
Game of Thrones - The Purpose

Survival, The one that is truly ever victorious in a fight. Damien's struggle for survival will dictate his goals and dreams in this New Land he finds himself to. He will live and not just survive in this cruel and uncomforting world of war and politics. He will do whatever it takes for him create his own paradise. This is a story of Journey of A Man Who is Lost. ~~~~~~ (Average of at least: 600 Words per chapter, and it will continue to improve) This a story of Character-Development, Kingdom Building(Maybe), No harem, Slight Op, Lot of Epic Fighting Scenes,There will be no NSFW scene. I do not own: [Game of Thrones] or [ ASOIAF ] .

Doctor_Crow · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Miracle

Ignore the pain, ignore it, and focus right now.'


'I gotta get out of here; the blood will attract other predators, but my injury—goddamnit.'

"I can't walk."." Tears threatened to burst out of his eyes, but he forces them not to.


He needs to treat his wounds, but how? He doesn't know how to dress wounds; all he knows is to put betadine and cotton on the wound, that's all. And he doesn't even want to look at his wound right now.


"Ahhhhh... What am I going to do?" Damien is slowly losing hope every second that goes by, and his vision is starting to get blurry. He instinctively tries to stop the bleeding from his forearm while lying down while thinking desperately and his thoughts are getting blurry towards unconsciousness.


'Stop bleeding,Stop. Ahhhhhh.... I want to live. 



Right before he succumbed to unconsciousness, Damien felt a comfortable warmth spreading throughout his body, especially in parts where he was injured.


'Ahh, warm, im in bed?. So its all just a dream?' Damien slowly succumbs to sleep; the last thing he feels is an comfortable itch spreading in his forearm and calf. 



Unknown Of Hours later:


A sunlight slowly peered down at Damien's, making him uncomfortable.


"Ughhhhh... Wha-" He puts his hands on the ground, expecting the warm, soft parts of his bed. But all he grasped was the chill and crunchy? Sound of the snow. And just like an electricity zaps him throughout his body, he suddenly remembers what happened before he slept.






He quickly jumped out of his feet, and just like a nightmare, the corpse of the wolf was meters away from him, suggesting that what happened to him before was real. But he clearly remembers the pain and wound that he received in that fight with the wolf,'so how? '


"How are my wounds gone?"

'My pants and clothes are teared, and the wolf responsible for it is lying in the ground, but my supposed wounds are gone'


Damien is having a goosebump all over his body from the creepy and impossible situation he finds himself in. He tried to find the right explanation for what's happening but couldn't, except maybe he could regenerate like Wolverine or something? 


"But that's impossible; this is reality, not a comic."

And an specific idea enters his mind.


'Im not Isekai, am I? Shit. I got a bad feeling about this. Set aside the mystery wound for now. I need to get out of this forest. Luckily it's morning, so I could see the surroundings clearly, but first I need a weapon.




Damien decided to travel west of the forest, and along the way he discovers a thick branch of wood and a flat rock. He uses it to carve the branch into a primitive spear. Better than nothing.


Damien's journey in the forest was slow; he stops from time to time to inspect his surroundings to familiarize himself with where he is but cannot draw a conclusion other than this forest is too old; he feels it deep in his bones. Also, he checks for predators that may be following or lurking nearby.


Hours turned by, and he could still not see the end of the goddam forest. If this continues, then he is forced to spend the night in the forest again. On his hour-long journey, though, Damien realizes something: He's still not getting tired despite the clearly long and exhausting hours of walking and his muscles are not even cramping yet. Yeah, there's something wrong in his body; he knows his body better than anyone, and he knows he's not his athlethic nor strong before the fight with wolf. Something truly happens to him


'Well, mystery for another day; I still need to get out of this forest.'


The horizon is slowly turning orange hue, signifying dusk. He needed to find shelter fast, and as luck would have it, he found a cave below a tree. He first inspects the inside of the cave, and it kinda smell?


'Maybe a lair of a Bear? But I don't see signs of a bear here.'


And he continued to explore inside while cautiously pointing his spear forward, and sound reached his ears—a howl? But it sounds small and cute even . Curiousity got the better of him, and the answer slowly revealed itself to him as a pup.


'A pup? A wolf pup perhaps, but where are its parents?'

He slowly inspects his surroundings but finds no one. Then the color of the puppies registered in his mind. 


"Grey...huh. So that wolf maybe a She then."


Doesn't matter now. And all of his fear of a possibility of a predator nearby is gone. Weird. He proceeded to find a place to rest and point his spear towards the entrance of the cave; weirdly enough, he didn't feel much fear the way he was supposed to. Maybe the life-and-death fight he had with the wolf completely erased his fear? 


'Food for thought; for now I need to stay guard and make sure no predator enters this cave.'



And Damien manages to sleep the whole night without disturbance except for the three pups beside him who stick with Damien for warmth and familar smell.




Damien finds himself with three cute little puppies huddled beside him.




Damien slowly gets himself out of the cave, And considering he did not eat for atleast a day now, He's not that hungry yet which is strange. But ultimately Damien ignored it, He blame it on his current strange body condition.

'Meh, doesn't matter right now, I need to find wherever I am first and call for help and go home'


But he needs to hunt just in case. And off he goes towards the western part of the forest, unaware of the three little waddles following behind him.


[1,018 Words] ( I reach 1k words ) 😱

Author: Yeppp, is it powers or a only his constitution? Stay tune to find out.

-Please if you like this story drop some power stones, Thank you 🙏.

- I appreciate some Constructive Criticism ♥️👍.

•Doc-Crow.... Out.....