1 280, led by a Lord Commandant or Commander

Legion = 640 Troops, led by a Commander

Company = 160 Troops, led by a Captain

Platoon = 40 Troops, led by a Lieutenant

Squad = 10 Troops, led by a Sergeant

Special Units:

- Sea Guards, 40 Troops, led by a Captain.

- Commandos = 10 Troops, Led by a Lieutenant

- Scouts = 40 Troops, led by a Lieutenant

- Instructors, 30-50 Troops, led by the Major.

- Lord Commandant, Overseer of Forces

- Commander - Legion / Regiment Commander

- Major - Chief Instructor

- Captain - Company Commander

- Lieutenant - Platoon Leader

- Sergeants - Squad Leader

- Corporals - Squad Assistant

- Veteran - Elite troops

- Soliders - Normal troops

- Recruits - New soliders under training.

I then began doing basics on formations, discipline, maturity, listening to command and other essential stuff in an army.