
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Fight for the Gate!

[Day: 2/3]

[Time: 3:50 PM]

[Location: Monarch City - City Outlook]

The afternoon sun continued to smile upon us, its gentle glow offering a nice backdrop upon the city below. I leaned against the rails of the outlook, looking at the screen of my system for a dungeon we all could take on together. There weren't many One Star Dungeons in the area, my hopes slowly being crushed.

"Ugh...Are you kidding me..? Where are all the Beginner Friendly dungeons at? Can't they throw some beginners like me a bone or two?" I said, letting out a soft sigh.

Hime peeked over my shoulder to look at my System's screen and placed her hand on my shoulder, standing on the tip of her toes. "No luck, Commoner?"

"Nope. Looks like it's a lost cause," I said, looking back at Hime.

"Hmph! I suspected as much, so I took it upon my own liberty to search for a few beginner friendly dungeons of my own and found one!" Hime said, walking off and dragged me with her by my wrist.

I grunted as I stumbled, wondering where she was taking me. "Where is it?"

"It's in Monarch County. Nearby even," Hime answered. "Now come on, put some pep in your step! We've got to get there before someone else does!"

Pandora noticed we were heading out and got up from her seat, following behind us. "H-Hey, wait for me!"

The three of us traversed into less populated parts of the town and followed behind Hime, who seemed to know where she was heading. As we entered the more rural areas, we noticed the population had lowered and the area was more quiet than it was in the city.

"So why do we need to get there before someone else?" I asked, looking around the small town we entered.

{Suru: That's because each Dunegon can only be cleared by one guild. Dungeons appear in the form of gates, pathways that lead into a specific dungeon location or zone.}

{Suru: Also, only one guild can claim the rewards within the dungeon meaning it's always a race to the gate and if multiple guilds manage to get inside, it's a race for who can defeat the boss first.}

"So it's just a huge race?" Pandora asked, absorbing Suru's information.

{Suru: Precisely. However, once you enter the gate, the dungeon doesn't truly begin unless the gate is locked. That also means the boss doesn't appear and the time limit doesn't start which allows for recon and scouting to be done.}

Pandora nodded her head then looked ahead, seeing a Bronze Gate in the distance with one star in the middle of it. "Is that the dungeon we are to enter?"

"Yep, that's our—" Hime began then grunted as I pulled her back, allowing her to evade a gunshot.

I heard a familiar laugh and looked around for the person that fired the bullet. Looking up, I noticed Estelle floating down on her broomgun with her usual wicked smile. "You again.."

Estelle chuckled softly and winked at me. "If it isn't the little runt. Fancy meeting you here, at a Dungeon Gate. Sorry, but this gate has been claimed by the Blue Falcons. Our scouts are inside doing recon."

"Find another gate! I am not missing this chance to explore a dungeon with my guild!" Hime said, her tone demanding and stern.

Estelle cackled and shook her head. "Well, well...Princess von Auger. Fancy seeing you here as well, but I'm sorry to tell you again... we already claimed this gate! If you want it so badly, take it. But I will have to warn you, you won't get very far."

Hime frowned at Estelle's disobedience and crossed her arms defiantly. "I'm not leaving here until you hand over the gate! I am your Princess! You should do whatever I say when I command it!"

"Oh, Princess. I'm sorry, but I don't take orders from spoiled brats. Like I said, you're gonna have to take it from us if you really want it that badly," Estelle said, using her broomgun to push Hime into me.

I caught Hime and held her shoulders, shooting a glare at Estelle. I looked around to see who else was in the area and spotted Renfred and Stein. "Tch... C'mon Hime. We can find another gate. It's not worth the trouble."

"No!" Hime protested, stomping her foot down. "I want this gate and I will HAVE this gate!"

"Look at this, she's throwing a tantrum. It's always the spoiled brats who thinks the world revolves around them. Welcome to the real world, Princess. You can't have everything your way out here," Estelle chuckled softly and hovered toward her team.

Hime looked up at me and crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks. "Achilles...do something!"

'I wish I could, but Estelle and Renfred are quite literally stronger than me as Knight Ranks. I couldn't beat them even if I tried my hardest,' I thought, looking at Estelle, Renfred, and Stein.

I let go of Hime's shoulders then stepped forward. 'But Hime really wants this gate...so it is my duty to give her what she wants.'

"Hey!" I called out, catching Estelle's attention.

Estelle noticed me forming a hand gesture then laughed loudly. She got off her broomgun and grabbed it. "Are you sure you wish to do that, Cripple? Remember what happened two days ago? You barely even made it out with your life intact! We aren't on school grounds anymore. You could very well die out here!"

"Hime wants that gate, so I will get that gate for her. No questions asks.." I said, my tone serious and firm. Slowly, a pool of shadow energy formed around my feet, my Shikigami emerging from the shadows. "You will hand over that gate, or else you will know what true Mutilation looks like.."

Renfred stopped Estelle from stepping forward then walked toward me, his hand resting on the handle of his blade. "I admire your courage, Kieran...but you are making a foolish mistake. I showed you mercy back at the training exercise. I won't show mercy out here."

"Hmph! That's fine by me, Solomon. I won't be deterred because you have a somewhat dark presence. You should know my spirit can not be shattered!" I declared, getting into my stance.

[Ambition Level has increased to Level 2!]

Attack: 120 -> 130

Renfred slowly unsheathed his sword, the eyes of his helmet glowing a crimson red. "Kieran Achilles...prepare to be slain."

Pandora felt Renfred's terrifying presence, taking a step back and panting softly. Although she was the same rank as him, his presence was still enough to induce fear inside her. "K-Kieran! Please don't do this!"

I looked back at Pandora and gave her a confident smile. "Don't worry Pandora, I—"

Renfred didn't let me finish my sentence, immediately landing a powerful slash upon me and knocking me back. I grunted as I recovered then dodged his next slash, countering with a roundhouse kick. My attack landed, but it dealt no damage to him. Renfred grabbed my ankle then slammed me to the ground then stabbed his sword into my stomach and released a blast of dark energy.

[HP: 530/530 -> 401/530]

I recovered onto my feet, sliding backwards and grunting heavily. I moved my hands from my stomach, noticing blood on the palms of my hands and noticed how much my body trembled.

"You should've just left...Maybe your future outcome would be different," Renfred said as he walked toward me.

I looked up and noticed Renfred was gone, my eyes frantically scanning the area. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and turned around, my face meeting Renfred's fist. I groaned as I was blown away, but Renfred didn't give me the chance to recover, blitzing me with a barrage of slashes and strikes. My heart pounded heavily against my chest quickly, my mind racing with thoughts of what to do however my body wouldn't move.

[HP: 401/530 -> 121/530]

"Skill: Surreal Darkness," He said, his tone deep and ominous.

He slashed his sword, his attack landing and forming a pillar of darkness around my body. Hime and Pandora's eyes widened at the sight, their bodies trembling with fear they couldn't even process.

"Kieran!" Hime yelled, her voice echoing across the area.

Estelle laughed softly as she watched, crossing her arms and letting out a satisfied sigh. "Now do you understand, Princess? This world doesn't care about the weak and your leader...is WEAK! It's a shame his run was cut short..~ Maybe in the next life he would learn his place."

Renfred began to walk off and sheathed his sword. Suddenly, he felt a surge of iridescent energy and stopped in his tracks. He looked back and noticed me standing up. "What..?"

[HP: 1/530]

[Golden Survival Activated!]

"You...haven't defeated me yet...so don't you dare walk away from me like you've won!" I bellowed, performing a hand gesture. "Grand World!"

[Grand World Activated!]

Renfred grunted and jumped backwards, feeling shivers down his spine. 'What is that power..?!'

"How are you still standing?! You aren't using Thetis's Gift, so what is this power?!" Renfred asked, demanding an answer.

"This is what makes Achilles the strongest Hero! Golden Survival!" I bellowed, iridescent lightning crackling around my body. "Don't you ever underestimate me again!"

Renfred grunted as he guarded himself from my surging energy, his body slowly being pushed backwards from the sheer force of my energy. 'This guy's energy is insane..! There's no way his System is Gold Rarity!'

I dashed toward Renfred at high speeds and landed a kick toward his chest, bellowing and surrounding my body with Esoteric Light Energy. I launched him away then summoned my Azure Orb, manipulating the attractive force between us, pulling Renfred toward me.

"Esoteric Light Technique: Heavenly Impact!" I bellowed, surrounding my arm with Heavenly Energy then struck Renfred's head, cracking his helmet upon impact.

[Renfred's HP: 975/975 -> 843/975]

Renfred groaned as he was launched backwards then recovered on one knee, sliding backwards. He managed to stop himself then looked up at me, seeing the iridescent glow in my eyes and noticed my HP and MP slowly recovering.

He stood up slowly, his gaze unwavering. 'How is he this strong..? A Pawn Rank shouldn't be able to even scratch a Knight Rank regardless of Level..'

"Esoteric Light Technique: Transcendent Sky!" I bellowed, raising my hand to the sky.

Renfred let out a surprised grunt, looking up in the air then groaned when a pulse of wind struck him and blew him away. 'A...feint attack..?'

[Critical Hit!]

[Renfred's HP: 843/975 -> 612/975]

"Just because I call out a skill...doesn't mean it will happen," I said, my tone cold and steady.

Renfred crashed into an abandoned building, letting out a soft groan. Estelle and Stein both looked surprised, their gazes turning toward me.

'That burst of power...was just from his Spirit alone. His emotions fueled that power. He knows the art of harnessing that anger within and turning it into power,' Stein thought, noticing the gate opening and watched as Ulric, Benedict, and Bothild walked out.

"I don't know what you're complaining about, it felt really nice in there!" Benedict laughed, stretching his arms.

"That's because you're a Fire User! The dungeon was literally called the Cave of—" Bothild began then felt power energies and whipped her head toward me. Her eyes widened and she quickly hid behind Benedict. "Wh-Whoa...he looks pissed.."

Ulric scanned the scene then noticed Renfred coming out of the hole of the abandoned building. 'No way he managed to deal damage to Renfred...'

I walked toward the gate and placed my hand upon it. "If you wish to have this gate...then you must take it from us just I have from you. But be warned...I won't hold back..."

Hime watched the scene unfold before hurrying toward me, a mischievous smile on her face. "Ohohoho! My bodyguard seems to have been hiding more power than he let on! There's a reason why the von Auger favored Achilles in the past!"

Pandora hurried to join us, her expression tense. "Let's just go inside. There's no need to provoke them any further."

The three of us quickly entered the gate and clocked the door behind us, a timer appearing at the front of the gate. The Blue Falcons were left looking dumbfounded, my sudden power up leaving them lost for words.

'The von Auger favors The Achilles Family..? Bullshit! The Belmonts have ruled besides the von Auger for generations ever since Achilles died. He's the only Hero of the Big Three who is dead while Hercules and Diomedes are still alive! That Princess...she really gets on my nerves now,' Stein thought, walking away with a soft growl.

Bothild watched as Estelle and Renfred followed him, blinking in confusion. "What...just happened?"

"I have no idea...but for once, this issue isn't our fault.." Benedict said, looking at Bothild and Ulric.

"Hmm... Let's just follow them before they yell at us for falling behind," Ulric said, hurrying behind Stein and the others.

Bothild and Benedict followed suit, wondering what happened that lead to the fight between me and Renfred.


Hidden deep within the bowels of Esoria's ground, the Cave of Flames lies in ominous silence, waiting to ensnare those foolish enough to venture into its fiery embrace without a plan. A foreboding entrance beckoned the brave, its jagged mouth carved into the cold, unforgiving stone, offering a glimpse into the darkness that lies beyond.

As we stepped into the belly of the dungeon, a wave of oppressive heat engulfed us, emanating from the molten rivers that wind their way through the cavernous expanse. The air is thick with the acrid scent of sulfur, an ever-present reminder of the fiery forces that dwelled within.

Hime whined greatly and fanned herself, trying to cool herself down. "By the Gods, it's so freaking hot in here! I know this is the Cave of Flames but come on!"

"I agree...this heat is unforgiving. My clothes are getting drenched in sweat..." Pandora sighed, using her talismans to fan herself and cool down as much as possible.

The walls of the Cave of Flames were rugged and uneven, etched with ancient symbols and scorch marks from long-forgotten battles. Glimmers of red and orange danced in the darkness, reflections of the ever-burning flames that flicker from small crevices and hidden alcoves, casting eerie shadows along the rocky terrain.

As we explored through the unforgiving heat of the dungeon, Hime and Pandora used me as support to keep pushing forward. The heat really began to drain their stamina and I tried to find a place for them to rest and recover their stamina. Soon, my eyes found a spring of cool water within the cave and I brought them there.

Hime and Pandora sat down on the large cool stones and let out a soft sigh as their bodies began to cool off. I sat in the middle and let out a soft sigh.

Hime looked at me then gently placed a hand on my leg. "Even though we've only known each other for a few hours, the fact you chose to fight for me back there... it was something that really made me happy."

[Team Heart to Heart Mode Activated.]

[Hime's Bond: 0%]

[Hime's Attraction Meter: 10%]

[Pandora's Bond: 0%]

[Pandora's Attraction Meter: 10%]

[Status: Acquaintances]

"You're welcome, Hime. It was more than just about the gate thought. The way they disrespected you and how Estelle talked about you...it wasn't right. Even though they were stronger than me, I couldn't sit aside and let their disrespect go unnoticed," I said, my gaze meeting Hime's.

Hime gave me a soft smile then looked at the few cuts on my face and my ruined clothing. "I'm sorry for making you do that...I know we could've found a new gate. You got that hurt because of my stubbornness.."

I smiled at her, shaking my head. "It was my ultimate choice to fight for you, Princess. It was within my own volition and honor to fight at your side. To be your Golden Sword."

[Hime's Attraction Meter rose to 20%]

[Bond with Hime rose to 10%]

A soft blush settled on Hime's cheeks then she looked away, fiddling with her dress a bit. "D-Don't just say things like that..."

I chuckled softly at her response then looked to Pandora, locking eyes with her. "So what's your story? Why were you at Homiheim's Guild Hall?"

"Well...it's because of my mother. She's fallen ill with a sickness and the medicine she needs costs a lot of money, money I don't have. She's all I have after my brother betrayed us," Pandora answered softly, looking down at the ground.

"My brother is...Renfred. We aren't blood related...as he's my half brother. He doesn't see me or mom as worthy enough to help out...so I had to do what I can to make ends meet..." Pandora said, her tone softening even more with emotion.

I placed a sympathetic hand upon her shoulder. "I'm sorry about that, Pandora...I wish there was some way I could help you out."

Pandora shook her head and wiped her eyes. She looked at me with a smile, her eyes shimmering from her wiped tears. "No, it's okay. You're already helping me a lot by having me with you in this guild. This is more than enough honestly and I appreciate it a lot.."

[Pandora's Attraction Meter rose to 15%]

[Bond with Pandora rose to 10%]

Hime looked at Pandora, giving her a soft smile. "If it makes you feel better, the von Auger Family never really liked the Solomon Family dues to them being associated with Asmodeus. They betrayed us too just to take th Throne of Powers and rule over Esoria for a time during the Faiths Era."

"Yeah I know...I guess I should've expected it," Pandora said, her spirits lifted from her shared experience with Hime.

[Hime's & Pandora's Bond increased!]

[Status Increase! Acquaintances -> Friends.]

After our heart to heart, Hime and Pandora felt refreshed from the heat and was ready to take on the Dungeon ahead. Pandora took a few bottles of the spring water, just in case she or Hime overheat again.