
Life in Yunkai; How to kill a pig

Dinak arrived at the pig bosses mansion to discuss with Dzodro and Dzora their plans he didn't feel comfortable talking about killing someone within his own house to many ears in the walls he arrived at the gates to an unwelcome sight the guards would not let him enter he was about to use manipulation when Dzora came out with a carriage and a small group of guards about 12 or so.

Dzora: Dinak your here?

Dinak: Well yes is that too much of a surprise?

Dzora: No just that I was heading out and I was going to send a message for you but, seeing as how you're here why don't you join me in the carriage to relieve your feet?

"Why to thank you my Lady for your generosity and kindness to my poor feet ohh how they were killing me," said Dinak with a mocking tone and low bow.

"Just get on" replied Dzora not even amused at his attempt at mocking her. Quickly Dinak Jumped into the carriage with Dzora it was much bigger than he thought it would be and much more comfortable as well he had only ever traveled in hired carriages that everyone could afford but this one was much better than all of them combined.

Dinak was examining the design of the inside when he noticed Dzora staring at him with her large brown eyes it was as if she was looking directly into his soul.

He started to feel some discomfort when at last he said

"You see anything you like?

Dzora: No just something that is dressed strangely.

Dinak looked at himself he was still dressed in his Purple Robe from this morning when he visited his new brothel did he look that strange.

He was about to ask when Dzora interrupted him and spoke first " I heard your little gang has taken control of many of the Brothels in the outer and middle parts of the city, is this true?

Wow, word spreads quickly to think it was only last night when this happened.

How do you know this asked Dinak but instantly felt stupid afterward Asking the rich girl with many connections how she found out about a gang taking over the Brothels of her city and considering her father owned many of them and it was most likely a threat to his business he was honestly starting to feel stupid.

Dzora noticed this and smiled lightly " I'm pretty sure you already know" she said with a light chuckle" any way she continued How did you just make all of them submit to you I hey that many of the Owners fought back others just handed it over to you without a fight what happened? what did you do? her tone was now serious.

Dinak t at her with a stern face and smiled "Geez Dzora what are you even asking those guys were cowards they would do anything asked of them if it was to save Their skin all I did was have my men raise swords to their necks and next thing you know my rich.

Dzora looked at Dinak for a time and shrugged

Are you not going to ask where it is we are going?

Dinak peeked outside the carriage and turned back to Dzora "are we heading to a romantic restaurant to have dinner all on you?

Dzora chuckled at his answer "What sort of bet would I have lost to not only date you but pay for your dinner.

Ohh that is so disappointing I bet you would not only pay for Azro's dinner but give him something else for free hmmm responded Dinak in a teasing voice and a smirk after getting the reaction he wanted.

Dzora turned as red as a tomato at his joke

Sarah was a young noble five years older than the both of them and was one of the most fawned over guys in the city he was rich he was what many considered handsome and brave he was a brilliant military commander as he came from a noble slaving family he had plenty soldiers to call upon he mainly spent much of his time riding from Yunkai to Meereen where he went to participate in the great fighting pits of Meereen in those pits it didn't matter who you were if you lost you died

nobles have been known to enter and sometimes not get out in one piece. He had participated in many fights so he must have been good at fighting.

As for when and why Dzora started fawning over Azro it was two years ago when he returned from the fighting of some raiders he rode through the streets with a crowd cheering his name Dzora and Dinak had snuck out amongst the people to see what all the commotion was about in the center of the crowd was an Azro in all his glory he was atop his horse gifted to him by a Dothraki Khal and with him were his soldiers. At that moment something happened to Dzora she was mesmerized by that man it didn't make sense to Dinak or Dzadro she became th him from that day they tried everything they could but over time it calmed down slightly but it was clear she still had eyes set on Azro.

Dzora sighed and looked out the window for some time and looked back at Dinak with a serious expression.

"Listen Dzadro has discovered from father that he will be announced as one of the Wise Masters in a week and he said we should discuss our plans someplace safe and lucky us we are here"

Dinak arrives At an old rundown building. in the middle of The shopping market.

"This place looks incredibly suspicious why are we here Dzora?

Dzora: Dzadro is waiting for us inside with a surprise.

Dinak: it's not much of a surprise if you know it's coming is it

Dzora with a look of realization frowns: Just forget I said anything.

They enter the building with the guards into a hallway that leads outside up a flight of stairs on the balcony at the end Stands Dzodro and another figure.

Dzora: Heeeey Dzodro Dinak and I finally made it how are things going?

Dinak: Hey Dzodro what is happening here and who's that with you?

Dzodro turns his head and gives a sinister smile to Dzora and Dinak.

"it's all going wonderfully isn't that right Azro?

The figure reviews himself to indeed be Azro the now commander of the city guard.

Azro: Well hello there you must be Dinak Dzora and Dzadro has told me much about you I'm sure you know me but I'll introduce myself

"I am Azro la Mazda of house Mazda of Yunkai future heard of house Mazda and current Commander of the City Guard"

Azro what's he doing here with Dzodro? Dinak couldn't believe it for a second he tried to keep a calm and respectful appearance.

Dinak: It is a pleasure to meet you you have heard of me but allow me to introduce myself I am "Dinak VA Zaraxi I am but a son of a merchant and at the moment a novice merchant myself it is a great Honer to meet someone from the house Mazda I wish your family good fortune"

Dinak tried his best to prevent himself from throwing up all over the floor this guy was part of an incredibly powerful family and had a great influence he thought to be careful,

but at the same time wondered why he couldn't just put a sword to his throat and take control of his mind but remember that he seems to be working with Dzodro on something that suggests that he is on his side so there was no point fighting in front of Dzora and Dzadro at least.

Azro: My oh my you are much more well-mannered than Dzora said but no need to be so formal a friend of Dzadro and Dzora is a default friend of mine.

Dinak: That is a pleasure to hear it's always nice to make new friends.

Dinaks tone was calm and respectful at that moment Dzora walked up to Azro with a slightly embarrassed look

Dzora: Don't Fall for this guy's tricks Azro he is just trying to get you to let down your guard Truth is as of last night he is the proud owner of the most successful brothel in all of Yunkai.

Azro's eyes reviewed his shock

Azro: But wait didn't the yellow Harpies take control of the Brothels if that's so then wouldn't that make you the leader of the Harpies the undefeated Reaper?

Dzodro turned his attention away from everyone else but spoke in a low but commanding voice.

Dzodro: That is enough everyone for now let us discuss how we will kill my father.

Dinak was about to ask something when Dzodro turned back to face him

Dzodro I know you are wracking your brain thinking about why Azro is here we'll you see we share a common goal and a common enemy or rather our enemy is allied with his enemies.

Dinak looked at Azro whose eyes had become stern and had a seriousness about them

Dzodro continued " you see turns out the father has his friends among the Wise Masters and that is why he will be able to become one soon and as you can guess many of the nobles didn't like having my father among them some because of his past deeds but a majority because he had no noble blood so he decided to get rid of those who had the greatest voice against him one of those being Azro's Father.

Dinak wait Azro's Father was the one who was attacked how is this not common knowledge by now also wouldn't that mean Azro should be one of the Wise Masters now taking his father's place?

Azro I should the only reason I haven't yet done so is because of my position as commander of the city guard and it may some time to resign from this position also the fact that someone would be fool enough to attack a wise Master is something the public must never know if such rumors were to get out slaves and the poor would understand the masters aren't invincible and we can most likely expect an uprising of some sort.

Dinak rubbed his eyes " Okay I get it all that doesn't matter right now first when will pig boss be announced as a wise Master?

Dzodro: in two days

Dinak: And who is this Wise master helping him

Azro: That would be Donor vo Doran ( pig boss helper)

Dinak' okay guys when do you want to get rid of them?

Dzora: we decided we would get rid of both of them once father's position was official and we had enough claim to the position of wise Master.

Azro I will be the one to get rid of Donor but how will we get rid of your father and stab him in his sleep.

Dzodro: I have many ideas but I had recently thought of one and lucky for us Dinak you have just what we need.

Dinak looked at them puzzled until he realized what he meant

they planned to use the workers in my brothel as an assassin.

He immediately agreed to this but after making sure that he will be granted a seat as one of the Wise Masters of Yunkai.

Dzodro and Dzora agreed Azro was hesitant for some time but finally agreed. At last, it was time to kill this pig