
Game of Thrones: Hail The Overlord

Edward, a man who was tired of his humdrum life died and knew God, I think everyone else knows. Watch how he makes his way like an Overlord, conquering cities, pillaging, and most importantly... killing some sheep along the way. ''Evil always finds a way'' ASOIAF is owned by George R.R. Martin, and Overlord Game Series is owned by Codemasters.

Lorenzo5798 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 1: You Know What Happens

Edward POV

Hi, my name is Edward, I was your typical salaried nerd, I'm a fan of Game of Thrones, as well as Overlord Game Series(minus Fellowship of Evil, that game sucks), my past hand has a lot of special stuff.

My childhood was normal, I had loving but strict parents when necessary, plus a sister 3 years younger, at school I had some friends, I had some fights, sometimes I won while other times I lost, and I had good grades.

I was coming home with a smile on my face, why? it's because I got promoted at work, I was quite happy and wanted to tell my parents about it, but it seemed like Truck-kun didn't feel the same way.

I was crossing the street when suddenly a truck spawned to my left, quickly killing me in the process.

Now you must know what happened, Void...blah blah blah... God... blah blah blah, now I'm holding the roulette wheel that will decide which world I go to, there were several names on the roulette wheel... including that one cursed world... Boku no Pico.

Good part? Fell into Game of Thrones, the bad part? IT'S IN THE FUCKING GAME OF THRONES.

I like the series and the books, but this place is more fucked up than hell, thank goodness I have the damn knowledge of the canon, or I would have killed myself in the first hour.

3rd Pov

''Very well Young man, you have 1 wish, you can ask for several things and it will only count as 1, but the wishes can't be quite OP, as you mortals call it, you can also choose your appearance for free'' Said God after reading the name of the world Edward was going to.

''Hmmm, I want to be able to use the Evil Presence Spell from the game 'Overlord 2', also have the Dark Tower(Overlord: Raising Hell) along with all the Minion hives, each hive having 100 Minions, oh I want to have the Armor of Fire, can you take away my restriction of how many minions I can have in the horde?'' Edward asked at the end, the restriction of how many minions he could have at the time was something Edward didn't want.

''Of course, I will remove your maximum horde size restriction, now tell me, what do you want to look like and on which continent do you want your Dark Tower to appear?'' asked God as he nodded in acknowledgment to Edward's question.

''I want to look like Poseidon from RoR, as far as location, I want it to be in Essos, drop me off somewhere near Skahazadhan river if possible'' Edward replied while waiting for God's answer, but he just nodded his head and snapped his fingers in Thanos style, making our protagonist disappear.

Essos, somewhere in Skahazadhan River Region / 3 years before the canon started

Edward had a terrible headache, opening his eyes, he found himself in a throne room, with several statues of demons with golden stripes, fire under the statues, looking to the right, he saw a gray Minion, in tattered robes. , in addition to having a bright yellow crystal hanging from a wooden stick that is strapped to its back, this is Gnarl, Minion Master, and Devoted Servant to Darkness, as well as being the Right-Claw of all Overlords.

''Master, you finally woke up, you slept a long time on your throne! you should go to bed or you may have back problems later,'' Gnarl spoke in a worried voice, the last thing he wanted is for his Overlord not to be able to lead the hordes of Minions, besides bringing chaos and destruction, because it was bad back.

''*Hn* Don't worry Gnarl, I'll go to bed later as we now have important things to do, prepare all the hive minions as we're going to attack some settlements'' Edward ordered with a cold and serious look on his face, Gnarl listening to his master's orders, he lowered his head and went to do this, excited thinking that his lord would attack and loot some villages.

Meanwhile, Edward was surprised at how normal it was for him to give an order, he tried to see if he could get any memory but was surprised to see that he had additional memories.

His memories were mostly of him killing and sacking some human settlements that were later destroyed by the Dothraki.

He is known to some of the small khalasars that roam this region, some of whom tried to attack his Dark Tower, but in the end were massacred, having their bodies chopped off and mirrored in all regions near the Tower.

But even so, there were still some idiot Khals who wanted to plunder their lands and enslave their minions, but they were defeated and tortured, then had their heads handed over to other Khals who were more intelligent, who got the message and didn't dare mess with it.

They would also not approach the lands that belonged to Edward, nor anywhere he had a red Banner with a minion skull on top of it.

This made him known to local settlements as well, as Lhazar, Edward made a mental note to kill Mirri Maz Duur when he decides to attack that settlement.

Edward has already made some plans:

1 - Attack any weak town or village, to get more lifeforce, in addition to getting slaves and loot

2 - Getting a Mistress, every self-respecting Overlord must have a mistress so that he can pass on his evil lineage.

3 - Bring Chaos to this world, in addition to dealing with the Night King, as there can only be one True Evil.


These are his plans for Planets, but he doesn't know who he will take as Mistress, as either all women are too young or too old for him.

After forming his plans, Edward tried to use his Evil Presence Spell, he couldn't use all the spell as he didn't have human targets to test, but he managed to create several rays with his hand... he's barely holding back to electrocute someone style Palpatine.

Gnarl soon got close to Edward and lowered his head as he asked, ''Milord, are all the minions ready to go wherever you want, where will you attack, if I may ask?''

Edward put aside his thoughts of lightning and looked at Gnarl as he rose and put on his helmet which was beside it, as well as picking up his ax which appeared to be made of Arcanium Steel.

''Let's go to Lhazar, that region is a peaceful land of sheep and goat herders, I'll go there to get Lifeforce... and loyal servants for my Dark Empire (slaves)'' Edward replied in the best way cold as possible, this body was already influencing him in some way before he would have found it disgusting to have slaves, but now with this new body and memories, his way of thinking has changed, which he was grateful for because, in Game of Thrones, the kind-hearted and idiots are always the ones who get screwed first.

Edward doesn't want to be weak, he wants the most powerful Overlord that ever lived, and he will kill or enslave anyone who stands in his way.

''What a brilliant idea, my lord! You finally decided to establish your Dark Domain, Aaah, my black heart is even beating with happiness to hear this.'' Gnarl spoke in a super-dramatic way, Edward just shook his head and went straight to Tower Portal, where he could see the image of land with several sheep and sheep, being taken care of by people in simple clothes, this made a sinister smile appear on Edward's face, however, it was hidden by the helmet.

''Let the chaos begin, hehehe'' Murmured Edward softly as he was teleported a little far from Lhazar, there he saw hundreds of minions separated by color, Browns, Reds, Greens, and Blues.

Everyone was fully equipped (the Browns had different weapons, from swords to axes), which caught Edward by surprise, but he wasted no time, he dropped his ax, joined his hands, and thanked the God who had brought him to this world before he picks up the ax back with your right hand while raising your left hand.

This caused all the minions to look at their Overlord as they screamed, they were screams of adoration at the same time being wild laughter, all the minions were waiting for Edwards' orders to bring death, chaos, and destruction.

Edward lowered his left hand a little, then kept pointing to the settlement that was a little way off while shouting ''Charge'' to his minions.

The minions wasted no time running towards the settlement as they screamed, the people who heard the sounds looked where they were coming from and were startled by what they saw, hundreds of creatures of different colors, some that looked like little demons (Reds) heading towards them, this caused them to flee, leaving aside the sheep and rams they cared for.

The alarm went off, leaving everyone in the settlement scared, thinking it was another Dothraki attack, but what they saw were small monsters running and coming towards them, which made people even worse afraid and trying to run away.