
Game of thrones: House Flint of Flint's Finger

A 35 year old man dies and is reincarnated in game of thrones with 3 wishes in a northern house. english is not my first language

Gerson_play · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 3

The next day I wake up and the first thing I do is ask them to prepare the water for my bath and do my daily needs, I am beginning to wish to change everything here to have modern comforts.

Then I go to the teacher for my daily learning in the What happened half of my day.

then I don't meet the weapons master for my daily sword practice until my father calls me.

He I go to his solar a dark room lit by candles with a wooden desk full of parchments in which I find my father reading and signing documents with Maester Lewin.

father looks up when he enters the room. A cold gaze lands on me and I really worry about his attitude towards me.

"father. You called me" I tell him to which he nods and points to the chair in front of him.

"That's right, in 3 days I'll go hunting together with some guards and I thought it's about time you learn to rule. So you will spend the time to spend them with the teacher here with me learning from me "he tells me to which I nod

" father. May I know how many men-at-arms you will take with you and how many you will leave for the protection of the castle and town?" my father raises an eyebrow at my question and for a moment i can see a small smile on his face before he answers

"I will take 10 men with me and I will leave 70 for the castle and another 100 for the town" when I hear those numbers I am happy.

So I spend the rest of the afternoon with my father and the maester learning how to rule, and after a satisfying dinner I return to bed.

The next 2 days was a routine of learning in the morning and practicing in the afternoon and I have to say that the reflexes and strength of wolverine I like and give me a boost in the skill with the back.

"Devils. Frank what did you do? rodrik the master of arms tells me

"What do you mean old man?" I answer him

"Like what do I mean? I'm talking about that shit of strength you have since the disease, that's not normal. You still lack skill but in reflexes and strength you are far above anyone I've seen" the poor man tells me amazed that I couldn't win in the last 2 days

"Well I don't know, I guess going through that made me better? Who cares as long as it's okay, right? I tell you a little insecure

"Well you're right boy who cares, let's keep practicing" then we practiced for 2 hours until dinner time.

When I sit down to eat my father looks at me and says

"Frank. Tomorrow I will go hunting early. While he's gone, you will be the lord with the advice of your mother and the master, remember to always listen to them" I look at him for a couple of seconds before saying.

" Yes father. I will not disappoint you. "

"I know you won't, I'll only be gone for a couple of days. hold the fort"

Then we ate in peace. Thank God my family is small and of few words.

The next day I go to the castle exit to say goodbye to my father

"goodbye father take care" I say to what he looks at me and tells me

"Take care of the home son and your mother"

After my father left, he entered the lot and reviewed the documents and found accounting reports of food and money inventory in the castle, taxes and others. he spent an hour reviewing and learning everything.

And now I see how bad we are. I call the maestre and after 5 minutes he arrives

"Maester Lewin, is this true?" I ask the maester who looks at me confused until he sees the documents I'm reading.

"If my lord is true and verified, the coffers currently have 500 gold dragons counting all the silver and copper coins. Taxes we are earning 10 dragons a year apart from salaries, maintenance of the castle and taxes to lord stark which is already good."

I give myself a little massage in the hundred while I analyze the numbers and I appreciate more than ever the beginner's package because that will allow me to make an injection in my economy.

"Master, do you know how many little people we have and how many soldiers? The entire flint territory?" ask what the maester looks for his book for a moment and answers

"Yes, of course, my lord, the last census I did gave 950 people in the town and another 2,458 in the rest of the territory, which gives a total of 3,408. In trained men-at-arms we have a total of 200, 10 with his father, 70 in the castle, 100 in the town and the other 20 are divided into groups of 5 to patrol the towns and roads"

"master that we produce in the town that we can sell abroad?. Do we have merchant ships?

"Not much, my lord, just salt fish, and some skins from the hunters. But not enough skins. And we don't have trading boats, only 15 fishing boats."

"Maester Lewin we don't have any resources like iron, copper or anything?" I ask something angry to which he answers me

"My lord, even if there is, we cannot exploit it because we do not have the experienced workers to inspect the mountains."

"And why haven't we done it?"

"Well my lord we don't have enough money. Only workers trained for the task and to activate a mine, if there is one, it would deplete the coffers" and when he says that, I remember that he had a store to buy people to work on my system....

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