
Game of Thrones: Gaint of the Reach

Rise of a tree who shades the flowers from the harsh world around them will they survive or will winter take them away.

Justin_Swart · TV
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11 Chs

Disclaimers and Warnings (Rework)


( I do not own Game of Thrones or any Character)

(Credits go to the original creator of Game of Thrones)

(I will rework the book to fix a few things and rewrite the story)

(Content Warnings)

( If any of the below disturbs the readers please click off this book YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

(Sexual Content)

(Abuse Content)

(Sexual Assault)

(Gore Content) 

(Possible bad Grammarly)

(Mention of death)

(Possible racial dispute)

(Off scrip) 

(foul Language)