
2nd Stage

finally we are here in the second stage.


hay everyone look my face is now normal.

yes I can see bill.

hay Sam.


Are you from set Lawrence High School.

yeah but how did you know that?

Maybe you can say I actually see you in that school.

that means you are from that school too.


o.. ok then

Hay everyone let's start walking ok l.

ok bill. Let go then.......

it's look too foggy around here.I can't see anything.

by the way where are we going?

I don't know.

what? do you know that where is the boss of the stage?


what are you kidding me.

relax bill. don't worry we will find the boss.

ha.. ok then.

ha? Hey Sam look. I think there is some men, right there.

what? really? he maybe help us to find the boss of this stage.

so why don't we go to him.

ok let's go.

Hay hay you their stop.

what is this? It is not a person it's a monster.

everyone Run!..

ha..ha..ha.. finally we actually lost him.

what was that sam.

I don't know maybe it is the one of the drones of this stage.

what drones?

yes. when I was in the library of that first stage I read a book. in that book I read that every stage have a drone.

what? what is a drone?

A drawing is one of the Minions for the boss.

so when we are in first stage why don't we see a drone?

because the desert is the drone.


yes that's why desert eat spiritual energy. Every Drone have a hunger for humans spiritual energy.

so that's why that Monster try to change and eat us.

yes but in that case we have no human body. our spiritual energy is create a body that show how do we look in the human world.

so what should we do now Sam?

maybe try to be careful and don't try to contact with that drone. and one more thing that Drone actually look stronger than Hell Scorpion.

what? are you serious?

yes. so be careful. Ok then where is the go and try to be alert.

Ok Sam......

by the way Sam do you try to find something.

yeah you are right bill I am try to find something in here.

so what is it then?

it's library.

what. you means like the first stage library.

yes when I was in the first stage's library thair is a book is written that every stage have their own library. every library contain the secret of that stage. if I just go and get the library then I may find the boss.

ok then.why don't we separate?

no that was to receive email lost in that foggy place if we separate so it for the good too to be together and find the library. and there is no time limit after all just we need to to be alert from that drone ok .

ok. Sam.