
Game of Thrones: A Song of Blood and Fire

In 276 AC, Viserys Targaryen was born as the second son of the Mad King. Rumours had it that the candles of the castle grew as the flames turned blue, to indicate either the birth of a dragon or the ending of a dynasty.

Vitamin_F · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

A loyal servant

[ 280 AC, Red Keep ]

[ Viserys pov ]

Swinging my sword, I couldn't help but feel that it was a truly inefficient weapon. Of course it was great for out, but when you can shoot fucking fire from the tips of your fingers... well, a sword is really not that great.

Still, I knew how important it was in this world, especially since I wasn't going to go around shooting fire.

"Fix your hold on the sword." said the master-at-arms, Willem Darry, as I continued swinging, now with the position of my hands fixed.

I continued attacking, searching for every single opening he had and at the same time determining wether it was a fake or not. This were all things I already used in my past life and, while not everything I learned was applicable to swordsmanship, some things helped greatly.

"By the way." I said, not stopping my movements. "How is the knife coming along?"

"The forger said that it would take him at least one more fortnight." he replied. "The design is both new and very small, so he needs time to figure out how to make it."

I nodded at his answer.

Cersei's nameday was next moon and I was planning on giving her a throwing knife, similar to the ones Mai used. I learned how to use them even better than Mai, after all they are incredibly useful and great to kill beasts when laced in a strong poison.

It might be a weird gift for someone like Cersei, but I knew she would like it, after all she enjoys things that in this world are seen as masculine.

Anyway, since she gave me a beautiful silver bracelet for my last nameday I have to repay her. Especially since she gave it to me in secret, which meant my father didn't have it burnt with the there presents I received, so it was the first present in this lifetime I got to keep.

"That's good, prince Viserys." said Willem, praising my movements. "I must confess, I have never met or even heard of someone who at such a young age was as talented as you. Perhaps with time you might even surpass Ser Barristan and Ser Arthur."

A smile appeared on my face as I heard his compliment. "Well, I have a good teacher..." I muttered, slightly embarrassed by what I was saying.

The man was just amazing. In a way he was everything I needed. He trained me as much as I wanted, he was both sincere and caring, and most of all, he didn't rat me out to anyone. He was the only person who knew I talked to Cersei often and, occasionally, he even carried our letters to each other.

Most importantly however there was also the fact that he gave me alone time with my mom, which as greatly appreciated.

While all this things were limited and only happened when I was with him, and I only got to be alone with my mom when it was Barristan's turn to watch me, it was still pleasant.

"Well, anything in particular you want to focus on today?" he asked as I placed the sword on the floor, indicating that the practise was over. "Or are you planning on going to meet the lioness again?"

I hummed at his question. "No, we have no plans of meeting today." I replied, shaking my head. "I would rather go and hang out with mother for now."

Willem nodded and patted my head before walking with me. Near us stood Barristan, who simply followed us, while the corner of his lips was raised slightly.

After the events of last year, a.k.a. my 'disappearance', Arthur Dayne was removed from the knights that watched over me and placed solely on Rhaegar.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was fate or something of the like, after all he ended up closer to my brother than even before. According to Willem, who is the only one who actually tells me anything around here aside from Cersei and mom, Arthur was placed as a permanent guard for Rhaegar because of his excellent swordsmanship and how much Rhaegar was travelling this days, though it was obvious that my father placed him in hopes that he would fail to protect my brother.

Sigh, it was a bit sad to watch to be honest. It remained me of Ozai and Zuko's relationship and to be honest, it was a bit sad knowing that I would have to go through all of this unnecessary family drama again, but whatever, as long as I don't get pulled into it I won't care.

The maid who reported to Arthur that I disappeared from the bathroom was apparently accused of lying once they found me in the bath calmly, and from what Cersei told me she was 'accused of treason for throwing the castle into chaos in hopes of letting enemies in during the confusion'. Of course no enemies were found, nor was there any real evidence that she was actually a traitor, but madmen don't particularly need reasons to accuse people of things.

Cersei didn't tell me what happened to her, apparently her father didn't tell her either, however it was beyond obvious that she was burned alive.

Once we arrived in to my mom's room, I entered calmly and hugged Rhaella.

"How are you, my sweet dragon?" she asked while hugging me with a smile.

"I'm fine, mother." I replied, burying my face in her as she caressed my white hair.

"How has your training been?" she asked.

"Great!" I said happily. "Willem said that I might even become the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms!"

My mother smiled, which in turn made me happy. I knew our time was counted, I knew there wasn't really anything I could do to change things, but still... was it wrong to enjoy things while they lasted? Even if they were only a sweet lie...

"I am sure you will be, my sweet dragon." she said happily.

As she caressed my hair and hummed a song, I caught from the corner of my eye a bruise on her arm.

I simply stared at it for a second before looking away, focusing instead on the touch of the woman who genuinely loved me unconditionally. It wasn't the first bruise I saw on her, and I knew it wouldn't be the last, however I ignored it.

I already accepted it, I accepted the situation we are in and what is going to happen. I already made plans for the future, plans to make sure I survive, and doing something to help my mother would ruin those plans, because the only way I could help her was by killing my father, which would mean I would also need to kill my brother and in turn, all my plans would turn to ashes.

"What makes you sad?" asked my mother, noticing my sudden change in mood.

I simply stared at her silently for a moment, placing my head on her lap. "Hey, mother..." I muttered in a low tone. "Do you love me?"

Before I could even notice it, her arms enveloped me in a tight embrace. "What a foolish little dragon I have for a son..." she muttered in a low tone. "I love you more than anything int he world."

A smile grew on my face, however it was merely a mask. "I love you as well, mother!" I exclaimed. "Now, can you tell me a story about dragons again?"

My mother noticed me changing the subject, however she didn't say anything about it, instead she smiled and began to tell me about Aegon the Conqueror, whose dragons united the Seven Kingdoms.

As she talked, I found myself simply staring at her, memorising her features. Her purple eyes which, while lighter in tone than mine, were still equally beautiful. Her white hair which fell past her shoulders and moved alongside her body as she narrated the events, her lips, which with every word opened and closed, showing a bit of her white teeth. I did my best to paint an image of her on my head in a desperate attempt of making sure I would never forget her.

Eventually my eyes closed and I found myself in the sea, with waves as tall as castles surrounding me. The skies were darker than the night itself, with the only light being the occasional lighting that fell onto the raging sea and, amidst all of this, only I stood, or rather swam, before I was covered by a wave and darkness took over my senses.