
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · Livres et littérature
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104 Chs

Side Story - An Interesting Teacher

My name is Saotome Haruna 14 y/o single. Student off Mahora Academy Girls school. Class 1 a. My dream is to became a great mangaka or that what i hope.

???: Ne ne Haruna did you hear? Takahata-sensei are suddenly go to overseas last night.

The one that said is one off my best friend Nodoka.

Haruna: So that's why Asuna really quiet today.

Nodoka: What do you mean by that?

Haruna: Nothing.

This girl is so pure, that was really cute. After the bell chimed in i can heard two people talking in the corridor.m, and they are stopped at our class door.

???: Are you ready?

???: Shizuna, This is aren't punishment game right?

???: Nope, so prepare yourself.

From what i heard on of the two are our school nurse Shizuna-sensei and unknown man. But from their interaction it was really intimate. After few minutes passed, i can saw a handsome man are looking at us with a weird smile. Don't tell me he was targeting the maiden in this class? Shizuna-sensei than said

Shizuna: Because of Takahata-Sensei got urgent bussiness, untill he came back this one here will replacing him as this class homeroom teacher.

Girls: EH!!!!

Shizuna: You girls be carefull because he is a bad wolf.

So what i feel indeed true, he was targeting one off us.

???: Shizuna... Why you are destroying my entrance with that remark... I still had a pride as teacher you know...

Shizuna: I knew, but your pride as father already smitten into dust.

???: Ugh...

Why Shizuna-sensei became angry? Pride as father? Don't tell me their relationship is beyond tearcher collegue.

At the time i'm looking around i saw Asakura are blushing? Why?

Akira: Let's just ignore Shizuna-sensei weird remark. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ryousuke Akira and as you heard, untill Takahata-sensei back i'll be responsible as this Huge Kindergarden Homeroom teacher.

Hearing his last remark making me slipped down my chair.. When i looked around me i saw Hasegawa, Konoka, Yue even Sakurazaki? are Slipped too. While others only had an empty look.

After he said that Shizuna-sensei are chiding him.

Shizuna: Ryou-sensei. It really bad impression you gave out there.

He only shrug his shoulder. Are you really fine with that sensei??

Akira: Shizuna-sensei these happy go lucky bunch live it really interesting you know? Now then, You girls let me ask onething. If what you saw, hear, feel only a fake. what will you do?

Ugh i can't deny that statement. When i'm thinking someting what to do there a girl ask.

Chao: Sensei. Do you mean there is something hidden in the world? Like the true world nature?

Why i feel there's something really impirtant in between her word.

Akira: Chao, never said that in front other teacher or you'll be put in into special detention place.

Chao: Ups...

What is this? I can feel they are hiding something from us. I then try asking something that are normal.

Haruna: Sensei are there really a ghost, monster and Alien?

Akira: There it is. In fact those are included in this class.

Hearing what Sensei said, Chao, Sakurazaki, Tatsumiya, Evangeline even the expressionless Zazie are sweating bullet. Really?

Akira: Do you want a prove?

Everyone except those five are nod, but before he trying to say something, Sakurazaki are putting a sword? in his neck. While Tatsumiya are pointing her gun? Those thing are real?

Akira: Setsuna, Mana do you want to be expelled? Even a temporary i'm still a teacher and the price for assaulting a techer is to be expelled.

Mana: Sorry Sensei, but what you'll do is a dangerous thing.

Setsuna: Yeah, There's alot of something better hidden.

???: Se-chan....

Akira: Even with a price sacrificing something really important to you?

The two are stopping their action hearing that. What the hell he saying? Sacrificing something important to us?

Akira: Space lock, Time Alter.

He then saying something in small voice.

Akira: I'm already separate this place with outside world. So let me show all off you something interesting..

He then showing something in fro t off us. But everyone are only can show a blank look toward him including me. There a few girls that became empty shell because it was too embarassing for us.

After that movie end we unconciously looking toward Asuna and ran hugging her, while she only gave a blank look.

Mana: This is..

Akira: The truth. So because i'm here we can try to evading that. Right? Chao, Hakase?

Chao: Aah sure my master.

All: Eh!!!

I don't know from when but he was Caressing Asuna hair while she been hugged by us.

Akira: Don't worry we can alter the tragedy. With all off you know about magic it will be really helpfull and actually we already had few that know about magic.. Right?

He then looked toward Evangeline.

Eva: What a boring farce

Akira: Don't said like that grandma.

Eva: If i'm a grandma, you are Father of this grandma....

All: Eh??

Eva: Don't get fooled by his appearance, He already lived more than 1000 years.

Setsuna: Evangeline-san what do you mean by that?.

Eva: He is the one that feared by many. Founder of magic, King of the hell. Undying mage.

Mana: The mage of the beginning.

Akira: So you knew? Since When?

Eva: I already heard everything. You still feign ignorance huh? it's fine.

Akira: Asuna, all of your memory is sealed by that idiot. I'll give you few choice. 1st i'll unseal your memory and we'll go with Chao plan to make the world know about magic or You still want to sacrifice yourself to those ungratefull fellow.

Asuna: I.....

Akira: If you choose the second choice, you will lose all off your connection with your friends. think about it clearly...

I know what he said is really important but i can't help her. He then go toward Evangrline and giving her something.

Akira: Accept this. Your Curse will be alleviated.

Curse? Evangeline are Cursed? From her back there a 3 pair of beautifull wing sprouted, pale blue, scarlet red, deep black. After she opened her eyes she then point her delicate hand toward sensei.

Eva: Lic Lac Lac Lilac, O frozen spirit gather on my hand and strike thy enemy, Ice bullet.

Akira: Magic Cancel.

Eva: Eh?...

Akira: What are you thinking? Do you want to hurt my cute student?

As i though he was targeting one off us.

Eva: You? You are lying to me!!!

Akira: Ahahahahhaha

I don't know why but those two act really calm my mind but.

Shizuna: How long you will do this?

Setsuna: Wait? Since when?

Shizuna: Since from the start.

Mana: Shizuna-sensei?

Eh? The one got attacked is Shizuna-sensei

Shizuna: master.. I'll punish you later.

Chisame: I knew this is unscientific but why you are doing all off this.

Akira: For your better live. or you rather really want to with that brat? Chiu....

Chisame: Don't call me that.

Chizuru: But to think Chisame-chan are cosplayer..

Chisame: Chizuru.....

Akira: Right we can't judge others hobby. Right? Shotacon..

He then smiling toward Ayaka and she only can buried her face onto desk.

Haruna: Sensei, are they really real?

Akira: Yeah. Half of you will became like Ayaka. A shotacon. I think it's enough for now.. but before that, Asuna please think it throughly. I knew you are one off the baka ranger but i think you know which more important. Konoka can you support her?

Konoka only can nod, i then unseal the magic and before i go.

Akira: Girls i hope you won't say anything about what i said and Chiu, Yue, Nodoka, Chao, Hakase, Eva, Kazumi, Konoka and Asuna. Meet me after school.

He was targeting them? I'll follow them off course

Last chapter off the year.

2020 resolution.

I hope i can at least update once a week.

For dxd fanfic i'll try to post the one i still edited before midnight. If the weather became better..

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