
Game Of Thrones: Baratheon The Schemer

A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. A/N: No sheets, only knowledge about the world. A/N: This story is mainly built on schemes, strategy, and little Romance. Edward was a teenager who loved Game of thrones. He always dreamed of experiencing such a life. His family owned a factory that made artisanal whiskey and vodka. He, himself, owned a winery. When he was returning from his winery, a thief tried to rob him but he didn’t control his strength and killed Edward. When Edward opened his eyes, he found that he was in a baby’s body. Follow Edward on his journey in the game of thrones.

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254 Chs

Chapter 242: The Outcome and the appearance of Varys and Tyrion Lannister

A/N: Hey guys,

You can read the end and my new work on pàtreon:




Edward joked with his son, Wilyam, and his daughter by law, Arya, for a while after seeing the shattered Night King on the ground and making sure that the fucking undead was dead this time.

No one could imagine how Edward felt after seeing the death of the Night King, who weighed much on his heart and made him feel afraid for the first time in his life. Edward was afraid of losing another son or daughter to this fucking undead cunt. And when he saw his daughter, Theresas fell down, he thought the world ended, but it ended well.

After joking with Wilyam and Arya for a while, Edward decided to go to the Eyrie. He needed to calculate the outcome and casualties of this war. Edward did not realize the white light that escaped from the shattered Night King's pieces and entered his body. What was that light, and what were its effects? No one knew.

After reaching the Eyrie, Edward saw the sorry state of the roads and the mountains where the battle took place. Even the Eyrie itself did not get out of this battle without a scratch. But two of its towers got destroyed because of the fight between Edward's dragons and the Night King's.

Even if Edward had the advantage against the Night King in this battle, he could not get out without any loss. Edward even lost a dragon in his side during his fight with the Night King. The dragon that died was 'Lady.', his daughter's, Theresa, dragon. The Night King managed to catch Theresa by surprise and pierce Lady with an ice spear.

Fortunately for Edward, Theresa did not lose her life, or the curse that the Lord of Light used on him would have taken effect, and he would have lost his mind. Lady used its final breath in this world to use its body to shield Theresa with her body which saved the little girl. Aside from Edward, the second one to feel this lucky was Oberyn Martel.

Theresa was their hope and their only way to save their titles as princes and princesses. Without Theresa, they would have no connection with the new royal family.

And Oberyn and his brother knew quite well how sorry they would feel if Theresa died. Oberyn had seen Edward's ways in this war against the dead, and he knew that even if Dorne used poison, they could not fight Edward and his people.

After waiting for her deputy, Clinn, Edward finally got the report he wanted about the losses they had in this battle. It seemed that the Night King's corpse explosion had taken many men from their army. Before this battle, Edward had gathered all the armies from different kingdoms to let them witness the calamity with their own eyes.

Westeros lost twenty thousand men in this battle because of the corpse explosion and the Night King's dragon. The losses were much more than the battle at White Harbor because it was the final fight, and there was no retreat. Even Bran died in this battle in the hands of the Night King. With a little help from Edward, who pushed the Night King's dragon in Bran's direction, Bran ended up dead.

Edward had already had enough with Bran, and since Edward thought that Bran had finished his rule, Edward did not see why he should leave him alive anymore. Edward had already lost his son and did not mind killing the young Bran.

In Westerlands,

A full-grown bald man was walking towards the camp of the Storm army with an imp. Tyrion and Varys already knew what was happening in the realm. And they heard about the Night King and his armies.

They also knew that Edward was the only that could save the realm from this disaster and were thankful for that. That was why Varys did not interfere, but after knowing that the war ended, it was time that he moved.

"Why are you insisting on meeting his son if you know that Edward was the one that made you look like that?" Asked Tyrion as he looked at the man whose face got deformed for some reason. Tyrion did not have a problem with Edward until this moment.

On the contrary, he admired the man and how he improved the life of his people. Not only that, but Edward was about to unify the greatest empire in history.

"Edward is a great man that the realm would never see someone like him again, but he is also the most dangerous." Said Varys with an expressionless face as he looked at Tyrion. Varys did not hate Edward for doing all this to him, but he admired the man for his abilities.

The problem was what Varys had found out after disappearing for a long time. He thought that Edward sacrificed and used him like that because of the long grudge between the two of them because Varys did not save Allerya back then. Varys even forgave Edward for trying to kill him and everyone in Bravos.

But after investigating everything for the next few years, Varys discovered many things that made him feel afraid for the future of the realm.

Varys knew that the realm could not go further without the lords and the Smallfolks. But Edward had a hand in the death of everyone that might cause problems to him. Not only that, but Varys discovered Edward's Shadow Legion and knew what they did over the years.

Varys even managed to know that Edward was the one who wanted Allyria to die to change Ashara before killing his wife as well. In the end, Varys could not leave the realm in Edward's hands. What If Edward's madness took over him? Who would stop him?

"Then why are you fucking going to interfere? Didn't you have enough already?" Asked Tyrion as he saw the determined look on Varys's face. He did not know why Varys was still trying to fight against Edward since only madmen would do that.

"Prince Raymont is not like his father, and he believes in love. He also married the last Targaryens, which makes his claim to the Iron Throne the strongest. Do you know that Edward killed Lady Olenna, who was his in-law?" Said Varys trying to explain why he was doing that. The problem here was Varys's information or Raymont's intelligence.

When Raymont did something, he would leave no trace that would lead to him, but he would make his father take the blame. And since Edward did not want his son's reputation to turn bad, he did not mind him doing that. But this action managed to fool Varys to think that Raymont was an angel compared to Edward when Raymont was actually a devil on the same level as Edward, if not worst.


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