
Game Of Thrones: Loki In The Westeros

He who had dreamed of ruling over the nine realms and the entire universe, a god among peasants, the God of Mischief, Loki Odinson, finds himself in the unknown world of Westeros. Now, he has set his sights on the task of returning to the nine realms and asserting his dominion over Earth. However, for some reason, no matter how loud he screams for help, Heimdall isn't opening the path for him through the Bifrost, or perhaps he is unable to hear his command. [ Game of thrones + Witcher + Marvel ]

Cruel_Death · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter (1) What ...If

Earth Zero,

Stuttgart,  Germany,



The tranquility, peace, calmness, and stillness of Stuttgart are shattered by an unexpected energy blast.


A surge of power courses through the air, directed by an unseen hand, striking a passing car.


The vehicle swerves off its intended path, hurtling towards destruction with a deafening blast.

And so, now the only things visible are rising smoke and the screams of pedestrians, or maybe the burning ashes of a car..

Amidst this chaos, a man in green regal clothes and fancy armor adorned with a majestic horn-like crown walks on the street.

He is none other than Loki Odinson, The 'Mighty' prince of Asgard.

"Quite the sight, isn't it?" Loki mutters, his heart becoming more formidable with each passing second. "The day when I rule the nine realms is not far away. Who does he think he is, controlling me, commanding me? It's just a futile dream of your feeble mind, disgusting creature... I, the god of all,  will rule the universe... and when the time comes, I will crush your filthy purple skull with my own hands."

In Loki's mind, an imposing figure of a purple tyrant appears, symbolizing power, authority, and ugliness.

"Mommy... who is he? Is he a man pretending to be a lizard? Why does he look funny?" a nearby kid asks, pointing towards the imposing figure of the Greenlord.

The child's mother, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and fear, responds, "Li... Lizards don't have horns sweetie, he must be... must be ... alien."

In this moment, Loki fixes his gaze on the cockroaches scurrying around, his voice booming with authority as he addresses the Nazi Mortals , his words dripping with disdain.

"Kneel before me," he commands.

But the crowd pays him no heed, thus his gaze sweeps over them sinisterly as he shouts,

"I said... KNEEEEEEL!"

Before the crowd can respond, a bolt of lightning streaks across the sky, heralding the arrival of none other than Thor, the God of Thunder.

He lands with a thunderous crash, his cape fluttering behind him.

In that timeline, Loki is a true warrior and much more ruthless than any other variant of his.

Before arriving, he had extensively researched Earth's heroes, making dealing with the Avengers relatively easy.

He had even gone as far as hiring gangsters to kidnap Hawkeye's wife, keeping the poor guy preoccupied with family troubles.

Additionally, Loki had used illusion magic to disguise himself as Peggy Carter and managed to steal Captain America's shield while Steve Rogers was distracted by jade white moist twins mountain peaks with cherry blossoms on top, that the real Carter never showed him.

Of course, Loki couldn't overlook Iron Man. He snuck into Tony Stark's villa in LA while Tony was busy in his bedroom with Pepper and  Korean model, discussing a three-way deal that could shape the future of his company.

Thus Loki invaded the house, destroyed his labs, and sank Iron Man's suit in his own swimming pool.

As for Dr. Banner, Loki couldn't locate him, so he left him without any interference. Of course, there is no fear of the green monster.

Regarding Natasha, Loki thought this woman was no threat.So he Let poor infertile lady live while it lasts.

Thanks to his meticulous planning, he easily retrieved the Tesseract from New Mexico, right under the noses of the authorities.

But he didn't expect that All-Father would send his dumb brother to die here.

"Brother... why must you persist?" Thor calls out, his voice tinged with slight disappointment and frustration.

As he was having a good time with Sif, he didn't expect Oldman Odin to shamelessly walk in and witness his own daughter-in-law's pink vulnerability.

Because of this, Thor's mood is already at the bottom. Reluctantly, he questions, "What madness is this? That you dare threaten these innocents. Don't you fear the wrath of Allfather? Do you want to anger him, brother? Did you forget what happened with Big Sister Hela?"

Loki turns to face his brother, a wicked grin playing upon his lips. "Ah, Thor, dear brother, it's quite unpleasant to see an animal like you who hasn't taken a shower since the great war,"

"It's was only yesterday when I took one with sif...but thas not the point...I'm here to bring you back to the Asgard, and I will do so"Thor replies with determination. 

"Mighty god of thunder...hero of righteousness, swooping in to save the day... well, I expected nothing less. But tell me, brother, do you truly believe you can stop me? You dumb weakling."

Thor's expression hardens, his grip tightening around Mjolnir.

"I will do whatever it takes to end your reign of terror, Loki," Thor declares with unwavering conviction. "Even if I'm not the sharpest ... even if dumb, I'm still better than a 3000-year-old virgin like you. At least girls find me cute, but you... look at yourself, a lonely god without any woman to warm your cold nights," he proclaims, his voice resonating with majestic authority, much like his mighty figure.

Hearing this Loki chuckles darkly and States proudly,

"How noble of you, Thor, to speak with your elder brother with such audacity... We both know your strength falls short of mine... Besides, my mother instilled in me the art of magic, ensuring I can keep myself warm without relying on despicable means... And unlike you, I don't let my desires cloud my judgment; I don't think with my lower half like you do."

To this, Thor smirks and replies, "You don't even have anything down there... good brother."

"Enough... Hammer God," Loki snaps, extremely angry.

But unlike  his other variants, Loki in this world  is actually a follower of Buddha, a man who knows compassion, benevolence, and most importantly, patience.

Though Buddha is a fictitious entity, Loki still respects his teachings.

At this moment, Thor senses something isn't right and throws his lightning hammer to crush Loki.

"Not today, brother," Loki Odinson declares with unwavering conviction. "You cannot stop me, for I, the god of all gods and peasants, the future ruler of the universe, command you to die."

Just like that, the Tesseract materializes in his hands. However, as he attempts to create a portal to send Thor in front of Thanos to get pegged, he notices a disturbing change: the Tesseract is emitting a dark glow instead of its usual blue hue.

This terrifies him to the core as he sees his dream of ruling the universe being shattered with each passing moment.

At this time, his own body is being sucked into the Black Tesseract, making it impossible to create the portal. But that's not even important anymore, for the last time he looks at Thor and speaks,

"Take care of my mother or else I will kill you when I come back."

But the very next second, fearfully, he screams, realizing Thor may become ruler of Asgard by that time, it pains him so much...

"NOOOOOOOO.... damn it, was this a fake Tesseract? Did you all fool this god?"

Meanwhile, Thor scratches his head in frustration, unable to make sense of Loki's sudden disappearance.

"Loki," he mutters with a mix of irritation and amusement,

"Always vanishing when things get interesting... tsk... Can't even handle a direct confrontation with Big brother, can you? Or maybe," he chuckles, "Y... you're just too fond of me to throw down with your big brother. It must be brotherly love, it must be that you respect me so much, huh... scared of hurting me.... I'm not weak, little brother, rather if you anger me I can whoop your ass any day.

But realization dawns upon him as he sighs,

"Wherever you are, just return soon, or else mother would be concerned."




In the relentless heat of the scorching sun, where the horizon stretches barren and lifeless, lies the desolate desert known as the Sea of Dothraki—a wasteland where only sand can be seen; no matter where you look, it's only sand and death.

Amidst this desolation, a chilling war cry pierces the silence, a cry that speaks of pure malevolence and imminent danger, like the song of death.

Suddenly, the atmosphere becomes dusty.

But as the dust settles, a horde of nomadic warriors emerges, urging their steeds forward with savage determination, hell-bent on hunting down their fleeing foes.

These are the warriors of the Dothraki Sea, the loyal followers of Khal Drogo, bound by blood and honor to carry out their leader's will without question.

Khal Drogo, accompanied by his steadfast bloodrider, Qotho, leads the charge in pursuit of enemies who dared to defy their might.

Though his khalasar had decimated his foes, yet some still managed to elude their grasp.

"Faster! Do not let the enemy slip away!" Qotho's voice booms, urging his fellow warriors to push their mounts harder with the help of a tender whip in their relentless pursuit.

The chase is fierce and unrelenting, the thunderous gallop of hooves echoing across the barren plains as sand spreads like fog in the heated land.

"Khal, it has been too long since we began this chase," Qotho's cautionary words cut through the fervor of battle. "Pushing further may bring more harm than good, and tomorrow is the day you will bring Khaleesi to our tribe. What if someone challenges you at the time of the wedding?"

""Killing enemies is the duty of a Khal," Drogo declares, his voice cold and sure.

"We'll hunt them until their heads roll in the sand. Even now, I can hear their screams that will be fueling our victory. Their women will know terror as our warriors will strip them bare, raping them in front of their dying men. We will violate them until their cunts turn red... until they beg for mercy. But... Mercy is the salvation they won't have. They'll beg until their dying breath; it's only then they will know the might of the Dothraki, they will understand the consequences of offending me."

These men are Khal Drogo's warriors, bound by an unbreakable code of loyalty. With each word from the Khal, their determination grows, driving them to crush the enemy and annihilate their nine clans.

"As you command, my Khal," Qotho's voice reverberates, urging his comrades onward. "I will make sure to find a beautiful woman in their clan... it would be my wedding gift to you before your marriage... hahaha."

At this moment, no one knows who spoke, but their words have captured the attention of Khal Drogo and all the Dothraki warriors riding on their horses.

"Khal! Look...In the sky," Khal Drogo's gaze shifts towards the sky, but the intensity of the sun makes it difficult for him to see anything above.

His eyes flicker due to the brightness of the light. But when he opens them, he sees the sky shudder and glow with an unnatural green light.

As far as they can see, green thunder is shocking the sky, making it look like a bad omen.

At this time, a dark round portal opens, but to the Dothraki, it feels like something supernatural has torn the sky as a large crack in space is still visible.

Shortly after, the horses let out cries of distress and try to escape as chaos takes hold of their spirits.

With each passing moment, one dothraki rider falls, crushed by the very animals they once loved and cared for tenderly, heightening the panic among the other Dothraki warriors.

These sensitive creatures react strongly to the greenish and darkish sight and sound of the sky tearing before them, causing them to lose control and urinate uncontrollably.

But there were few who were able to ease their spirits, such as the Great Khal himself.

And above thebsky a dark portal opens up, from the black portal appears a figure, appearing from the ruptured green sky.


Suddenly with a boom, a man drops in front of them, crashing onto the sandy land below, hearts of the Dothraki warriors pounding with fear, they raise their weapons in alarm.

Untill they sees his thin figure...

"Is he a demon?" Qotho's voice is laced with uncertainty, his eyes never leaving the figure who now stands before them, dusting his green robe.

Khal Drogo, his own thoughts racing, considers the question for a moment before issuing his command.

"Attack! Kill him" His voice carries authority, cutting through the panic and confusion, although it is the first time he had seen someone dropping from the sky, but guess doesn't matter as this person is skinny compared to them.

"He is the intruder in our land. Kill him!"

"Attack... we must end this demon!" With a chaotic roar, the Dothraki warriors surge forward, their blades flashing in the sunlight as they charge towards the perceived threat.

Meanwhile, the green figure in great confusion looks at them.

What he sees is half-naked men savagely swinging their swords and charging towards him.

To him, this sight is unpleasant and utterly disgusting.

"Insolent fools! You dare to challenge the authority of the Prince of Asgard, supreme to all races, the future ruler of the universe, the god of all gods? When you don't even have proper clothes to wear, you naked filths!"


[ A/N: Hey there, awesome folks! Here's my second fanfic. Just a general warning: my book contains no smut; the R18 tag is for violence and bloodshed. And yeah, it's a harem, but with only three women at most. One's our Khaleesi, and the other two? Still undecided. Alright, so now you're aware of what's ahead, but I still hope you're enjoying the chapter. One more thing, can you please drop a good beautiful picture of Loki and Khaleesi together for the cover of our book ... please.....🥺]