
Chapter 26

We had marched for most of the day before making camp. Gentle and Gunnar were with the men, having a good time. I watched on from my spot before a strange feeling came over me. It felt as though I was being watched.

Rising to my feet I walked around the camp. As I moved I tried to focus on where the feeling was coming from. It didn't feel hostile, yet it did feel familiar. My search led me some distance away from the camp. As I passed the lookouts I informed them that I'd return shortly. Standing in a small clearing I waited for some time before speaking.

"That's enough games, come out, Aela." From behind a tree, she appeared. Moving to stand before me I couldn't help the frown from forming on my face.

"I thought I made myself clear, or were you just not listening?" I asked through gritted teeth. She didn't seem affected in the slightest by my show of displeasure.

"I heard you, clearly." She replied simply while taking a step closer.

"Then why are you here?" I asked in a calmer tone.

"I am here because I choose to be." She replied.

I sighed in annoyance. "Clearly, but I gave you orders."

"And I felt that they were foolish." She added while taking another step closer. She stood at an arm's reach away now.

"Excuse me? Foolish, I was thinking about the safety of our home." I replied with exasperation.

"Our home is secure, as secure as it can be. I left half the rangers and my second to defend it. My place is by your side."

"Your place is where I tell you it will be best served!" I yelled, irked that she didn't want to understand my reasoning. She looked slightly surprised by my outburst and from the surrounding, figures emerged from shadows. Aela raised her hand and the figures halted. She made a quick hand gesture and they dispersed.

"You expect me to sit back while you go to war, like some meek housewife?!" She spoke sharply while glaring up at me.

"I expect you to follow orders." I answered.

"I am not some piece on a board to be moved by another's will. I am Aela, the wild is my home, it's my life! Who are you to think you can cage me? If you go to battle, then I will follow, whether you like it or not!" She finished while stepping up to me, our bodies nearly touching.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked, looking into her eyes, searching.

"As I said, my place is by your side." She replied simply.

Taking a step back I ran my hand through my hair. I thought of all the possible reasons for her rebellion, I just couldn't understand. And what the hell is this about her place being by my side? She moved to stand beside me and spoke in a calmer, more soothing voice, yet still unyielding. "Ragnar, I can't sit back. I have to be there, we fight together."

"So is that it? You want to share in the glory?" I asked with spite.

She glared up at me and quicker than I expected, her hand shot out and grabbed my collar. She pulled me in, forcing our eyes to meet on the same level. Her eyes glowed green and I could see the beast within. There was anger but also frustration welling up. Her lip lifted in a growl before she dove forward and locked her lips with mine.

Shocked by her action I didn't react at first as she attacked my lips. But I quickly regained my senses and responded in kind. Anger, frustration, desire, I poured all of it into the kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance and she would not yield easily. I pulled her in tight, leaning further into her, not willing to let her win. She growled into my mouth and frantically pulled at my clothes.

We made passionate love right then and there. By the end of it we lay panting against the tree, the cold not bothering us at all despite our nakedness. After catching my breath, I looked down at her laying in my arms. It was wild, and I could feel the scratch marks she left all over me, the bite marks on my shoulders and around my neck. The beast had taken over but she seems to have calmed down.

"Care to explain what that was about?" I asked and she took a moment before answering.

"The beast, it heightens my emotions. It seeks to challenge, to test, it seeks a mate. I, I've tried to keep it contained. But it knows what I want and every time I hold myself back it rails against my will." As she spoke she looked up into my eyes.

"Does it influence your decisions?" I asked.

"The beast is a spirit, it's me, just a more wild natured version. It wants what I want." She replied, putting extra emphasis on the "want" part.

"You want me." I said more as a statement than a question.

"Do you not feel the same way? Am I not attractive enough for you? Is there another you'd prefer? Perha- perhaps I'm" I silenced her by placing a finger on her lips. Then I slowly ran my finger across her lips and down her jaw.

"You are more than enough, Aela." I replied softly.

"I just can't help but feel that you're being pushed to this by your beast. You've said it yourself, things aren't the same as they once were. How do you know that what you're feeling, this wilder side of you, isn't just a fabrication of the curse? And if that turns out to be the case, then that would mean that I've just taken advantage of you Aela." I asked, with worry on my face.

She sat up sharply and held my face in her hands. "You have done nothing that I didn't want, Ragnar. I know what I feel and what I want. I've known long before we came to this world."

We gazed into each other's eyes for a long moment. I could feel her trying to relay her sincerity through her eyes. What I saw calmed my troubled heart and I grasped her hand and kissed it. "Thank you."

"So, this is why you disobeyed me?" I asked with a smile. She smiled in kind and kissed me.

"I meant what I said, I'm no housewife that'll tend the hearth while you are away. My place is by your side, always, are you fine with that?" She asked, looking far more vulnerable than I had ever seen her before.

I pulled her in closer to me, Aela was a beautiful woman, she had a feline grace with the wildness of a shewolf. And if she was willing, then I saw no issue with being with her. A man couldn't make a finer choice. "You're more than enough, if you'll have me, then I'd be honored to have the famous Aela the huntress as my woman."

"You're damn right, and too would be honored to have Ragnar Lothbruk as my mate. If only you could understand what I'm feeling." She said as her eyes glowed.

"You know, we can fix that. We can be one in mind as well as body, all you'd need is to take in the beast." She said while trailing a finger down my chest.

I recoiled sharply at her mention of the curse. She knew I wanted nothing to do with being a hunting dog for eternity.

"There is no connection to Hircine, remember? Only the beast and all it provides." She added, noticing my reaction.

"Hmm, we'll discuss it once things have calmed down." I replied, not wanting to touch on that topic at this time.

We stayed there for a little while longer before getting dressed and heading back to camp. The others were surprised to see me return with Aela but glad to have her nonetheless. So now, along with my warriors, we had the highly skilled rangers in our ranks.

We continued on with our journey, Aela and I practically inseparable the entire time. Gentle and Gunnar poked fun at her expense, but it was all in good nature. We were family and they were happy for us. Though Gentle seemed to get a real kick out of provoking Aela.

"Ha, soon the huntress will be popping out little cubs! We'll have to call her Aela the broodmare! Hahaha!" He'd say which would earn him a snowball to the face or elbow to the side. Gunnar and I just stood by helplessly, finding the whole thing unavoidable.

Yet, despite all the teasing and back and forth, we all knew Gentle meant well. He is the oldest of us, and though he'd never admit it, Aela was like a daughter to him, and Ivar and I his grandsons. Likewise we felt the same in return.

We arrived at Winterfell in decent time. As we neared we passed fellow warriors wishing to join the host and head to war. We stood at the gate, the same one we entered years ago, when we were simple travelers. Now I return a lord, ready to partake in the holiest of acts, war. I hummed a tune as I waited for the gate to be lifted to grant us entry.

"Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes."

Hey y’all! Was rereading this when on the first chapter, a few paragraphs in while I was trying to be poetic and descriptive, a reader made a paragraph comment saying, “just get on with it.” That shit had me dying lol. Since I went back to the dark sculptor story, I figured why not take a few swings at this old piece as well. Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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