
Game of Thrones: Breaking Destiny

After watching the last episode of 'Game of Thrones' Alex threw his laptop in anger, disappointment, and a fair bit of rage. "All that build up just to that! come on! What the hell!" Alex yelled in his studio apartment. Alex had not yet noticed the smell of the gas leaking from the stove he had left on and the candle his girlfriend had left burning when she left earlier. And that's how Alex met ROBbert

ElderOrion · TV
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Training and Braavos

On the boat, I sparred relentlessly with my 'personal guard' I had trained them myself, Thay had mastered everything I had taught them Inclouding all the movement arts like parkour and the like, I helped them master balance and flowing precise combat.

They moved seamlessly flowing like water, they moved fast and struck hard. I was outnumbered being 15 to 1 but they had yet to even touch me, and that was with me restricting my abilities like telepathy and using solely my body, I had an enchanted bracelet myself and it was leagues better than the rest.

I called my bracelet the Pheonix blood bracelet, It didn't really have any Pheonix abilities in it but I liked the name and I was coming to consider myself part Pheonix. My training efforts racelet made my training 10 times more fruitful, It was literally the best I could do with my current ability and liquid core.

I snapped out of my thoughts as a dagger came an inch from hitting me in the face and dodged it like the freaking flash, I resumed my attention to the spar and threw my own dagger in response, I should say the daggers were training daggers thus dull... well at least mine were my opponents used real ones.

I dodged a fist making its way to my face, I grabbed the wrist of my attacker and pulled while I kicked out his feet and twisted and pushed him into another before back bending to avoid a sword slash ad striking like a viper twisting and hitting the swordsman with a back fist while kicking out his feet, he dropped his sword and performed a backflip using my fists momentum to spin him out of the way.

As the soldier regained his balance he rejoined his team and they formed a circle around me...

"Smart, but remember no matter how many enemies you have, they cant all attack you at once, If you have a wall to your back you can reduce even that," I said sagely, as I bolted into one and spun while moving to the edge of the boat.

I grabbed a spare pile of rope and picked it up.

I waved them on to attack me as they assessed the situation judging the best method of attack.

they attacked...


Around an hour later

I had finished them off, I was sitting in the crow's nest as I watched them try and untangle themselves from the rope which I had thoroughly tied them up in.

I had danced around them using the rope to tangle them up demonstrating how even rope can help to disable your enemies.

I didn't hear a single grunt of pain as I had trained them thoroughly to show no weakness, I had given them few examples of what I deemed weakness and let them find what they thought weak for the rest.

I had finally found my pocket world It looked huge and I could feel the purity of the magic there, I had started to build and train my men there, I had wondered how I would explain it at first but quickly realized I wouldn't need to, They were my 'followers' they had an absolute loyalty compulsion that I would know if it ever even weakened, Heck I even made sure they liked and wanted to serve me.

I had just started the colonization of my pocket world when some of my men informed me they felt a strange sensation in the air, It didn't take long for me to realize they were talking about the magic, I was extremely excited and instantly made these few who had reported this my personal students two of them were my personal guard and I was giddy.

I would have an army of the best warriors and even wizards soon!



4 Months Later

We had finally arrived! After 5 months on a boat we finally arrived in Braavos. Luckily I had more than enough food for the trip and with modern hygiene practices I taught my crew literally all of us had survived, we met a few pirates but I apparated some of my soldiers who I was still thinking of a name for...

I had thought of naming them something like Argent Spartans, But I think ultimately I'm just going to go with Argent Hashshashins, I liked it but It was just not quite what I was looking for...

The port of Braavos was bustling with people, shopkeepers, and fishermen returning from their day at sea.

As we walked through the port we attracted many gazes, people started to make way for us as we walked, I had a destination in mind for my first stop...

I had my guard and servants go to the mansion I had secured, I was going to visit the faceless men.

I extremely doubted that my mental compulsion would affect them, But that wasn't my goal.

I walked in with ease, I strode in right to the main room, It was large and eerie but It didn't affect me.

"All men must die," a man's voice said from my right.

"I'm not here to play, I'm here to come to an arrangement," I said calmly

The man smiled and the shadows seemed to laugh, "I know well why you are here, But I don't know how you figured it out..."

"There is nothing more boring than watching someone else play a game, and after all, that's what this world is to you all isn't it? So what should I call you? Jaqen H'ghar? The Faceless God? Death? Shadow? What do you prefer?" I said knowing that he had yet to even meet Arya to give him the name, but all the same, I had already studied the gods and figured that time wasn't something that mattered to them.

"I guess that's true, If you were anyone else I would have just told you to 'call me as you please' but you are just so entertaining especially for an abnormality, You Orion may call me Tanatos"